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Who is God? Options
Posted: Friday, March 27, 2015 9:25:11 AM

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I posted a new blog post on perhaps the most presumptuous topic known to man - Who is God?

I hope you all enjoy and look forward to any feedback and discussion around it.
Posted: Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:19:28 AM
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I like Jim's idea of God as an alien 'light being'. And God said "Let there be light and there was light" - Genesis (1:3). This is the first day. But sure enough, the sun, moon and the stars were not created until the 4th day - Genesis (1:14-16). The sequence is wrong: it is out of order. So what was the nature of the 'Light' in line 3?!

Could there be a connection between light and dark energy? In other words, could dark energy be electromagnetic in nature?

Interesting to note that in the I-Ching King Wen 'Later Heaven' sequence of trigrams, the 'Father' trigram, composed of 3 solid unbroken yang lines, is actually symbolic for 'White Light', which is the pure energy of creation.

Posted: Friday, April 3, 2015 4:21:11 AM
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I found this really interesting post uploaded by the member TheArchitect away back in June 2011. It is on the subject of photons being created out of empty space! I have a lot of catching up to do!!


A while back one of the members here mentioned free unlimited energy. Like most people I am skeptical towards such ideas. However this weekend I have been thinking about the the public announcement from the Microtechnology and Nanoscience deparment at Chalmers University of Technology of Gothenburg Sweden. The research team claims to have successfully created photons out of empty space! You can download the paper here. (rename to PDF)

In a nutshell... within the vacuum of empty space... quantum field theory predicts that fundamental particles pop in and out of existence. However these particles quickly annihilate each other to preserve the ground state. This leads to ideas such as vacuum energy. Way back in 1948 Dutch physicists Hendrik Casimir and Dirk Polder came up with the idea of putting two conducting metal places extremely close together inside a vacuum chamber and vibrating them. They believed that the small differences of VeV would create an attractive force. Today it is simply known as the Casimir effect. This is what the research team is using to produce light from nothing.

Does this mean we are now able to obtain free and unlimited energy? No, unfortunately the experiment only produced a small amount of microwave photons. And it takes quite a bit of energy to super cool the plates plus a small amount of energy to vibrate the plates. But this experiment does prove that it is possible to produce a small amount of energy from 'emptiness'!

What makes me excited is that this opens the doors for new experimental research. One of the biggest problems with the mathematics humans currently use to describe the universe is that it results in mathematical infinities. This type of research is both interesting and important and may one day lead to solving renormalization challenges associated with modern physics.


I boldly predict that this team will share a future Nobel Prize in Physics"

Now regarding Renormalization, which is the method of dealing with unwanted infinities. This is what the mathematical physicist, Paul Dirac, said about it (taken from Wikipedia). His criticisms were the most persistent.

"Most physicists are very satisfied with the situation. They say: Quantum Electrodynamics is a good theory and we do not have to worry about it any more. I must say that I am very dissatisfied with the situation because this so-called 'good theory' does involve neglecting infinities which appear in its equations, neglecting infinities in an arbitrary way. This is not sensible mathematics. Sensible mathematics involves neglecting a quantity when it is small- not neglecting it just because it is infinitely great and you do not want it!".

Sure, everyone on this forum is aware that I have an aversion to nothingness. LOL. But maybe, both zero and infinity are intimately co-related, they are both sides of the same coin, so to speak. The yin and the yang. Just think of the equation: f(x) = 1/x, which is asymptotic along the x and y axes. As x---> zero from right to left, f(x)---> +infinity and as x--->zero from left to right, f(x)---> - infinity.....

The yin and the yang also point out to some sort of programmed reality. One option might be some type of simulation/virtual reality within the mind of God. God being, an infinite source of 'White Light', which is the pure energy of creation.

Posted: Saturday, April 25, 2015 4:20:32 AM
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Oops, altered to read '...both zero and infinity are intimately co-related,...'.

So what about the "Q-Thruster" utilising the quantum vacuum fluctuations of empty space as a "propellant"?! A number of physicists have found the "Q-Thruster" concept to be implausible. Noted Caltech theoretical physicist, Sean M Carroll, affirmed the statement, "there is no such thing as 'quantum vacuum virtual plasma'". I personally think his statement is false. If this feat is eventually realised (I bet!), then, I advocate that maybe, just maybe, the Universe works on the same principle (or roughly the same) as a 'Giant Plasma TV'.

