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To Mask or not to Mask... Options
Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 7:53:18 AM
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Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:20:53 PM
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Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 3:06:12 PM
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Ooh, I like this guy:

There is no spoon.
Posted: Saturday, December 19, 2020 5:35:29 AM

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Neo wrote:
(For me, a brilliant finish to a cogent postApplause)

Agreed. Ekuma's last post helps peak curiosity about COVID-19.

But, I am also going to add this thought: if my RLL and the broader consensus reality are now including such a "global conspiracy" (with Bill Gates allegedly leading the charge) β€” then we probably all just need to kiss our asses goodbye anyway.

Seriously, if these things posted on the bitchute are to be considered objectively true, then what the world has come to is way beyond anything any of us could affect anyway.

Take the "Luciferase" video Neo posted for example. That is the video alleging that this ingredient in the vaccine proves the ulterior motives to use the vaccine as population and mind control. When I worked at USAMRIID and later managed the biocontainment lab at NIH, the post-docs who ran experiments on mice (and conducted other vaccine trials on animals) always used some type of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence in the animal study. That was so that after the study was completed and necropsy of the mice was performed, the researchers could go back and look at the blood and other tissue cells under microscopes to see what was happening at the cellular level.

Those oxidative enzymes were only ingredients used in the experiments; they did not go into the final vaccine.

So now to just play along here, and for argument's sake, just accept this conspiracy theory that the "secret new world order" powers at be are working with big Pharma to use these same oxidative enzymes in the COVID vaccine so that Bill Gates can attach his "tracking" compounds to control our minds and movements of the population ... I decided to look into what these bitchute video posters were using as "proof" that the luciferase was indeed being used as an ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine.

And guess what I found out?

They had public records showing that luciferase was one of the ingredients used in all the animal studies of the virus.

So we have just come full circle. Here is the USDA's list of ingredients for the Pfizer vaccine actually being distributed for human consumption:

Active Ingredient
nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2
(4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis (ALC-3015)
(2- hexyldecanoate),2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide (ALC-0159)
1,2-distearoyl-snglycero-3-phosphocholine (DPSC)
potassium chloride
monobasic potassium phosphate
sodium chloride
basic sodium phosphate dihydrate

It is absolutely true that a lucifrase type enzyme would have been an ingredient in the test vaccines given to mice. I do not doubt that one bit.

Could there be a "New World Order" conspiracy to take away all freedom of movement and enslave the human race to impose a capitalistic corporation dominated thought controlled world population?

It certainly and definitely probably could maybe in a very real but improbable sense of conclusive factuality be true for the most part.
Posted: Sunday, December 20, 2020 7:34:11 PM
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Hi jdlaw,

I find it difficult to know where to start in response to your posts as we seem to be coming from different angles. For now I'd just like to link this short video I came across.

This is Canada in 2020. Canada. We're in deep, folks.

(p.s. I link bitchute vids because the main video sharing site is so heavily censored these days. It was this that first raised alarm bells for me)

There is no spoon.
Posted: Monday, December 21, 2020 1:25:14 AM

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It's really weird coming across a word like this and it being associated with vaccines. I mean, take the last three letters away from the word Luciferase and you're left with Lucifer. This is like another one of these bad omens I keep finding, and yet again, it's connected to Christianity.

You know, I was gonna start a new topic soon on "The Doctrine of Imminence" because I keep having these strange and unnerving experiences and it's all centred around Jesus and the End Times. I mean, one experience I had several months ago was a dream where I heard a knock at my front door. I opened the door and Jesus was stood there. Now, I've never had a dream like this before or since and it really stuck with me. Why would I have a dream where the Messiah was on my doorstep?! What on earth does it mean? Is it really a sign of his imminent return - The Second Coming?!

Of course, with me there's always more to things, and I'll go into more details soon, and start a whole new post on it all.

