The Universe Solved


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Just a few thoughts Options
Posted: Thursday, March 7, 2013 2:46:43 PM

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I just finished reading the book, which took me only two days and I like to thank Jim, as it was really a great read. Though, I can not say that I agree with the conclusions at the end of the book, and in fact, this is the reason for this post.

Probably, most of us came for the first time across the idea that we were living in a simulated reality through Plato’s Parable of the Cave.
From the parable, one may get an impression that there was a real reality outside of this simulated one, where we were trapped?! Hologram in a hologram or a hologram in a real reality or a matrix in the matrix…?!

The caveman would probably survive after his return to the cave if he only applied the “external consideration” (a term from the 4th Way teaching) or what Castaneda called “controlled madness”. Of course, it does not mean you have to make a fool from yourself, it simply means that after you find out the truth, you have to behave as everybody else does, otherwise, you will be dead i.e. deleted from the game.

The cave could have been a virtual farm, perhaps, where something is real and something not? Charles Fort implied long ago what could be our role there. Certainly, not the farmers.

The central point of Eastern Gnosis is development of discernment in order to be able to distinguish real from false. And a human being was regarded there as a machine, however, with some potential to become a real human being. In Eastern Gnosis it was assumed that beside the physical body with its lower centres (motoric, intellectual and emotional) a human being has higher centres (which belong to his soul), as well. Once he manages to connect his lower centres with higher ones, he becomes free. Until then he is governed by the General Law which is of a mechanical nature. So, there were some interesting parallels between Gnosis and the simulated reality?!

I am personally not much into the maths, physics and IT, and I have never played a computer game, except the chess. Beside the odd feeling that something was wrong with this reality, when I got caught in the war in former Yugoslavia where I lived, I realised for the first time that the game may not be funny and not humane at all; and as such, it can not be from our own making. There is too much pain and suffering. After I managed to leave the area, with a feeling that there was much more involved there, than I was able to perceive, I started to research human manipulation…

It did not pass long when I came across W. Bramley’s book the Gods of Eden, where, on the ground of his research, he implied the possibility that there was a third side behind all human conflicts throughout our history. When one does a research of our history, one can see that it looks like a history of a slaughterhouse. So, the third side, we may call aliens, archons or whatever…

Now, when it comes to further research of alien interference, that is where it becomes complicated. As the reality has been manipulated by them, so we are, including the truthseekers and alien researchers, as well. Short and good, when a controlled researcher, researches the reality and entities who are controlling him, he will end up with already predetermined conclusions. Pretty logical. Of course, after numerous synchronicities they encounter on their way to the “truth”, many of them would feel that they were somehow lead by a divine hand. So, what first becomes evident, those researchers coming to the conclusions that aliens do not exist, or they exist but far from here, or they exist and provide us with a help in our spiritual evolution, or they exist but they do not interfere, fared much better than those who somehow managed to get away from the control in an extent to which they were able to. The works of former you could find published everywhere and they become even bestsellers, while the work of the latter was pretty much suppressed. Very few people even heard about them. No wonder in a controlled environment.

So, it seems that some area of the “simulation” were restricted!? Why? I will come to that later, because I was particularly interested in the forbidden areas of the game. Anyway, what is the purpose of the game if we are not supposed to know the rules and what the game is about?

John Keel is one of the investigators of paranormal phenomena who arrived from that angle to the idea of AI running the show. (He is the author of several books, including The Mothman Prophecies, according to which was made the movie, as well. Though, not as good as the book is.) Here are some excerpts from his book The Eighth Tower, published in 1976:

“You and I are biochemical robots controlled by the powerful radiations being broadcast from the Eighth Tower [supercomputer]. Our brains are programmed like computers, and many of us are suddenly and completely reprogrammed at some point in our adult life. At birth our entire lives are planned for us, and as we weave and totter through our allotted three score and ten, we find ourselves manipulated by 'luck’, by strange coincidences, and by sudden changes in ourselves and our environment.(…)

Visualize a mad scientist who needs someone to clean out his secret laboratory in his castle on a forbidding mountaintop.
He constructs a mechanical robot for the job and programs it so it can move freely within the lab, but if it should open the door and try to move out of the laboratory, it is programmed to self-destruct.

The robot calls it slavery. We call it free will. We are free to pursue our life in our own way so long as we conform to the hidden master plan. If we try to circumvent that plan by zigging instead of zagging, we self-destruct.”

(…)“We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use us in any way they see fit. They have been doing it to us forever. We are caught up in a poker game being played with marked cards. Yet, in the closing years of this century, we are like the inveterate gambler who, when informed that the game is crooked, shrugs and says, ”I know... but it's the only game in town!”

So, pretty close, is not it?! Years ago, I have got a headache after reading it, because I had a feeling that eventually, I will have to ponder this AI issue seriously. Though, I was not ready then.

Recently, a guy from Australia, George Kavassilas published a book, Our Universal Journey where on the grounds of his observation during “astral projections”, he implied that AI was stationed at several places (Orion, Saturn, Moon and some bases on Earth) which was connected to our pineal glands (which act as “implants”) and chakras, and controlling us through them, i.e. our perception of the reality, our thoughts, behaviour etc. I would not be surprised if it was so.

Applying the principle, “as above, so below”, one can see that our facilities for food production have been heavily computerised. AI of our own making is monitoring food processing. Furthermore, we have some programmes too, like HACCP, which are designated for the quality control of our food. Why a more sophisticated species would not have the same in accordance with their technological level?! Of, course, to proceed further, we have to take into account the possibility that we may not be on the top of the food chain. And, maybe, that it is why the the simulated farm, I mean, the reality, because, if it was not, then we would have become aware of our role in the game and try to stop it, or at least, to get out. Possible, but not easy, which we will see later.

Somehow, they were some researches of UFO and paranormal phenomena who managed to retain some individuality and they were less prone to the manipulation of the game programmers. How they managed that, I do not know?! However, they do not last long. Unfortunately, Jim’s graph of random life patterns does not apply when you venture into the forbidden areas of the simulation. You will see your graph going between the pain and a great pain (with associated moods).

Here, I will mention just a few researchers who have made a breakthrough. Barbara Bartholic was the first one to discover that aliens tend to upload so called “screen memories” (false virtual reality scenarios) into human beings, sometimes in layers, like an onion. She was able under hypnotic regressions to penetrate the false scenarios and come to the bottom story about the nature of alien interaction with humanity. So, it should be no wonder why she used to say that – we were in a big Nintendo game; and beside that:

We are confronted and confounded by an intelligence that has the ability to:

- vacuum a car and its occupants right off the roadway and go unnoticed by all;
- enter human minds or habitats day or night;
- interfere with babies still in the womb;
- abduct young children right from their beds or playgrounds undetected;
- change the dynamics of relationships and love affairs;
- cause disease;
- create mental problems and drug addiction;
- create wars and mutate generations…

… Humans are hunks of sedated flesh on an examining table; alien property to do with what they will while we are under their control.


