Is anyone familiar with them? I don't have any, but I did purchase some for a niece and she is addicted. I want to get some of course. If you don't know what I'm talking about I do have some bigger balls (no pun intended) that are rare earth magnets and they are very addicting.
Long story short, as you play with them you realize they are spherical but do seem to carry a north and south pole like the earth so they do attract and repel depending on how they are aligned. It can make forms and then it seems to will automatically realign to fit certain forms.
But as I play with them at my desk at work, making their clacking noise and driving my co-workers crazy I created a ROW of them 2 x 10. I realize that some of them are reluctant to stick together but if forced they will.
If I collapse the 4 or so that are separated to get everything back in line this is what happens.
So as I collapse it, the effect is that elsewhere further down the chain it will move outward. If I collapse them at both sides they will stay.
I'm sure there is an explanation for it. But to me, this sort of demonstrates the whole "Spooky action at a distance" thing.
I physically did not touch the balls on the other end of the chain but by collapsing # 3 and 4, even slowly the # 7 and 8 will move inward and outward via magnetic field. I know if I were to make a very very large chain the effect would not be the same because of the strength of the magnetic field.
But what if we were using energies that were vastly more powerful than a small magnetic field? So what you are seeing inherent in nature is that even though we take action in one particular area, there can be an effect somewhere else distant to the point of action.
Maybe these particles popping in and out of reality are not as "random" as we thought and are part of the effect of other actions as much further distances or dimensions. Could it be like the 2 beings seeing the sphere passing through its plane of existence?
Just an idea I'm toying with. Its been 25 years or so since I've had a physics class so I try to try and grasp the simplest possible solutions. They always tend to be correct.