I also discovered another thing while watching a video on YouTube. It was "The Prophecy of the Popes". Well, I could not believe what I was hearing because apparently this prophecy is almost up and once the current Pope dies (Pope Francis) then it's Armageddon. Again, what an unusual discovery for me to make in these unstable times. I'm sure I'm having all these experiences, and stumbling upon all this stuff for a reason. It literally is like God is saying to me there's gonna be huge upheaval soon and the world will never be the same again. Do you guys have experiences like me? I've asked other folks but it seems like I'm quite unique in this respect. I never know what's gonna occur next with me.
Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 5:29:11 AM

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Neo wrote:
(p.s. I link bitchute vids because the main video sharing site is so heavily censored these days. It was this that first raised alarm bells for me)

"Alarm Bells" I think we all agree on. However, I do not think the answer will be turning to bitchute videos posted by people who have chosen to publish false claims that are so far beyond decency that it could constitute fraud.

The Canadian Mayor arrest attempt video would actually be fine on any media channel. It is a story either way.

Citizen's Arrest Fails

I am just wondering why so many people are willing to listen to a crowd of 75 people chanting strange claims that "there is no data showing the existence of a pandemic?"

OK? So simply because they say it, means there is no data suggesting that hospitals are reaching capacity with strange onset of pulmonary function disorders? It means those photos and videos of all the bodies in the morgues are fabricated? It means that all those health care workers telling us about how hard they are working against this respiratory syndrome are in on this hoax?

That my friends and family who have died from this are not real?

Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 5:48:11 AM

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EKUMA1981 wrote:
Of course, with me there's always more to things, and I'll go into more details soon, and start a whole new post on it all.

I think there are many fair questions about COVID-19. Was it or is it being politicized? Could there be some nefarious actors capitalizing on its existence?

There are many unanswered questions that deserve scrutiny.

However, instead of believing it is a secretly emerging totalitarian world government hoax, how about considering for a moment that there really is a virus? How about looking at this in perspective of the many viruses we have seen before?

List of epidemics

If we (the people of the world) would have done nothing, it is pretty likely that the numbers (1.7 million dead and 43 million affected) -- would have been double, triple, or more.

Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 9:21:40 AM

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JDLaw... Yes, I do believe that Covid-19 is a real virus but I do not believe it warrants this many draconian measures. We've had epidemics in the past and the UK has never acted like this before. Plus, the mortality rate is low with Covid-19. It badly affects only the old and people with underlying health conditions. Well, that's always the case with any bug that goes round. You know, every year we get influenzas and the most vulnerable are helped as best they can be. And everybody else just gets on with their lives. Why is it so drastically different with Covid-19?! Like I said in my previous messages if it was something like an airborne ebola pandemic then I could understand all these draconian measures, but this Covid-19 is not anything like ebola. So why all this hysteria and multiple lockdowns for a simple virus with a low mortality rate. It just does not add up. That's why I believe there's so much more to this.

Also, check this out -

Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 10:58:53 AM

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Loving this thread. I'm going to add my thoughts in a little bit, but meanwhile, for a little levity, here's a short comedy clip from Bill Burr in 2010 about why we need a plague...
Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 12:45:02 PM

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EKUMA1981 wrote:
JDLaw... Yes, I do believe that Covid-19 is a real virus but I do not believe it warrants this many draconian measures. We've had epidemics in the past and the UK has never acted like this before. Plus, the mortality rate is low with Covid-19. It badly affects only the old and people with underlying health conditions. Well, that's always the case with any bug that goes round. You know, every year we get influenzas and the most vulnerable are helped as best they can be. And everybody else just gets on with their lives. Why is it so drastically different with Covid-19?! Like I said in my previous messages if it was something like an airborne ebola pandemic then I could understand all these draconian measures, but this Covid-19 is not anything like ebola. So why all this hysteria and multiple lockdowns for a simple virus with a low mortality rate. It just does not add up. That's why I believe there's so much more to this.

Also, check this out -

I completely agree, EKUMA1981. And thanks for the reference to the Great Barrington Declaration. I was unaware of it before. Did a little research and, of course, there is backlash from the establishment (e.g. Still, I completely agree with their position.

Here is my 2 cents on this whole debacle. And, frankly, my position hasn't changed since March...