Sounds that we were not equal participants in the game?!

And I say, “she used to say”, because she is one of those who were “deleted” from the simulation. She just did not behave as she maybe was supposed to.

Dr Karla Turner discovered long ago that aliens were imposing virtual reality scenarios on people. She was first to describe the soul transfer procedure carried out by aliens.

It seems that in the meanwhile a group of Italian investigators lead by Dr Corrado Malanga have made another breakthrough with a potential to change the rules of the simulation game, and maybe the outcome?! The good news is, we do not have to be victims or somebody else’s characters. We van play the game consciously if we want to. The holographic reality created inside somebody’s mind as a mental simulation, proved to be not less valid than the external simulation. It seems to be simple?! Though, some pre-requisites are required to play the game consciously (of course, we are not fully conscious now). Their investigation which lasted more than 40 years has revealed that many humans (up to 50%?) do have the soul, that the soul was eternal (no time axis) and that she has plenty of energy. Big surprise?! However, there is a problem there. At most of us the soul stopped its development at age of ~ 4.

[This goes along with what Russian esotericist Gurdjijeff said ~80 years ago in the sense that souls at most of the people stop its growth at age of 4 years, when the personality takes over… and that we would run away in terror if we knew how many “living deads” (souless people) were ruling our lives. The whole system of life on this planet has been designed to the advantage of “living deads”.]

Another problem was that the components of a “normal” human being (Mind, Spirit and Soul) were more or less disconnected from each other. One may say, each component has its own consciousness and lived its own life inside the human body. (Therefore, many of us live in a state of cognitive dissonance.) So, exactly as it was said in Eastern Gnosis. The human being with divided components is an easy prey. (Therefore: “Divide and rule”.)
The research implied the name of the (simulation) game, as well!

The Battle for the Soul!

In a controlled reality, it would be hard to expect a book which reveals the essence of the game we are in. Our attention was meant to be drawn everywhere else. It came out that the aliens do not have the soul component. Many humans do not have it either (especially our psychopaths, many of whom we can find in our governments, military, banking industry, priesthood etc...) So, they use us to extract the soul energy from us, to copy us and use the copies for various purposes. (Think of the copies like “xerox-ed” humans without the soul component and with uploaded memory.) Furthermore, they use us as “live tombs”, to store in us their “deads”, which means Mind and Spirit component of an alien being who lost his physical body. So, they would be waiting in our brains till a new alien body was available for them (it can take several our lifetimes for that). They are using us for genetic engineering of alien bodies which should have a proper resonance or a frequency to bind a soul, which they intend to trap inside, so to have an eternal life; they are implanting us with various devices… etc. Anyway, those who are interested in solving the game, at least, if not the universe, can find the English transcript of a Dr Malanga’s lecture Updates on Alien Interferences – HERE.

Inside the environment of inner virtual reality simulations or visualisations, it came out that aliens were not “bullet-proof” and that a human soul can be a pretty efficient shooter, when playing the simulation together with the Spirit and the Mind component!? So, the game might change?! (Google: Corrado Malanga, flash mental simulation, SIMBAD, TCT)


There is something which some psychologists call the affective bridge. I remember reading Courtney Brown’s book Cosmic Voyage based on his observations during remote viewing sessions. He perceived pretty well how aliens implant us, how they use us as their vehicles and proxy servers. However, he concluded that it was for our own good?! So, they were helping us in our spiritual evolution!? Fair enough! It left me with a feeling as if I just swallowed a piece of rock. The same feeling of having a rock in my stomach I have got when I came to Jim’s “best guess” at the end of his book Universe Solved.

Jim: As already mentioned, we are probably not under the control of evil ETs. Anyone advanced enough to generate a full blown reality program would probably also be advanced enough to have respect for entities that is cultivating.

Well, I think that the respect they have for us would be similar like the respect we have for sheep.

Jim: …it is highly unlikely that we will not remain separate from machines for long and will ultimately merge with AI.

Yes, but who are We here? It would be true for the souless part of humanity, as for them this would be the only way to proceed, however, a souled person when matched with machinery, would lose his soul. The souls do not go well along with artificial bodies. A (human) physical body must be in a resonance with a soul in order to have one and to retain one. So, the transhumanism does not apply to every human being. Souled humans have their right to play the game how they want to play and this is what we are going to do. It seems that there are some ways to integrate the consciousness of our Soul, the consciousness of our Spirit and the Consciousness of our Mind into one consciousness. Once we do that, then we will be able to solve the game really and the Universe we are in.

At the end, the time does not exist, but the problem is, we do not have much time left for waking up.

Posted: Saturday, March 9, 2013 9:04:04 AM

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Great debut post, Boris! Really enjoyed reading through this. Plenty of links and other information so it's gonna take me a while to digest it all. Lots of names you mention too that I'm gonna research. Thanks.

BTW, welcome to the forum
Posted: Sunday, March 10, 2013 3:14:56 AM

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Thanks EKUMA1981!

In my first post I have mentioned that there was some correlation between Eastern Gnosis and the concept that we were living in a simulated reality. In fact, the 4th Way teaching (as represented by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky) is pretty much the same teaching as Eastern Orthodoxy, as expressed by
Boris Mouravieff in his books Gnosis I, II, and III. The teaching itself was originally called as “The fragments of an unknown teaching”, implying that it was not complete.

Boris Mouravieff did his best to plug the holes (he added a bit of biblical gloss, too) and he adapted the teaching for an individual work (as opposed to Gurdjieff’s group work.) Anyway, if the teaching is not taken on “the reality solved” basis and if one manages to delineate Boris’s input from the original content, it could be a valuable contribution for understanding reality.

What folows is an excerpt from "Gnosis – Study and Commentaries on the Eastern Orthodoxy"; Book One; pages 232 and 233; (we have to consider that these books were first published in French language in 1961):

The life of man is film. It is certainly difficult for our Cartesian minds to grasp this concept.
Our three-dimensional minds are badly adapted to ideas and facts which touch on the domain of the eternal.

Incomprehensible as it may seem, our life is truly a film produced in
accordance with a script. This film goes on continuously, without stopping,
in such a way that, at the time of his death, man is born again. What seems
absurd is that he is born in the same place, at the same date where he was
born before, and of the same parents. So the film goes on again.

Each human being, then, is born with his own particular film. This
represents the field of action in which man is called to apply his
conscious efforts. The repetition of the film is not reincarnation, although
these two notions are often confused. For the reasons we have already
mentioned, exterior man, who lives in the system of the Future-Past,
cannot embrace in a single moment the ensemble of his film, nor even
the part that contains his immediate future. To do so, he would need
to enlarge the slot of his Present. It thus happens to him that, faced with
certain events, he will feel that he has already seen or lived those events.

