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Seth - A blast from the past Options
Posted: Monday, September 21, 2009 2:35:31 PM

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I remember this being all the rage in the 60s.
Posted: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:03:15 AM

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I guess this really was more in the 70s when I first came into contact with Seth. My brother brought home the book Seth Speaks which wasn't published until 1972. He was also reading a lot of Castaneda at the time. I never paid much attention to it back then, because my brother was also into many different weird and new fads.

But in context of the programmed reality approach and this channeling consciousness (spiritual possessions), could this maybe be considered related to the "program" itself, or what others have called the "Akasha" (or Akashic records)?
Posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:30:21 AM

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Now, is it also coincidence that Seth Lloyd, like others of us who regularly visit this forum, was also born in 1960 and also is attributed to writing a book suggesting an "akashic" field approach to the "programmed" universe in his book, Programming the Universe.

Quantum Computer
Posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:41:06 AM

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An finally, will December 21, 2012, be the end of the Mayan Calendar where mankind develops a computer which is capable of deciphering (contacting) the akashic records?

i.e. the singularity occurs not when mankind puts himself into a computer, but when mankind realizes the he and everything in the Universe -- is a computer.

The universe quits expanding and begins to collapse?
Posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:50:00 PM

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jdlaw wrote:
Now, is it also coincidence that Seth Lloyd, like others of us who regularly visit this forum, was also born in 1960 and also is attributed to writing a book suggesting an "akashic" field approach to the "programmed" universe in his book, Programming the Universe

Wow, great find jdlaw. Have you read this? Sounds like it covers an eerily familiar topic.
Posted: Saturday, October 3, 2009 2:55:31 AM

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No. Never read the book, "Seth Speaks" but I have looked at a few of the Jane Roberts-Robert Butts articles in the earlier "Seth Materials" and some of the YouTube movies.

It is just something that I remembered from my past and when revisiting it now through the programmed reality lense (viewpoint) it occured to me how this psychic channeling relates to the idea that the “individual program” is very fragile as compared to the “collective program.”

The idea that there are extra-dimensional entities (personalities that a medium can channel) to me raises the issue of whether or not we are truly even "self-aware" individuals or whether we are simply a subroutine in some larger programmed universe. i.e. do we as individuals really pass the "I AM" test?

During one of my Google searches for Seth (I think the terms seth and universe), my programmed reality brought me to Seth Lloyd, the MIT professor who is developing the quantum computer in an article called "Programming the Universe". Is my individual program trying to tell me something?

And I know that anyone who has read the Jim Elvidge book, The Universe Solved, has at least been introduced to this idea of the “akashic” records (or book of all knowledge). This channeling that the medium experiences may just be a back door programmed subroutine that some psychics have used to access the larger universal program. But if any of you have ever done any computer hacking, you are familiar with the concept that you don’t always hack into the computer exactly to where the particular program or data you want – is. You first have to just get behind the firewall and then work your way through to find the useful programs or data.

The akashic records might be like this also - and that is what the psychic medium is tapping into. If you really want to "know" something (if knowledge is really possible) it is probably the Programmer you want to talk to and not just channelling bits and pieces of the Program.
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