1. Covid is a real disease. Contact tracing data shows real infectious patterns. It is also definitely more deadly than the flu. Excess mortality in 2017 doe to a particularly bad flu season was a few percent, but in 2020, it is 10-20%. Most of the people dying or suffering long terms effects are elderly, and most of those (94%) have other major health issues.

2. However, it is also only twice as deadly as the flu to children, which is pretty insignificant to start with. One of the stats quoted in the GB Declaration was that in Sweden, where children under 15 were allowed to continue to attend school, there have been ZERO deaths in the 1.8 million of that age group. Sweden practiced social responsibility exactly as recommended by GB and has a significantly lower mortality than the US, all South American countries, and most of Europe, meanwhile being much further along in terms of herd immunity.

3. Covid has been extremely divisive, not unlike Trump. Or, correction, the government's response to Covid has been extremely divisive. Witness this Forum, or your Facebook feed. People get really angry at each other for holding a very defensible opposing position. I really encourage all of us to not get personal with others; not use words like "crazy", "crackpot", "nonsense", etc., even when referring to the videos or links because people identify with those sources and therefore feel insulted.

4. Those who focus only on minimizing the number of deaths at any cost are missing the much bigger picture. There is so much more to this than people dying from a novel virus. There are mental health impacts, homelessness, economic well being, physical health (who hasn't reduced their exercise habits because of the lockdowns), and government control vs personal freedom issues. None of these should be discounted. Don't countries go to war and people voluntarily risk their lives to protect their freedoms?

5. There is definitely a media bias, an establishment position, on Covid. Most networks are aligned and don't present alternative viewpoints. Some of their positions don't make a lot of sense; for example, all of the studies and graphics that show aerosolized particle patterns only prove standard fluid dynamics and completely ignore the critical factors of viral load and environmental factors (sun, wind); yet they show these over and over, achieving little more than creating a culture of fear.

6. The policies of most governments are terribly inhumane. People who are dying want nothing more than to be able to see, touch, and be in the room with their loved ones; yet this is often disallowed. Recommendations now not to interact in different "pods" breaks apart families at the holidays for God's sake. And frankly, I know a lot of elderly people who live for their contact with their grandkids, regardless of risk. But nope, not allowed.

7. I really recommend getting multiple viewpoints. I can't tell you how many podcasts I've heard where something sounded really cool and conspiratorial (e.g. there is no virus, it is just exosomes, or masks don't help because of this or that), but when I dig into the issue, I see that many arguments may be solidly debunked, while others hold up to the best debunking.

Let's keep the conversation going - all of the contributions have been excellent.
Posted: Thursday, December 24, 2020 12:53:00 PM

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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:

I'm sad to say that on the 24th of October my mum passed away in a nursing home. Two weeks after her passing an outbreak of Covid-19 was officially declared within the home. On the death certificate, it was stated that one of the causes of her death was 'Probable Aspiration Pneumonia' so, did mum contract Covid-19 which resulted in pneumonia, or was it merely coincidental? Unfortunately, we'll never know for sure. Yet an outbreak of this deadly virus still occurred despite strict mask-wearing and hygiene protocols amongst all staff members.

I'm so sorry to hear about this, "Bot"! My condolences and sympathies to you and your family. This is my greatest fear as my mom is also in a home like that.
Jon D
Posted: Thursday, December 24, 2020 3:54:24 PM
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Whether or not we believe in something, I do think it's helpful to encourage entertaining the "what ifs" and "whys". I see strong arguments for the idea there is something going on other than a natural pandemic. So what could it be, and who could be behind it?

So many false-positive tests. I have no doubt if I had been tested a few times, I would have been positive once. These false-positives have been noted many times, even recently by Elon Musk who tested it himself.

My grandma who has been in a nursing home for the past couple of years was on the verge of death about 3 months ago and they quickly declared she had "covid". If she had died then, it would have been a "covid" death. Her issues were not covid related at all in any way. I can't count the examples I see of deaths being questionably marked as covid.