Some see in such phenomena the proof of so called reincarnation. In
reality, phenomena of this sort are the result of a casual and temporary
surge of fine energies in the organism: the slot of the individual Present
then enlarges for a few instants, and some significant facts of the immediate
future slip into the waking consciousness. In this way, the impression is
created of a return of another time.

In a certain way this is true, although the impression of having lived
before is only caused by mechanical unfolding of the film. By reincarnation,
we must understand a phenomenon of a very different order. Although the
theoretical film revolves integrally on the plane of possibilities, meaning in
eternity, the film of the exterior man clings to the plane of realization, that is,
of Time, but only to the extent strictly necessary to satisfy the ends of the
Ray of Creation. True reincarnation, on the other hand, occurs entirely in
time, and belongs integrally to the domain of the Real, well understood as
part of the broader frame of Manifestation. We have insisted on the fact
that the human Personality is not a reality in the proper sense of the word,
but a possibility. It plays a role in the film to which it is attached, from
which it will not disappear until the moment of the second Birth. At that
moment, it will cease to be a Personality. Because of its indestructible
union with the real 'I', it will be transfigured, and so it will become an

As long as man lives in the wilderness, self-satisfied and immersed in lies
and illusions, the film will unfold with mechanical inflexibility, and the
Personality will remain entirely unchanged. These circumstances start to
change the moment man crosses the first Threshold. This passage can be
compared to the conception of the future Individuality. The Staircase symbolizes
the period of gestation, and the crossing of the second Threshold
represents the second Birth, the birth of Individuality. During his later
development, corresponding to the notes MI and RE of the Way, the
Individuality becomes progressively integrated with the higher cosmoses.
By acquiring the gifts of the Holy Spirit appropriate to his nature, he
progressively participates in real, objective existence, which finally characterizes his being.
This is Salvation; liberation from the bonds of the film.
It is only at this point of evolution that true individual reincarnation
becomes possible. This is not mechanical; it is done consciously, generally
to accomplish a mission.

It is important to grasp clearly the difference which exists between the
film, a mixture of possibilities, and reincarnation in time, which belongs to
the domain of the Real, and to understand the meaning of this difference.
At the time of the second Birth, that is to say, by crossing the second
Threshold, man escapes his bondage to the film, and enters the domain
of redemption.

Posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:25:22 PM

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Greetings, Boris, and thanks for joining the forum. Your first post is really a great one and just the kind of challenge this forum needs and appreciates. I hope more folks weigh in than just me and EKUMA1981. I've been extremely busy and so haven't had the chance to spend the time formulating a deserving response, but I will certainly take a few minutes tonight to put some thoughts out there.

First of all, I'm glad you mentioned Plato's Cave. Not sure if you have had the chance to check out my blog on said parable: "Plato’s Cave, Flatlanders, and Us" Let me know what you think.

There is much to be said about the evil of humanity. I'm sure that I can't begin to comprehend the horrors of the war that you experienced in Yugoslavia. And I generally tread lightly where good vs. evil is concerned, because of people's personal feelings. But, as Jonas Salk said in "Anatomy of Reality", "The most fundamental phenomenon in the universe is relationship." Nothing exists except in relation to something else. Hot doesn't exist without cold. Good doesn't exist without evil. The ancient Chinese understood this - the Taoist symbol yin/yang represented complimentary forces in relationship to each other. I would submit that the "net" of any two opposites is zero. As such, I don't believe that there is a predominately evil influence behind the world and humanity.

I rather like the points of view of Thomas Campbell, Steven Kaufman, and others who argue, in effect, that existence, consciousness, and ultimately reality evolve from a digital matrix construct guided by a fundamental universal process like evolution. Random perturbations in the digital construct will be accentuated or amplified to the extent that they generate an increase in consciousness, or, alternatively, some value. They get reduced or de-emphasized to the extent that they generate a decrease in consciousness or value. Some experiments are still underway, such as the value of war to a society's overall well-being. The process has no bias - it is neither good nor evil, just evolutionary. If humanity destroys itself because of its ignorance, it will do so on a time scale that allows the experiment to run - hence, we may feel that evil is present in our world for a long time. But it doesn't necessarily mean that there is some unseen evil force behind it all.

In time, I am starting to gravitate toward the idea that there may not be a supreme intelligence that "created" the program, but rather that the program just is - a natural consequence of evolving reality and consciousness. But, honestly, I don't have a good logical reason for that belief - except that maybe it feels "balanced."

Posted: Thursday, March 14, 2013 3:20:19 AM

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Thanks Jim!

Jim: Not sure if you have had the chance to check out my blog on said parable: "Plato’s Cave, Flatlanders, and Us" Let me know what you think.

Yes, in the meanwhile, I read the article from your blog and a few more. The rest will follow later, as I find your articles very interesting. I wrote about this Parable on my blog, too, which is in Serbian/Croatian language, so no point in linking it here.

There is much to be said about the evil of humanity. I'm sure that I can't begin to comprehend the horrors of the war that you experienced in Yugoslavia…

It is hard to comprehend a war if somebody does not witness it. Nothing noble and nothing humane there. Good knights are just part of fairy tales. Brave and good soldiers we can see only in the movies. All is just programming and propaganda. In the reality, you have at least two groups of people involved in a conflict, one programmed this way, and another programmed that way, with psychopaths leading them, which results in killing, destruction and suffering. (There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding psychopathy/sociopathy, which is a topic per se. Just to say for now that more of these guys could be found on positions of power, than in mental institutions and prisons; one good article on psychopathy can be found – here)

And I generally tread lightly where good vs. evil is concerned, because of people's personal feelings. But, as Jonas Salk said in "Anatomy of Reality", "The most fundamental phenomenon in the universe is relationship." Nothing exists except in relation to something else. Hot doesn't exist without cold. Good doesn't exist without evil. The ancient Chinese understood this - the Taoist symbol yin/yang represented complimentary forces in relationship to each other. I would submit that the "net" of any two opposites is zero. As such, I don't believe that there is a predominately evil influence behind the world and humanity.

In Eastern Gnosis, it has been described a third force, which is called “neutralising force”. This force would be objective and when acting, it would take into consideration the given circumstances. Like something not based on + or -, but on a deeper understanding and a higher awareness!? A digital/binary reality, goes well along with binary thinking and false dichotomies are often involved. However, it is a question if the duality has to exist in a real reality, whatever it is?! When given two options, we would rarely think of the possible existence of a third one, which may not be so apparent at the first sight?! And, even if it does not exist, we can make it exist.

I rather like the points of view of Thomas Campbell, Steven Kaufman, and others who argue, in effect, that existence, consciousness, and ultimately reality evolve from a digital matrix construct guided by a fundamental universal process like evolution. Random perturbations in the digital construct will be accentuated or amplified to the extent that they generate an increase in consciousness, or, alternatively, some value…

…In time, I am starting to gravitate toward the idea that there may not be a supreme intelligence that "created" the program, but rather that the program just is - a natural consequence of evolving reality and consciousness…

I see Campells and Kaufman’s points as a part of the package which is supposed to be promoted along with the theory of the universe as a computer simulation, or a virtual reality. However, this does not have to be true if we were involved in somebody else’s simulation, which is a possibility I have mentioned in my first post. In such a case, what we would have, would only be a great deception and manipulation of mankind.