If you are like me and a bit of a novice when it comes to physics, then you might care to watch the following Youtube video (link below) which explains, in really simple terms, the science behind the workings of a Plasma TV. What I found interesting and didn't know prior to watching this video, that as the commentator says, at around '0.46' secs that "....each pixel is divided into 3 sub pixels....". Again, we have that concept of "three" that I'm obsessed with. Lol! (so was Nikola Tesla, by the way). Also, interesting to note that in the film the Matrix we have the female central character called Trinity and, Trinity together with Morpheus and Neo forms the trinity of 'Morpheus, Neo and Trinity'. If you believe, as I do, that this film is an allegory for what actually goes on in 'real' life, then perhaps we ought not to overlook the significance of the number 'three', for this number, I reckon, holds the key to understanding the greatest mysteries of our Universe. This can be seen in many world religions which contain triple deities or concepts of trinity, including: The Christian Holy Trinity; The Hindu Trimurti; The Three Jewels of Buddhism; The Three Pure Ones of Taoism; The Triple Goddess of Wicca etc. etc.

Posted: Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:41:46 AM
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Sorry, missed out the word "vacuum" between 'quantum' and 'fluctuations', now corrected.
Posted: Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:31:13 PM
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I've slightly amended and added to the post above, for further clarification.
Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 3:52:21 AM
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This article by David Pratt titled "David Bohm and the Implicate Order" has now captured my attention!

Bohm believed that life and consciousness are enfolded deep in the generative order and are therefore present in varying degrees of unfoldment in all matter, including supposedly ’inanimate’ matter such as electrons or plasmas. He suggests that there is a ’protointelligence’ in matter, so that new evolutionary developments do not emerge in a random fashion but creatively as relatively integrated wholes from implicate levels of reality.

Why on earth am I talking about Q-Thrusters! LOL!

I'm a truth seeker and I believe in 'flowing with the Tao', and the Tao has this tendency, from time to time, to guide me off the beaten track!! The Tao is a mysterious 'higher force' which I believe is guiding me towards higher and higher levels of truth. However, the problem I now have is that my knowledge of physics is not deep enough to be able to cope with the intensity of it all (my formal education in physics ended at age 15). My strength is in Maths/Logic and I'm, somewhat, relying on this to carry me through.

Oh and by the way, how do you think I found that old post by TheArchitect (see above). To tell you the truth, I didn't actively go looking for it nor, rely on the search facility, I was simply browsing through some old posts on the forum and suddenly it appeared, right in front of my eyes! One post out of hundreds on this website and I happened to come across it almost immediately- how's that for synchronicity!

Posted: Friday, May 1, 2015 1:19:59 AM
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I like what David proposes in the following:

But Bohm suggests that the quantum potential is itself organized and guided by a superquantum potential, representing a second implicate order, or superimplicate order. Indeed he proposes that there may be an infinite series, and perhaps hierarchies, of implicate (or ’generative’) orders, some of which form relatively closed loops and some of which do not. Higher implicate orders organize the lower ones, which in turn influence the higher.

And, assuming the above premise is true, would this have any impact on our understanding and/or interpretation of the 'Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser' experiment?!?

Posted: Saturday, May 2, 2015 7:47:05 AM
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"Universe consists of frozen light" - David Bohm

Posted: Sunday, May 3, 2015 4:24:28 PM
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"There is no such thing as 'quantum vacuum virtual plasma'"

Just a thought! There is a quantum vacuum, but maybe it is nothing like a plasma. However, maybe there is some way to tap into the quantum vacuum.

Maybe the void is an infinite source of pure white light (free energy) and, maybe, we can also equate light with consciousness. Physical light has no mass and is not part of the material world. The same is true of consciousness, it is immaterial.

"Light and consciousness are two phenomena of the same thing; to a lesser degree of consciousness corresponds to a lesser degree of light; to a greater degree of consciousness, a greater degree of light" - Samael Aun Weor, 'The Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology'
Posted: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 10:51:18 PM

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Where is everybody???

Is it just me and you, these days, Bot? It's ok, it's all good.

Some thoughts on this thread...