I do agree the lockdown measures have been unnecessary. For example here in Michigan it makes little sense why restaurants are closed yet again, and big crowded stores remain open.

My wild thinking side is coming to believe these measures are in place to create economic suffering and desperation to encourage the vaccine, which I do believe will eventually be mandatory for just about everyone. "To get back to normal, we must all be vaccinated".

So if this is some sinister plan, what is this vaccine really for? I think this is what more of the focus should really be on.

I also believe the opportunity is being seized to destroy our short-lived free sharing of information we've had on the internet since the late 90's. As we can see, social media is now outright banning people who share different points of view than what the media bias is portraying. We never in history before had the ability to do that, to share information or opinions publicly worldwide in such a way. If there are a group of elites who do run the moving world, you could imagine this is something they just can't have. To control the flow of information on the internet is something they must have, just like the TV screen. We are at the point where punishment is now beginning for those who share opposing opinions on the internet.

And if the world is really run by a group of elitists with unimaginable wealth and power, would they actually have the gall to toy with us and do something like what's currently going on? My answer is absolutely yes.

β€œIn the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” - Prince Philip, 1988

Posted: Friday, December 25, 2020 1:49:18 AM
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jim wrote:
I'm so sorry to hear about this, "Bot"! My condolences and sympathies to you and your family. This is my greatest fear as my mom is also in a home like that.

Thank you, jim. I appreciate your kind thoughts, and please don't overstress yourself and keep positive, your mum is going to be okay.

Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2020 12:25:30 PM
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jim wrote:
Loving this thread. I'm going to add my thoughts in a little bit, but meanwhile, for a little levity, here's a short comedy clip from Bill Burr in 2010 about why we need a plague...

I'll see (saw) your Burr, and raise you some Carlin:

(And further echoing you Jim, I plan to reply, nay challenge some interesting points made recently, but later)

There is no spoon.
Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2020 12:41:09 PM
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I do have some brief vids to add here first before giving my own views on some matters.

I like this guy's delivery; he could be a comedian. But really the topic isn't funny at all:

There is no spoon.
Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2020 12:53:05 PM
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Wow. If this is true it's huge:

There is no spoon.
Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2020 3:00:36 PM
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jdlaw wrote:
Neo wrote:
(p.s. I link bitchute vids because the main video sharing site is so heavily censored these days. It was this that first raised alarm bells for me)

"Alarm Bells" I think we all agree on. However, I do not think the answer will be turning to bitchute videos posted by people who have chosen to publish false claims that are so far beyond decency that it could constitute fraud.

The Canadian Mayor arrest attempt video would actually be fine on any media channel. It is a story either way.

Citizen's Arrest Fails

I am just wondering why so many people are willing to listen to a crowd of 75 people chanting strange claims that "there is no data showing the existence of a pandemic?"

OK? So simply because they say it, means there is no data suggesting that hospitals are reaching capacity with strange onset of pulmonary function disorders? It means those photos and videos of all the bodies in the morgues are fabricated? It means that all those health care workers telling us about how hard they are working against this respiratory syndrome are in on this hoax?

That my friends and family who have died from this are not real?

I was pondering on how to respond to recent developments on this thread and figured on quoting jdlaw's post above as my 'diving board' if you will while making some points and taking things from there.. If any of this comes across as strong I assure you that it's coming from a place of respect, and part of a robust debate on what's become the zeitgeist of this era.

As I've mentioned here before, I was led to checkout other video platforms after witnessing censorship come into play on YouTube big time. In particular I was watching an engrossing video (Rose/Icke III, which I've linked here before) in May, which was the second most popular livestream that day (only behind a Trump address). In a matter of minutes it was pulled from their platform. I wonder if this had anything to do with the fact was he (Icke) was criticising the major tech platforms, most notable Google, which owns YouTube? They pretty much proved his point by banning him some after. When historians debate the collapse of societies, a consistent factor in these debates is the suppression of free speech, often with the concurrent rise of fascism. Make no mistake jdlaw et al, this is what we have today.