Here, I would add a few more thoughts on that with some examples.

I am not much familiar with the computer gaming terminology, however, if we assume that we are just “playing characters” in a simulated virtual reality or a game, what characteristics should we have then?! Would we be anything close to the “machine” as Gurdjieff expressed it in the dialogue with Ouspensky, in the book In Search of the Miraculous?! So, as the concept was expressed more than 80 years ago, when there was no computer terminology, we may just replace the “machine” with a “game character” (the same would apply to to the later J. Keel’s term “bio-chemical robot”):

”Look, all those people you see," he pointed along the street, "are simply machines—nothing more."
"I think I understand what you mean," I said. "And I have often thought how little there is in the world that can stand against this form of mechanization and choose its own path."

"This is just where you make your greatest mistake," said G. "You think there is something that chooses its own path, something that can stand against mechanization; you think that not everything is equally mechanical."

"Why, of course not!" I said. "Art, poetry, thought, are phenomena of quite a different order."

"Of exactly the same order," said G. "These activities are just as mechanical as everything else. Men are machines and nothing but mechanical actions can be expected of machines."

"Very well," I said. "But are there no people who are not machines?"

"It may be that there are," said G., "only not those people you see. And you do not know them. That is what I want you to understand."(…)

(…)The law for man is existence in the circle of mechanical influences, the state of 'man-machine.' The way of the development of hidden possibilities is a way against nature, against God.(…)

(…)"'What do you expect?" said G. "People are machines. Machines have to be blind and unconscious, they cannot be otherwise, and all their actions have to correspond to their nature. Everything happens. No one does anything. 'Progress' and 'civilization,' in the real meaning of these words, can appear only as the result of conscious efforts. They cannot appear as the result of unconscious mechanical actions. And what conscious effort can there be in machines? And if one machine is unconscious, then a hundred machines are unconscious, and so are a thousand machines, or a hundred thousand, or a million. And the unconscious activity of a million machines must necessarily result in destruction and extermination. It is precisely in unconscious involuntary manifestations that all evil lies. You do not yet understand and cannot imagine all the results of this evil. But the time will come when you will understand."

…”machines governed by external influences” (terminology from 100 years ago)…. “remotely controlled bio-chemical robots” (terminology from 50 years ago)… “game playing characters” (contemporary terminology)?!? If we leave our egos in a closet while contemplating this, we may see a lot of truth there. In fact, what would be real in a virtual reality? Our ego which goes together with a (programmed or “SIMS-ed”) personality, certainly not? Could we have anything here what could be regarded as true or real? Or, do we have anything inside us which could be regarded as a commodity or a resource by some other species?! In this way, they would place us into an environment where they can utilize us safely, which would be below our perception.

Or, would they “lobotomize” us like Jack Nicholson in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, so that we could be appropriately adjusted to the madhouse environment (which would be reflected too, in our manipulated DNA)
We are in a situation where the general simulation programming prevents scientists to venture into research of “paranormal” phenomena, because of fear of being ridiculed by their peers. Yet, by studying the ‘anomalies’ or ‘glitches’ in the simulation, as perceived and experienced by some of us, one may obtain a lot of valuable observations. On the other hand, we have paranormal investigators often ignoring scientific findings. However, if we make a synthesis of both, we may put some pieces of the puzzle together and probably make some more accurate picture. (The problem with the puzzle pieces is that many are missing and many are false, which should be expected in a controlled environment.)

So, we can see the same thing being described, from Plato’s Parable of the Cave to todays computer simulation theory, by the terminology corresponding to the given times. And, what we have today, like before, is - the same target, the same distance. The situation described, but no solution.

In today's virtual scenario reality package we can easily see that the manipulators are staying out of the picture, although they were pretty accurately described in gnostic texts (like Nag Hammadi), long ago. Nothing to see here, everything is as before, just calm down and go back to sleep. It is all about our evolution… Yeah, of course, “it is about love too!”, however, what we call love here, has a fine print underneath, which we can easily read if we pay more attention: “conditions apply”! Almost every term in this ‘artificial reality’ is distorted or turned upside down. E.g., when a humanness is in question, which would be a natural characteristic of souled humans, we would be forced to consciously rationalise bombing the guts out of human beings in some countries, under the title of “humanitarian intervention”!?

Everything, every meaning, can be turned upside down and distorted. As the process of dehumanisation is going on in this reality, so the Orwellian vocabulary has been implemented, as well, step by step, and certainly not by a chance.


And, this is where I have some objections, as the game may not be that naïve, at all. On our own level, we have the Animal Welfare where, out of ethical reasons, we would stun the animals prior to their… “use”. Well, there could be different ways of stunning and what I want to mention, is the possibility that we have been living in stunned (or tranquilized) mental state for quite a while, while being used for various purposes. Maybe, this is why Gurdjijeff used to say that (paraphrasing) - “most of people live their whole lives in in a state of sleep, while in their sleep some of them make themselves busy with science, while others may even write books”.

Going from another angle, through the research of some “anomalies” which we were probably not supposed to be aware of, like so called, alien abduction “phenomenon”, we may get an impression that there were entities which are able to press the “pause button,” turning the game together with its characters into something like a state of suspended animation, or simply to - freeze the picture, enter the game environment, make few adjustments, take some characters out, do whatever they want on them, return them back and press the start button again. And, the game goes on again… business as usual. (This dynamics has been pretty well described in the article – The Physics of Abductions, by Dr Malanga)
[What was observed, too, they can replace some playing characters by something which would be pretty close to what was mentioned on this forum as “NPCs” (the copies) for a while and nobody would notice it.

(On a few occasions, Dr Malanga has hypnotised copies not being aware at all, that those people were copies, before he subjected them to hypnosis!? And they were not consciously aware of being copies!)]

This is where so called grey aliens come into the picture. They are regarded as “cybernetic probes” (designated by their owners for the purpose of entering the cyber reality and to intervene there.)

Furthermore, in my first post, I provided the link to the interview with Barbara Bartholic, where she mentioned some “anomalous” things happening to Dr Karla Turner, before she died. Of course, it does not prove anything, but for me, it is good enough. (I would recommend for reading her book – Masquerade of Angels)
After Barbara was taken out of the game, I have received a mail from one of her friends and associates, where he described to me what happened. Here is an excerpt from that mail:

(…)Eyewitnesses told the police and local news station that their car, which was stopped at a traffic light, was"rear ended" i.e. their car was hit from behind by another car which was going over 110 miles per hour. The driver got out of the car and ran away and he was never found. The car in which Barbara and Bob were riding was projected into the air and landed upside down. All of my close friends who are also close friends with Barbara, are convinced this was an attempt to kill both Barbara and Bob. Bob was projected through the windshield and landed seventy feet away on his head and immediately went into a coma from which he never recovered. Barbara was PINNED beneath the car. I last spoke to Barbara about a month ago. She still suffers from some memory loss and headaches and of course is still in grief over losing her husband in such a dastardly way. Barbara and Bob were married for FIFTY YEARS!

