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Viewpoints Revisted Options
Posted: Saturday, August 24, 2013 8:12:22 AM
Rank: Advanced Member
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Joined: 8/18/2013
Posts: 40
Points: 120
Can a new viewpoint change your reality field?

Of course it can, and your journey.

Case in point, on a personal level, and reviewing points from my previous posts, after awakening from a 'dream field', I entered into about a 5 second 'awakening' to find myself, in what appeared a 'surgical operation ward' sitting up and feeling extremely drowsy. This sensation of extreme drowsiness can only be related to the emotional content of our human 'default reality' field, the one we REALLY awaken to and engage in conversations such as this one. I find myself sitting up and just looking at 2 humanoids in green surgical attire with surgical masks, and just normal, dark round, attractive, Korean Asian eyes, staring at me wide eyed in silence, observing me. ( I wish I knew what i really look like in appearance.) I could barely keep my eyes open and then fell back into the 'dream field'.....and then 'waking' to this reality field....whatever I just said. I have never seen a 'UFO' (not that I can remember) or have an 'OBE' ( not that I can remember) or see the light at the end of the tunnel, whatever that may be. I am just an average joe.

We probably can agree upon that we are much more than what we appear to be, and therefore, the events that occur in our dream state are given to us in a frame of reference and language we can relate to, and probably designed to keep us entertained while we sleep or give us clues for the answers we seek along this journey. The viewpoint of dreams is that it involves adjusting our reference points, and when our reference points change, our viewpoint of reality can radically change. Now it gets interesting. Who are these guys I just have seen?

Now, mind you, our sleep dreams are quickly forgotten,our lives continue, our viewpoints relatively remain the same, and we move into the next day, except for, this memory staying with me. This mem is non threatening and I would have thought it would pass, but it didn't. So, what, if anything, is this is telling me?

It is very possible I was awakened to another reality field that seemed to be the 'true' reality for just a moment on purpose to get my attention, or to solve some medical issue involving my journey. I don't believe it was a mistake that I was..'awakened' because whomever caused this awakening, should know the implications of the memory imprint it would cause. What it did was change my viewpoint of the human journey. I came away from this very brief experience with a calmer mindset, which simply is, I seemed to have resolved internal questions. I approach this life without fear and with a calm mindset, knowing, at least at this point, that this reality is a simulated program with boundaries and does have an end ( the Tron de-rez idea) and that something else is afoot involving another reality that may involve my origins.

I have absolutely no idea what THIS mission is about, except for experiencing the emotional content of the human journey with lessons along the way. This life changing viewpoint may not be the result of a mind blowing abduction experience, but rather a 'tap on the shoulder' reminding me that this human journey is a simulation that I volunteered for. My approach to this reality field has changed for the moment.

Having said these words, where do I (we) go from here? Theories abound and all these are amazing, but it doesn't solve what our quests are, except pose new quest-ions. I do not comprehend complex human numerical equations involving the quantum universe, because, simply stated, it's not the real 'mathematics' of alternate universes, or higher frequency worlds, of which I probably do understand. Trying to explain this journey with equations, blows my mind more than an 'alien abduction'. I believe in Occam's Razor. All things being equal, the simplest explanation is the most plausible.

Since we have figured out we are living in a simulation, this should change our viewpoint. We should open our eyes to what our natural environment on this planet has been teaching us, and the viewpoints of the Native American and Asian cultures. Our spiral universe involves polarities, the yin and the yang. We should be demonstrating a personal character of high moral caliber, and become excellent examples for living in this human journey.

What personal character qualities have we infused into our essence that will take us to the next level of the game?
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