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Blood on envelope?! Options
Posted: Friday, March 12, 2021 10:59:36 PM

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Hi guys. Another odd thing happened to me a few weeks ago...

Basically I ordered a Jesus sticker from an online company and when my sticker arrived I got a surprise. On the outside of the envelope there appeared to be blood smudged in, in several places. I thought, that's weird. Then I started thinking how the heck Royal Mail had allowed this to be delivered to my home address. I mean, with all this Covid-19 hysteria in the UK and all the safety precautions they have in effect surely somebody at Royal Mail would have noticed the strange red substance and rather disposed of my letter or put it to one side and had it analyzed. I mean, it definitely looks like blood and you can deffo catch viruses from blood! So it had me baffled.

But then it dawned on me about 50 minutes later... could this be yet another sign?! Could that red substance on the envelope be like symbolic of Jesus' blood and the blood atonement for our sins?! You see, because the envelope had my Jesus sticker inside that could be the connection.

Anyway, I retained the envelope and I placed it inside my special Bible for safe keeping. I am deffo not disposing of it. Maybe it could have healing properties, you never know?

So yet again another incident with me that's connected to Jesus.

I must also mention that we've had other mail delivered to our house and none of that other mail had red substances smeared on them.
Posted: Monday, March 15, 2021 8:23:12 AM

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Thanks again for the faith related type of post. Most in this forum lean more secular> There are some whom I would call "Atheist." I myself am a fairly devout Christian, but have come to realize (later in my years) that Christianity and Atheism (I mean a studied form of Atheism - not just unbelieving)—actually have a lot in common.

When the character Jesus walked the earth (whether fictional or historical) the Bible tells us that he often referred to a "new and everlasting covenant" that put away with the "old law" for mankind and spoke of some very "transhumanistic" philosophies. By that I mean Jesus spoke of being one with God and returning to him. All of that very much ties into our concepts of reality and how we know our reality is "created" (or "programmed" if you are secular leaning). Both religion and digital philosophy share a description of "reality" as a very sophisticated universal program of sorts.

I have recently updated my poster on this topic. Christian-Transhumanist Theism. This is formatted for 18"x24" poster frames and free to print if you want (though I do provide the copyright notice because of the stain glass depiction of "Jesus with the Doctors" is not my work, but very apropos of this "transhumanistic" subject).

I realize this poster presents a pretty "heady" topic, but I hope that by putting this into a one page poster, it is helpful.

In short what this does is put Bell's inequality as an explanation for why theism works. We can actually look at Bell's theorem in reverse way (meaning switch the perspectives on whose variables are "nested") so as to give our own "reality" greater strength in the "ATTI" (all that there is).

And for an additional chuckle (speaking of "signs") this is kind of "non-sequitur" not to be confused with "non-secular," but I see that the Vatican announced a big step backwards today by ruling out any blessings upon "homosexual" relationships (other than marriage between man and woman). Oh the irony of religion!
Posted: Friday, March 19, 2021 12:05:19 PM

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Thank you for your response, and thanks so much for the appreciation of my latest Jesus post, JDLaw. I will deffo create more threads on the Christianity topic in the future. I never used to take religion that seriously. I used to attend church in the past, and I listened to sermons and met some nice people, but I always seemed to lose interest and was not convinced of the reality of Christ or God. However, since the end of 2018 all that changed. Like I've mentioned in other posts I started experiencing a heck of a lot of numerology and synchronicities connected to the Bible and Jesus. Then, I discovered a programme called Tomorrow's World which completely blew me away. Then God TV came on my Virgin TV box and I found Chuck Missler. His lectures are just something else. He's the best Bible scholar I've ever seen. His presentations are so enlightening and I've learnt so much from him and his Koinonia House ministry.

Chuck also went into detail about why the universe is the way it is and he even discussed the "entropy profile of the universe" and how the laws of physics were different back in Jesus' time. For example, he said when Jesus walked the earth the speed of light was approximately 1 million times faster than it is now. He also claimed that entropy increased when Adam and Eve sinned. Before that entropy was not an issue. Then after the great flood entropy increased even more and apparently the speed of light slowed down that much that rainbows were able to form. Before the great flood rainbows were not possible. The "Canopy Theory" was another interesting idea Chuck mentioned.