One reason why Barbara believes this may be rep related is that Bob had just finished a painting (Bob was a well known and respected artist and sculptor in the Tulsa Oklahoma area) and the painting showed this faceless grey humanoid figure with strange marks on the side of its face and back of the head, and Bob's wounds were in exactly the same places! And he finished this very odd painting a thirty minutes before they went out on their car drive. And like I said, the mysterious driver somehow walked away from this terrible collision which tells me that the driver was a professional "mechanic" who may or may not have been human. There is no way of knowing.(…)

In fact, she never recovered from the injuries and she eventually died. Of course, it does not prove anything, but it is good enough for me to conclude that it was an assassination. By whom? By other game characters, or by the game players, or the game controllers? Why? Did she know too much about some aspects of the game that were not supposed to be known by other game characters, so that they can go happily with the notion: “everything is fair in the digital matrix construct and guided by a fundamental universal processes…”?

These were just two examples of the women who were real heroes in this reality and as such, they would not be known to many of other game characters and especially to the characters playing the roles of scientists. Here, we are allowed to have only - fake idols and fake heroes.
I am not going to talk here much about various ‘unconventional’ threats many truthseeker-characters have been subjected to, or about the people being used for the entertainment (and even sexual) purposes by the game players, harassments (like through so called – gangstalking phenomenon), the alien interference in human relationships (such as described by Eve Lorgen in her books the Alien Love Bite and the Dark Side of Cupid)… etc.

Just pointing to the fact that there was a pretty strong signal indicating that the game might be crooked, not of our own making, that we might been heavily manipulated and that the aliens/archons could be behind it. Is anybody going to pay attention to it, or just shrug and say ”I know... but it's the only game in town!”… or, simply ignore everything, or explain the ‘anomalies’ away…; this would not be of my concern.

It seems that the lack of the soul component, the aliens have compensated by technology, however, they may still be dependent on the soul energy?! They can not even keep a copy/clone functional without re-charging it from time to time by (our) soul energy?!

Gurdjieff used to say that souless humans can theoretically gain the soul by mimicking behaviour of souled people. In this way, they would probably acquire a required frequency which would be in resonance with the soul frequency? However, what we can see in this reality is the opposite. The game environment (or, the players?) makes (or programs) the souled people to mimic the behaviour of non-souled people in order to secure their existence and possibly advance in the social hierarchy, which is artificial as everything else is.

Furthermore, there are some indications that there may be an end stage in the game, when it is regarded as “over”. That is the stage when the game characters raise their consciousness to a sufficient level where they become aware of the game, their role in it and get the potential to take the control over the game, or at least, over themselves, and maybe to get out of it. Of course, the programmers would not like something like that, but would prefer to run the game as long as possible, because they are getting something out of it. This is what I see from inside the game (or, as a game character!?) and I think that we are now in the end stage of the game, just before the “apocalypse button” is pressed and the game is restarted... (from the stone age, the middle ages…?!)

At the end, all signs beside the road point to the fact that every human being has the responsibility to take care about himself by himself. The external saviour programme has been running for a long time in this simulation. There are no such individuals as saviours. As human beings, we are currently pushed down the road of dehumanization=transhumanization (with associated “hive mind” mentality) and discouraged of any real individualisation. This is not so hard to see. However, there is no real freedom without individualisation.

Are we there yet?

Just to provide some points of reference, here I will use again a quote from Gurdjieff:

“The humanity to which we belong, namely, the whole of historic and prehistoric humanity known to science and civilization, in reality constitutes only the outer circle of humanity, within which there are several other circles

So that we can imagine the whole of humanity, known as well as unknown to us, as consisting so to speak of several concentric circles.

The inner circle is called the ‘esoteric’; this circle consists of people who have attained the highest development possible for man, each one of whom possesses individuality in the fullest degree, that is to say, an indivisible ‘I,’ all forms of consciousness possible for man, full control over these states of consciousness, the whole of knowledge possible for man, and a free and independent will. They cannot perform actions opposed to their understanding or have an understanding which is not expressed by actions. At the same time there can be no discords among them, no differences of understanding. Therefore their activity is entirely coordinated and leads to one common aim without any kind of compulsion because it is based upon a common and identical understanding.

The next circle is called the ‘mesoteric’, that is to say, the middle. People who belong to this circle possess all the qualities possessed by the members of the esoteric circle with the sole difference that their knowledge is of a more theoretical character. This refers, of course, to knowledge of a cosmic character. They know and understand many things which have not yet found expression in their actions. They know more than they do. But their understanding is precisely as exact as, and therefore precisely identical with, the understanding of the people of the esoteric circle. Between them there can be no discord, there can be no misunderstanding. One understands in the way they all understand, and all understand in the way one understands. But as was said before, this understanding compared with the understanding of the esoteric circle is somewhat more theoretical.

The third circle is called the ‘exoteric', that is, the outer, because it is the outer circle of the inner part of humanity. The people who belong to this circle possess much of that which belongs to people of the esoteric and mesoteric circles but their cosmic knowledge is of a more philosophical character, that is to say, it is more abstract than the knowledge of the mesoteric circle. A member of the mesoteric circle calculates, a member of the exoteric circle contemplates. Their understanding may not be expressed in actions. But there cannot be differences in understanding between them. What one understands all the others understand.

In literature which acknowledges the existence of esotericism, humanity is usually divided into two circles only and the ‘exoteric circle’ as opposed to the ‘esoteric,’ is called ordinary life. In reality, as we see, the ‘exoteric circle’ is something very far from us and very high. For ordinary man this is already ‘esotericism.’

The outer circle’ is the circle of mechanical humanity to which we belong and which alone we know. The first sign of this circle is that among people who belong to it there is not and there cannot be a common understanding. Everybody understands in his own way and all differently. This circle is sometimes called the circle of the ‘confusion of tongues,’ that is, the circle in which each one speaks in his own particular language, where no one understands another and takes no trouble to be understood. In this circle mutual understanding between people is impossible excepting in rare exceptional moments or in matters having no great significance, and which are confined to the limits of the given being. If people belonging to this circle become conscious of this general lack of understanding and acquire a desire to understand and to be understood, then it means they have an unconscious tendency towards the inner circle because mutual understanding begins only in the exoteric circle and is possible only there. But the consciousness of the lack of understanding usually comes to people in an altogether different form.”

Of course, it is not scientifically proven, but it holds the water, at least for me. So, within the “outer circle” of the humanity, all what we can do for now - we can share our thoughts, observations and experiences as we go along the way, however, if one is able to see something accurately, there is no point in making somebody else seeing the same, if the other person is not able to see it by himself. The quality of somebody’s seeing and doing will be always tied closely to the level of the awareness he has managed to reach in given circumstances and whatever the final outcome, it will be the result of that.