Look at it this way. If Icke (or anyone else, for that matter) is talking nonsense, well let him talk nonsense, then take his argument apart, show its glaring errors for all to see. Transparency and all that. But no, they effectively banned that popular video on the spot, then all his videos soon after. This got me curious and I started checking out his videos on other platforms, most notable BitChute. I don't find him to be the kook that some are trying to protray him as. Rather I find his arguments quite intriguing. But perhaps I'm going on about him too much in this post.

The point I'm trying to make is that I was led to other platforms because of widespread mainstream censorship.
I was in effect following those guys I wanted to view, as they had to find new 'homes' for themselves online. Something like 20 popular YouTube contributors were banned in one day a few weeks ago. Does this not cause concern for people on here? Our free speech, the underpinning of a free society is under attack under the guise of healthcare. (There's invariably a 'guise' to hide behind in these matters).To dismiss these guys as 75 or so chanting 'strange claims' indicates a lack of critical thinking on this important, nay, vital matter. There are lots of excellent contributors on BitChute, way more good than dodgy, I've found. Then again, if you're led to believe that these 'alternative' sites are dodgy by indoctrination from the mainstream tacitly accepted legacy media outlets, then it's not surprising.

Seriously, do you guys not see the levels of propaganda that's been thrown at us by the mainstream media from all angles? How then can competing narratives be heard? Let's say for arguments sake a journalist came across a huge story which was at odds with vested interests, big business and the like, where would s/he go these days to get their story out? I suggest that they might well go to platforms which people are conditioned to dismiss; conditioned to dismiss by years of listening to the 'dreamspell' of mainstream media which prevades most peoples lives. Liz Crokin comes to mind regarding this point.

Ok, going to leave it at that for now,

Happy Christmas guys :d/


There is no spoon.
Posted: Sunday, December 27, 2020 1:02:02 PM
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jdlaw wrote:

hospitals are reaching capacity

Really? I strongly suspest that this is more mainstream propaganda, as is the current deification of health workers. I'm reminded of a story this Summer when a guy in England went into his local hospital, filming with his mobile phone to prove that it was way more empty than full. Result: he was promptly arrested. Lauren Southern puts it very well in the timely video below (again, from BitChute; I like my news straight, not censored)

There is no spoon.
Posted: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 5:58:55 PM

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Alright folks. Not been on here for a while, and I haven't read every response in this thread, but here's my two cents for what it's worth:

I have absolutely no idea what is going on. The problem, I suspect, is our politicians.

At the moment we're getting bombarded in the media with information about a new Covid strain that is apparently 70% more contagious. How they came up with these numbers I'll never know, because it's only the media and politicians that are spouting this stuff. No scientist has come out and said that it's 70% more contagious because the scientists are still working hard to determine if the increase in infections is due to this new strain or just people socially interacting more - which is quite plausible given the amount of conspiracy theories circulating, Covid-fatigue and the fact that people generally spend more time indoors during winter than summer.

I suspect, however, that because it's Xmas and New Year, the powers that be know that they have to scare people sufficiently enough to get them to act accordingly and socially distance, otherwise the virus will run out of control. I also suspect - but can not be sure - that in a couple of weeks they'll tell us that this new strain is no more contagious than the original strain, and that the jump in infection rates was down to more social interaction over the winter months.

That said, the new strain has 17 different mutations which is rather alarming when considering any virus.

As for mask wearing and social distancing. I have no problem with it. If everybody just wore a goddamned mask, practiced a little social distancing (doesn't have to be perfect, just act mindfully) and washed their hands regularly, I'm pretty sure life could go on as close to normal as possible given that we're living through a pandemic. Sadly, a lot of folks are morons and as a result we have to go into Tier 4 restrictions off and on to try manage this virus.

Anyway, wear your mask, keep a bit of distance and wash your hands. Then we can all go out for a pint to the pub as normal.

For me, I got sick of the whole freaking thing and relocated to the Highlands where Covid is almost non-existent. I don't like crowds anyway, and social distancing comes naturally.

On another note: Sorry, Bot, to hear about your mother.



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