So yeah, I'd never heard anything like this before and I was quite captivated by it all. Every week I watch Chuck and I always learn something new! Whereas if I watch a science or paranormal programme it's usually the same old, regurgitated rubbish, lol. I never expected to become so engrossed in Bible study.

Oh, and Chuck goes into things like Bible skip codes and the "Heptadic Structure" - amazing stuff! Surely can't be down to randomness and chance.

One more thing... it makes me wonder in the time of Adam and Eve if the universe was continuous back then. Maybe after the original sin that's when things became discretized and digital. Just and idea of mine. Still not sure if the Garden of Eden is allegorical or literal, but I did discover even Jesus himself talked about the reality of Adam and Eve in the Olivet Discourse. So maybe there's some truth to it.

Posted: Friday, March 19, 2021 5:44:15 PM

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EKUMA1981 wrote:
Hi guys. Another odd thing happened to me a few weeks ago...

Basically I ordered a Jesus sticker from an online company and when my sticker arrived I got a surprise. On the outside of the envelope there appeared to be blood smudged in, in several places. I thought, that's weird. Then I started thinking how the heck Royal Mail had allowed this to be delivered to my home address. I mean, with all this Covid-19 hysteria in the UK and all the safety precautions they have in effect surely somebody at Royal Mail would have noticed the strange red substance and rather disposed of my letter or put it to one side and had it analyzed. I mean, it definitely looks like blood and you can deffo catch viruses from blood! So it had me baffled.

But then it dawned on me about 50 minutes later... could this be yet another sign?! Could that red substance on the envelope be like symbolic of Jesus' blood and the blood atonement for our sins?! You see, because the envelope had my Jesus sticker inside that could be the connection.

Anyway, I retained the envelope and I placed it inside my special Bible for safe keeping. I am deffo not disposing of it. Maybe it could have healing properties, you never know?

So yet again another incident with me that's connected to Jesus.

I must also mention that we've had other mail delivered to our house and none of that other mail had red substances smeared on them.

Dude. I used to work for Royal Mail. Blood on an envelope is part of the deal of being a postie. Ever heard of paper cuts? Happens all the time. Posties cut their fingers regularly, along with getting bitten by dogs, sweaty bum cheeks, sore feet, and sore ears from having to listen to delivery office managers talk utter bollocks every morning.

Blood gets on envelopes. Deal with it. A paper cut can bleed all day and end up on just about every letter posted. What ya gonna do? Wipe down every letter with disinfectant?

Safety checks at Royal Fail? Huh! I worked during the pandemic and went off sick for 10 weeks during the first wave just to escape that clusterfuck of a place. No PPE, no social distancing, no interest whatsoever in the safety of their staff. I bailed out in November and moved to the Scottish Highlands away from all that nonsense.

Not sure what Jesus has to do with postie blood on your envelope, but if he does have anything to with it, then he's probably trying to infect and kill you with some virally infused postie blood, because if every postie hasn't had the Covid by now I'd be very much surprised given the working conditions and lack of concern Royal Fail have for their staff. The only thing that has probably stopped posties becoming symptomatic is the amount of vitamin D they get every day by being outside in whatever sun is available.

media underground
Posted: Saturday, March 20, 2021 11:17:45 AM

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Dude. I used to work for Royal Mail. Blood on an envelope is part of the deal of being a postie. Ever heard of paper cuts? Happens all the time. Posties cut their fingers regularly, along with getting bitten by dogs, sweaty bum cheeks, sore feet, and sore ears from having to listen to delivery office managers talk utter bollocks every morning.

Blood gets on envelopes. Deal with it. A paper cut can bleed all day and end up on just about every letter posted. What ya gonna do? Wipe down every letter with disinfectant?

Safety checks at Royal Fail? Huh! I worked during the pandemic and went off sick for 10 weeks during the first wave just to escape that clusterfuck of a place. No PPE, no social distancing, no interest whatsoever in the safety of their staff. I bailed out in November and moved to the Scottish Highlands away from all that nonsense.

Not sure what Jesus has to do with postie blood on your envelope, but if he does have anything to with it, then he's probably trying to infect and kill you with some virally infused postie blood, because if every postie hasn't had the Covid by now I'd be very much surprised given the working conditions and lack of concern Royal Fail have for their staff. The only thing that has probably stopped posties becoming symptomatic is the amount of vitamin D they get every day by being outside in whatever sun is available.