Posted: Friday, March 15, 2013 4:09:46 PM

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Jim: Some experiments are still underway, such as the value of war to a society's overall well-being. The process has no bias - it is neither good nor evil, just evolutionary. If humanity destroys itself because of its ignorance, it will do so on a time scale that allows the experiment to run - hence, we may feel that evil is present in our world for a long time. But it doesn't necessarily mean that there is some unseen evil force behind it all.

Well, I have no doubt that they will arrive to the conclusion that wars are beneficial to humanity. I can even bet on it.

This sort of research is usually based on exclusion of some important “parameters”.

As I mentioned before, William Bramley, while investigating human conflicts throughout the history, came to the conclusion that there was a third party always involved. Archontic forces were always behind, though he called them “custodians”. So, in his book The Gods of Eden, he said:

WHEN I FIRST began researching the origins of human
warfare, certainly the furthest thing from my mind were
Unidentified Flying Objects, better known as "UFOs."

The many flying saucer magazines which once graced
the newsstands were, in my opinion, not worthy of serious
consideration.* I also did not feel that the UFO phenomenon
was terribly important even if it was evidence of an
extraterrestrial race. Solving the down-to-earth problems
of war and human suffering seemed so much more important
than arguing over whether or not "little green men from Mars" might occasionally be visiting Earth.


Intrigued by these concepts, I resolved to do a study to
determine just how important the third party factor has
been in human history. I wanted to discover what common
threads, if any, may have existed between various third
party influences in history. It was my hope that this study
would offer added insights into how and by whom history
has been made.

What resulted from this modest goal was one of the
most extraordinary odysseys I have ever taken. The trail of
investigation wove through a complex labyrinth of remarkable
facts, startling theories and everything in between.

As I dug ever deeper, a common thread did emerge. To
my chagrin, it was a thread so bizarre that on at least
two occasions I terminated my research in disgust. As I
pondered my predicament, I realized something important:
Rational minds tend to seek rational causes to explain
human problems.

As I probed deeper, however, I was compelled to face the
possibility that some human problems may be rooted in some
of the most utterly bizarre realities imaginable. Because such
realities are rarely acknowledged, let alone understood, they
are not dealt with. As a result, the problems those realities
generate are rarely resolved, and so the world seems to
stumble from one calamity to the next.

I will admit that when I began my research I had a
bias about what I was expecting to find: a human profit
motive as the common thread which links various third party
influences in mankind's violent history. What I found
instead was the UFO.

Nothing could have been more unwelcome.

So, this is probably something which the scientists researching the “value” of war to a society's overall well-being, would not take into account?!

Normal human beings are not killers by their nature and they would hesitate to kill the other people even in wars:

(…)In World War II and before, only 15 to 20 percent of soldiers fired their weapons at enemy soldiers in view, even if their own lives were endangered. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Grossman, a military historian, psychologist and teacher at West Point, builds upon the findings of Gen. S. L. A. Marshall in Men Against Fire (1978) and confirmatory evidence from Napoleonic, Civil and other wars. “Throughout history the majority of men on the battlefield would not attempt to kill the enemy, even to save their own lives.” (p. 4) This refusal is profound, surprising, and well-hidden. To Grossman this is welcome proof of our humanity. Not a pacifist, he trains soldiers to kill, but wants them to regain the inhibitions needed to function peacefully in society.

The compunction against killing occurs in close combat situations, including aerial dogfights where pilots can see each other. It does not prevail with killing at a distance by artillery or bombing from airplanes. Machine gun teams also boost the firing rate because individuals cannot simply pretend to fire or intentionally mis-aim. In aerial combat one percent of pilots made over thirty percent of kills; the majority of fighter pilots never shot down a plane, perhaps never tried to.

Grossman spent years researching the innate resistance to killing and efforts to overcome it by armies throughout history--previously a taboo topic. He tells of desensitization, operant conditioning, and psychotropic drugs that raised to 90 percent the proportion of U.S. troops who shot to kill in Vietnam. The high incidence of PTSD among our three million Vietnam veterans follows disinhibition compounded by unprecedented unit instability and rapid return home from the front. He also points to loss of support at home for the war.(…)

In the U.S. Civil War, well-trained soldiers fired over the enemy’s heads, or only pretended to fire. Of 27,000 muzzle-loading muskets recovered at Gettysburg, 90 percent were loaded, almost half with multiple loads! That could not be inadvertent. Further evidence was the low kill rate in face-to-face battles. (…)

A long section deals with psychiatric casualties. Despite the exclusion of 800,000 men on psychiatric grounds (4-F) in World War II, over half a million U.S. fighters suffered mental collapse. After two months of continuous combat, 98 percent of surviving troops suffered some psychopathology. The two percent who endured such combat with impunity appear to be “aggressive psychopaths.” (p. 50). (…)

(…)Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) reflects a failure to accept and rationalize acts of killing.

(…)About two percent of soldiers lack the killing inhibition; they score high on measures of “aggressive psychopath.”

On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society; by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman; Review by E. James Lieberman, M.D LINK

And, in accordance with: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy", when I discussed the issue about copies/clones with one of Dr Malanga's associates, she said that they probably were heavily used in the wars, as well!?

Dr Corrado Malanga: “You need to know, and I am making a very short digression now, that the abductee, when he is abducted by the aliens, they automatically build in certain machines some of copies of him; these copies are used to do some important things; the aliens need them.


In that period we realized that the alien had found another system to trick you. The copies.

I need to know that when the person is taken by the alien, they put him in a sort of machine, and next to him it appears... zzzz... a copy of him, that gets to be used in different ways. In that situation the abductee, who sees this thing and see this copy of him being created out of nothing, gets a fright! Because he has an identity crisis. “Who am I?... it is me?... or it is him?... he moves just like me!”... you know that identity crisis may lead to suicide.

Ok? So, in this case there is a serious mental destabilization,
Why do they need these copies? We found out that they need them them to perform a series of different things. And I will also tell you what these things are.

Another way in which the copy is used: performing missions as a super-soldier. That is they train the copy, using a very weird technique, and then it is possible that they send it with an explosive belt, so that it explodes somewhere. “Who cares?” You can make another one.

You need to understand that we realized this because every abductee has a memory about a dream of a war operation. As examples they performed industrial espionage, or they exploded themselves, or they run around with a machine gun so they had other things explode... Each one of them! And this is weird. Very weird. Why? Where do these dreams come from?

So, then we understood something essential. First of all the copies are used to do these kind of things, and they store these copies in some closets...
They activate it (the copy, TN) and in the moment in which they activate it, they program it through the right eye... they insert some information using the optic nerve, that communicates with the left hemisphere in the brain... but if you are left-handed they do this in the left eye...