Bot's aversion to nothingness is the reciprocal of my aversion to infinities. Think

Sean M Carroll, affirmed the statement, "there is no such thing as 'quantum vacuum virtual plasma"

...I believe that the sure sign of someone who will ultimately enjoy the taste of crow is someone who says "there is no such thing as…"

And, finally, regarding Bohm's implicate order, it is a good idea. It is my belief that the theory of digital consciousness (fka programmed reality) can accommodate everything from the fluff of books like "The Secret" at the shallowest layers of complexity, to string theory and Bohm's implicate order at some of the deeper layers. I intend to illustrate this in my upcoming book.
Posted: Thursday, May 7, 2015 11:39:30 AM
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No problemo, jim, everything is good! I very much look forward to reading your new book when it comes out, hopefully soon. I have a tendency to vacillate between different models of reality, so here's hoping your new words of wisdom will help finally anchor be back down in your camp. :)

Posted: Saturday, May 9, 2015 8:42:57 AM
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NASA Tests 'Impossible' Engine, Finds Out It's Really Fast

'The central insight here (assuming this isn't all a big mistake) is that something called quantum vacuum fluctuations will occasionally spontaneously create particles all throughout the vacuum space.... The thruster essentially turns these virtual particles into a plasma and expels them out the back of the ship.'

Another meaningful coincidence?! Is it a wink from the Cosmos, a nudge from the above to let me know I'm on the right path? I really hope NASA are successful with this experiment, because it will be all the confirmation I need to assure me that it is a 'Light Being' or some type of hybrid 'Light Being' that is behind the Sim/VR.

Posted: Friday, November 6, 2015 2:10:22 AM
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"The ALL is a union between Nothing and All possibility, the ultimate opposites, and the nature of that union is without beginning or end, for these two opposites automatically and simultaneously create each other. The result is a "cosmic copulation" whose effect is an infinite, living mind" - The ALL - Hermeticism, The Kybalion (from discussion board).
Posted: Monday, February 8, 2016 2:53:04 AM
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The vacuum is not empty but full of virtual photons, that possibly could be converted into real photons. Don't quote me on this, but maybe the former are responsible for the thrust we see in the Q-thruster.
Posted: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:42:51 AM
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Maybe, just maybe.

Virtual photons = Virtual aether.

This aethers abundant/infinite quantum activity (= Consciousness) creates and sustains matter/light (= Matrix) itself.

Furthermore, despite Einstein proclaiming to the world that gravity waves don't exist we now have them! Remember the Michelson-Morley experiment failed to find an aether medium in space for conducting light waves. So now we have gravitational waves. So, what is waving if there is no medium to wave in?!? Either, there is aether or no aether. Which is it?

Personally, I don't buy into the hype that one tiny "chirp" confirms both general relativity and black hole science. :(
Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 6:50:30 AM
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Whenever I mentioned "White Light", above, I really meant the FULL Electromagnetic Spectrum with its many different wavelengths (radio waves. micro waves, X-rays, etc.), not just the Visible Spectrum (= white light) i.e. the portion of the EM Spectrum that is visible to the human eye. By "White Light" I meant light in its purest form or raw energy. My apologies for this oversight.
Posted: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:29:13 PM

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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
Virtual photons = Virtual aether.

This aethers abundant/infinite quantum activity (= Consciousness) creates and sustains matter/light (= Matrix) itself.

I like it, Bot. I agree, the aether is consciousness, which, in turn, is based on an information-based construct. Matter is a particular pattern or template of information. Gravity waves (like other waves (EM) that appear to propagate through a vacuum) are really information fields following rules of propagation that are built into our "Reality Learning Lab".
Posted: Saturday, February 27, 2016 3:16:24 AM
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Thanks for your kind words of endorsement, jim. Much appreciated :)

For me to accept the concept of conscious aether, which is eternal in nature, means to accept that we are all just a playing of this One energy and there is nothing else but that, that it is you (off course, we must incorporate both data and rules). The following Youtube video, "Your'e It", featuring Alan Watts, pretty much sums it up!! However, when I find more time, I'd like to add my additional points of view.
Posted: Saturday, March 5, 2016 12:53:41 AM
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Researchers demonstrate 'quantum surrealism'.

The results of a new experiment counter a long-standing criticism of an interpretation of quantum mechanics called the De Broglie-Bohm theory (or "Pilot Wave" theory).

So surrealism is a consequence of non-locality - Oh what a surprise!!!
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