Well, we've had loads of letters and parcels, etc, from Royal Mail in the past but this was the first time one has had what appeared to be blood smeared on. So it can't be that common. Plus, surely the postmen / postwomen wear (disposable) gloves when delivering mail?! I thought that would be mandatory during the pandemic.

And the way you describe Royal Mail it sounds dreadful. Is it really that bad now? Or has it always been a crappy service to work for?
Posted: Saturday, March 20, 2021 12:56:11 PM

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EKUMA1981 wrote:

One more thing... it makes me wonder in the time of Adam and Eve if the universe was continuous back then. Maybe after the original sin that's when things became discretized and digital. Just and idea of mine. Still not sure if the Garden of Eden is allegorical or literal, but I did discover even Jesus himself talked about the reality of Adam and Eve in the Olivet Discourse. So maybe there's some truth to it.

Traditionally the "Olivet Discourse" refers to the last few chapters in each of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I do not remember there being anything about Adam and Eve in there.

I also feel a bit of loathing when it comes to people who demand we take the bible "literally." Such a stance reeks of religious "fundamentalism" which I really detest. All religious texts (bible, quoran, vedas, Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Ghita, Buddhist Sutras) are are simply here as part of our reality. One can choose to believe or not believe and there is no harm in either approach. These texts may indeed hold some important messages preserved here by the hand of God ("hand of God" as in powers of the universe) in our generation for us to study the contents thereof and to learn from them and to liken these "stories" to our time.

But, if people insist that the bible is literal, that is where I lose interest. To me the mythical "Adam" is simply the first male creature on earth (evolved or deposited here - it does not matter) who looked up into the heavens and truly contemplated his existence. As soon as a creature asks those questions (Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where will I go after leave here? Is this all there is?) the universe then has to deal with true existence of a personality. And if there is a "personality" in the universe, then the universe does possess that personality, because all that is in the universe, technically is the universe itself.

On the other hand, if a "zombie" (another mythical "soul-less" and slightly more revenant creature than Adam) looks up into the night sky and senses the lights from the stars, but with no first-person subjective experience, he does not care to ask or ponder any questions about it. He simply registers those dots of light on the back of the retina without even an inkling or care in the world for what they might be.

So I would ask that we please take "scripture" for what it is—a written compendium of things written by men who wished to engage in this same type of thought as Adam. If your friend wants to believe that the speed of light was "faster" in the time of Christ (roughly 2000 years ago) then more power to him. There is nothing in the bible or in science to suggest it. There is also no reason to suggest it could not be true. The Science of the Soul Poster

Posted: Saturday, March 27, 2021 2:56:14 AM

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mortimer wrote:

Dude. I used to work for Royal Mail. Blood on an envelope is part of the deal of being a postie. Ever heard of paper cuts? Happens all the time. Posties cut their fingers regularly, along with getting bitten by dogs, sweaty bum cheeks, sore feet, and sore ears from having to listen to delivery office managers talk utter bollocks every morning ....

Blood gets on envelopes. Deal with it.

Love this! You are truly a message board poet. And I hope Ekuma takes no offense (or really maybe just no hurt feelings).

In our created/programmed universe, we can "chicken and egg" the s#!+ out of this (I can't believe I just used chicken and egg as the verb in a sentence) and still not come up with an explanation for what is truly correct in the apparent mutual exclusion between faith and science.

Is the Divorce Over? Are Spirit and Science tying the knot once more?
Posted: Monday, February 14, 2022 8:31:40 PM

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UPDATE: Well, I've been checking my mail since that day and guess what?... NO more blood on envelopes, so I have to conclude that it really was a divine sign.
Posted: Saturday, February 19, 2022 5:17:11 AM

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EKUMA1981 wrote:
UPDATE: Well, I've been checking my mail since that day and guess what?... NO more blood on envelopes, so I have to conclude that it really was a divine sign.

Love this! That is awsome. :d/
Posted: Saturday, February 19, 2022 7:24:57 PM

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Yeah, JDLaw, it is very strange. And it just gets more weird with me. For example, last month we had a lot of electrical problems in our house! Then, there's this odd phenomenon when I get up super early on a morning (5-7am) and then I get pestered by nuisance phone calls. You know, I actually started to feel a bit like one of them T.I.'s at one point. Anyway, I'll start a new thread about my profound experiences soon, and go into a lot more details, because what's occurring to me is just not normal.
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