They give you a program. They wake you up, and you are already in the battlefield... you perform your mission... you go back to the same place, they take you and they turn you off again.

The copy's memory cannot be accessed. Unfathomable. When you hypnotize a copy, and this has happened to me a couple of times... the copy answers you in a weird way. It answers, “vocal access unidentified.”
If you ask, “What's your name?” … “4521”
“Where do you live?” … “Next to 4522, in the closet.”
It answers you like that. Do you see?...
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc...

Then, if you ask, “Who gives you orders?” … “Somebody like you.”
What does that mean? It means it is a military man, not an alien. “Somebody like you.”

So, what actually happens is that when they turn on a copy, the copy is an extra Physical body-container. X+1. For all your Physical bodies-containers. The ones that you have in the past, in the present and in the future. It is just like if you were on a PC, and it appears to you the icon for a new PC in the network.

The information instead of going like, “toon toon toon toon toon toon toon toon toon toon”, like that, they go like, “toon toon toon toon toon … TACK, in the copy, toon toon toon toon toon”, so what happens is that you live, and at night, for example, you have a common knowledge about what the copy is doing. And you think you are just dreaming about it, but actually is the Soul component that is partially recalled in the copy, and when she comes back in the original, she downloads in you her knowledge about what happened. As if it was a video camera, which goes in the other room.

And that's why you have a... … a feeling that it was you, who actually did that at night.

And you don't tell them as if they were just a dream. But just like they were reality: you move your eyes to the correct side. You have a feeling of brilliant colours. You wake up in the morning feeling pain in you arms, just like if you were the one who performed the military action. - Updates on Alien Interferences

In the context of SIMBAD sessions, many abductees have perceived their copies stored somewhere on the planet, or off the planet, in some storage facilities. Some of the copies/”clones” belonged to the military, some to the aliens. Abductee's soul was used as a battery for charging his copies (on many instances more than 20 of them). However, the copies were operating on their own (as programmed by their handlers), as well. Some were perceived to be operated by reptilian entities, like they were inhabiting them and using them as 'avatars'.

Our “garden variety psychopaths” do not have necessarily to be copies, however, there are some grounds to believe that they, as individuals without conscience and with a "natural" drive to control others, may easily be used as vehicles/avatars for alien entities.

At the same time, with our current level of perception, we are not able to know who is who. Who is an alien in a human body, who is just operated by aliens and who is a normal human being? However, we can pay attention to the fruits, and by somebody’s fruits we can recognise who he is. Humanness and conscience are feelings, not intellectual terms. Normal human being feels it and acts out of it, while non-human beings, as good or bad actors, in order to maintain their mask of sanity, would only try to demonstrate it by mimicking, with a more or less success. In addition to that, if we pay attention to our intuition (which probably comes from the soul component), we will feel that such ‘game characters’ were not genuine (although our mind component may rationalise it otherwise).

Posted: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 3:37:55 AM

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Just a few thoughts on spirit-uality

If we take a closer look at what we today call “the spirituality”, we may note some interesting things, which normally go beyond our perception. However, they are visible if we pay a bit more attention.

It seems that we are today in a situation which has been described by Rudolf Steiner long ago:

When the man of today thinks merely with his intellect and faculty of reason, his thoughts are not rooted in reality at all. More and more they move about in a shadowy existence which reached its climax during the nineteenth century. And today man is altogether devoid of the sense for reality. He lives within a spiritual element, but is at the same time a materialist. His thoughts — which are spiritual but yet merely shadow-thoughts — are directed entirely to material existence.
Thus the second great process or event was that man became more spiritual. But the spiritual substance once derived from matter no longer ensouls him. His nature has become more spiritual, but with his spiritual faculties he thinks only about material existence.(…)

Much of what is spread over the world today under the name of spiritual teaching is nothing but a process of throwing sand into men's eyes (...)

Dornach; May 13, 1921

So, spiritual… but, - not ensouled?!

We should keep “not ensouled” on our minds, as it seems not be by chance.

If we go to Wikipedia for the definition of spirituality, we will see that something is missing there?! Of course, the Soul! So, one gets an impression that the spirituality does not have anything to do with the soul. In this reality, we do not have “Soul-ity”, we only have a Spirituality-without-the Soul.

Many of us noted that something was wrong with the new-age spirit-ual movement, however, more or less, all spirit-uality could be wrong. Spirit-ual teachings are the same as religious teachings. They appeal to our Mind component (“whose thoughts are not rooted in reality”) and Spirit component, to rationalise them and to follow them. What are saints in religions, so are various spiritual teachers and gurus in the spirit-ual field.
And, a normal human being , beside his physical body, has 3 (three) components! The Mind component, the Spirit component and the Soul component. We may even say, three kinds of consciousness, the Mind consciousness, the Spirit consciousness and the Soul consciousness. Not one, not two, but three. And the third one was taken out of “equation”. Why?

Because, we live in a controlled reality, and in a controlled reality, we can only have a controlled spirit-uality. So called, archontic forces which control this reality, do not have the Soul component. However, to have a full expression in this holographic or virtual reality, one has to have all components. So, as the archons have the Mind component and the Spirit component, they are pumping various versions of false spirituality into our reality through people who act as their vehicles (or proxy-servers).

The lack of the Soul component, they have compensated by development of the Mind component (intelligence/intellect) in many cases by the help of technology (AI). On our level, this is reflected by this drive, which souless humans currently have, towards transhumanism or singularity. In fact, for souless entities, this is the only way to proceed. Nothing wrong with that, if there could be a possibility that everybody goes where he wants by his own choice, however, they can not allow it. The problem is that although they do not have a soul, they still need it, so they have to use the souls from those who have it. The “soul thieves”, one may say.
So, having on mind the esoteric principle “as above, so below”, we may ask ourselves how smart thieves operate in our reality? Of course, they would distract their victim, and while bringing his attention to something else, they would sneak their hands into his pocket. So, in this reality, the spirituality-without-the soul has been used for a long time for distraction of humanity, while they are “stealing” our souls. In a way, one may say that almost each spirit-ual teaching we are aware of in this reality, has been set up as a trap.


In the Eastern Gnosis, the Soul is regarded as a Master of the body, which is expressed in the Parable of the Coach, where the coach itself represents the physical body, horses the Spirit, the coachman the Mind/personality and in the coach was supposed to be a passenger, who was regarded as its master and navigator.

So, in its normal state, the whole system is in a perfect state of operation: the coachman holds the reins firmly in his hands and drives the horses in the direction indicated by the master. However, in these times, the human being is far from the perfect state. The coachmen has fallen asleep, he is dreaming that he was the owner of the coach and so, he is unable to perceive the passenger; as he can not perceive or hear him, he steers the horses in a pretty dubious direction... or towards an abyss, one may say.

As we know, many coachmen in this reality make themselves often busy with spirit-uality, science etc..., therefore, without a connection with their souls, they are coming into a situation which Russian esotericist Gurdjieff described long ago as: “Most of people spend whole their lives in a state of sleep. In the state of the sleep, some of them may make themselves busy with science, while others may even write books.”
This means that being spiritual does not mean being awake, aware or conscious. The spiritual person/coachman is just operated by a program not much different than a religion, or any other ideology.


Now, lets go to the science. Without a definition for science, we can say straight away that the soul component was missing there, as well. The science takes even the consciousness as a “hidden parameter”, because it can not be seen, weighed or measured.

Although, the concept of our universe as a hologram/virtual reality was expressed long ago (D. Bohm, Pribram etc.), these days, there is more and more evidence coming which indicate that it may be so. A reality can not be both, virtual and objective. So, if our reality is virtual, it can not be objective.
A virtual reality is here considered to be a reality created by information processing, and so by definition it cannot exist independently in and of itself, as it depends upon processing to exist. If the processing stops then the virtual reality must also cease to exist. In contrast an objective reality simply is, and does not need anything else to sustain it. This suggests two hypotheses about our reality:

1. The objective reality (OR) hypothesis: That our physical reality is an objective reality that exists in and of itself, and being self-contained needs nothing outside of itself to explain it.

2. The virtual reality (VR) hypothesis: That our physical reality is a virtual reality that depends upon information processing to exist, which processing must occur outside of itself.

B. Whitworth, The Physical World as a Virtual Reality

The real can not be measured by unreal. What would be objective in a virtual reality? The consciousness only, as it seems.

Now comes an interesting part. During more than 40 years of research, Italian scientists lead by Dr Corrado Malanga have subjected numerous people who claimed that they were abducted by archons/aliens to hypnosis and they have discovered that really, all of them had all three components, however, in a sort of a disconnected state. So, there was no communication between them. The Mind component (“whose thought are not rooted in reality”) was usually leading the show inside the being, while the Soul component was ignored. They were able to “interview” each component separately.

So, they found out that archons/aliens were utilising human souls for various purposes, while their human hosts were unaware of that, more or less. What the Souls are used for??

Before answering this question, we will have a look at the following images, which I took from Dr Malanga’s work, Genesis III (unfortunately, still not translated into English):

Spazio – Space; Tempo – Time
Spirito – Spirit; Anima - Soul

The Soul has been defined in space, in energy and in consciousness, so regarding that she consists from the the space and energy components, she projects itself along the time axis, in order to experience or learn about the spiritual reality. Therefore, a Soul may be incarnated into more human bodies, however, in different times.

The Spirit has been defined in time, energy and consciousness, so regarding that he consists from the time and energy components, he projects itself along the space axis, in order to experience or learn about the spiritual reality. Therefore, a Spirit may be incarnated into more human bodies, however, in the same time.

Mente – Mind

The Mind has been defined in the space, time and consciousness, so regarding that it consists from the components of the space and time, it projects itself along the energy axis, in order to experience or learn about the spiritual reality.

So, these three components can be regarded as the „Holy Trinity“ of a human being.


From the above, we may see that the Soul as a component of a human being, has some interesting properties. It has the energy and at the same time, she is eternal, as she exists across the time. It seems that this was a reason for her absence in “our” spirit-uality?!

While our attention has been diverted to all other sides, the entities which manipulate and control this reality and humanity in general, have been manipulating our souls, in order to use their energy. They need the soul energy. And, by genetically manipulating our physical bodies, they hope to make such bodies for themselves, which would be able to bind a Soul, to make themselves eternal. (Throughout the time, they have been using many of us as “living tombs” where they store their “deads,” i.e. Spirit-Mind complexes, till new alien bodies become available to them. They will be fed or nurtured by our own soul energy during that time.)
Furthermore, it seems that there must be a certain resonance between the Soul frequency and the body frequency. Current alien bodies seem not to have the required frequency. So, they are dependent on us.

In this reality, we are controlled through dualities, as well. So, most of the spirit-ual teaching are addressing our binary Minds, and leading them to perform mental gymnastics in a never ending paradigm of reconciliation between good and bad, light and darkness, love and hate, black and white, hot and cold…etc. etc. which are just two different polarities of the same.

On the other hand, a human being with integrated components (consciousness) does not see reality this way. Beside the “positive” and “negative”, there is a - third force (which is in Easter gnosis called the neutralising force). This force overcomes dualities and restores a balance, honouring life and the creation…

So, each component of a human being is of an equal importance for his wholeness and it seems that they can be connected to each other, again, as they were at the beginning of time, before they were divided. (“Divide and conquer” means that if you divide the consciousness of a human being to its components, you can conquer him easily, as he is not whole, any more). People who manage to integrate their consciousness will become spiritual in a true sense, while those who are following some spiritual teachings and exercising prescribed spiritual practices may become spirit-ual, but divorced from their souls, as Steiner implied long ago!? The real spirituality will come from within and it will be based on all parts of one’s being. It will lead to an individualisation of a human being and to his ultimate liberation.


At the end, we may take some time to have a look at the movie the Never Ending Story, where we could interpret symbolically the kid Atreyu as our Spirit component, the luckdragon Falkor as our Mind component and the Childlike Empress, as our Soul component:


Everything is expressed there. It is all about the integration of our consciousness through the integration of all our components in the virtual reality universe.


Another movie depicting our reality is The Game of Death, by Bruce Lee


The holographic universe is made on the energy axis where the Mind component dominates and it has 7 floors.

On the top level is the Consciousness, and we are at the bottom. Between us and the top level of the Consciousness, there are 5 levels inhabited by various entities who are controlling and manipulating us “down here” in various ways.

This is represented in the movie by the pagoda which has 5 floors.

After his family (a symbol of a true origin) was abducted by the “powers from above”, Bruce Lee engages in fight with them, advancing from the first floor, towards the upper floors and facing more and more powerful enemies. On his way up, he must fight himself and the enemy, which correlates with one’s spiritual development. He won the fight against the last fighter who was huge by his constitution (but “He can never be as big as a normal human being!”, as Bruce Lee said), however, sensitive to the light. So, Bruce Lee defeated him by the help of the light.

After he defeated all entities from upper floors who manipulated the humanity, he was not interested in the “ascension” i.e. staying “up there”, and neither was he interested in any riches which could be obtained there. Instead, he went back down here, to continue experiencing this reality without interference of manipulators from upper floors. So, he has set up conditions for a happy life in this reality.

And, so can we as whole human beings, with an integrated consciousness.


And, what we can see below, is the original footage of the fight in the “pagoda” with some details which were taken out of the final cut, where we can see (at 34:58) shapeshifting of the eyes of an entity from the “top floor” and those familiar, vertical, reptilian pupils!?


Even without details shown in the original footage, no wonder that this movie was never shown in the cinemas. Too much truth in a controlled reality?!

At the end, I think that we should be clear with the following: in a reality-controlled-by-archontic forces, we can only have a – spirit-uality-controlled-by-archontic forces.

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