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Posted: Sunday, March 20, 2016 9:29:38 AM
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The yin/yang (corresponding to binary 'bits' 0 and 1) as a pair of virtual particles arising from the vacuum, for example, a virtual photon will appear as a virtual electron/positron pair. I'm working on a soon to be published blog post which will cover this in more detail.
Posted: Thursday, March 24, 2016 3:38:18 AM
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I asked the Oracle (I-Ching) a question about one particular aspect of my blog post (not yet published) I was uncertain about but the answer wasn't great. :(

Hexagram 6.4> 59

Hex 6: Conflict
Hex 59: Dispersion/Dissolution

Line 4:

One cannot engage in conflict.
One turns back and submits to fate,
Changes one's attitude,
And finds peace in perseverance.
Good fortune.

Conflict/Dispersion: Disperse the conflict. IOW, leave it alone, go find something else to do/think about instead. Well, for a little while, at least!!

Reminds me of that famous and familiar quotation from Oscar Wilde, the paragon of wit: "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple". Lol.
Posted: Sunday, April 24, 2016 2:45:53 AM
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Big Bang, Deflated? Universe May Have Had No Beginning.

"Our theory suggests that the age of the universe could be infinite," said study co-author Saurya Das, a theoretical physicist at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada.

Posted: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 8:49:08 AM
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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
Maybe, just maybe.

Virtual photons = Virtual aether.

This aethers abundant/infinite quantum activity (= Consciousness) creates and sustains matter/light (= Matrix) itself.

From the Netherlands Institute of Brain Research - Are Virtual Photons the Elementary Carriers of Consciousness?

Posted: Friday, September 30, 2016 3:42:57 AM
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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
"The ALL is a union between Nothing and All possibility, the ultimate opposites, and the nature of that union is without beginning or end, for these two opposites automatically and simultaneously create each other. The result is a "cosmic copulation" whose effect is an infinite, living mind" - The ALL - Hermeticism, The Kybalion (from discussion board).

The above smacks of 'Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem'. The following links to one of the best articles I could find on this theorem, for the layman.

When we add information to the equation, we conclude that not only is the thing outside the biggest circle infinite and immaterial, it is also conscious.

There is also a recent article circulating the internet called "Gödel and the End of Physics" by Stephen Hawking.
Posted: Friday, November 4, 2016 4:38:21 AM
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Food for thought....

A really good Wiki article about the Quickened Void from Tom Campbell's My Big Toe.

So, what is the basis for the Quickening of the Void?

Could it be due to an interaction with something outside of Consciousness "Space", in other words, something existing prior to the Void, or the 'Thing' outside the biggest circle according to 'Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem' (see post above)?

Btw, I think Tom doesn't believe in anything existing prior to the Void nor interacting with it.

Keeping all this in mind, how can we ever begin to formulate a Big Picture TOE which encompasses the complete, truth, embodiment and expression of Source, if we ignore even the slightest possibility that an external environment exists (i.e. external to the Void/Consciousness "Space") - which to all intents and purposes, due to our current lower state of Consciousness we will never quite understand.

I'm just sayin'. :-)
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2016 3:39:18 AM
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More food for thought........

"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:

What is the basis for the Quickening of the Void?

The Void is Timeless, so it is not governed or operating by the laws of cause and effect, in other words, it is acausal.

The Void has now become the Plenum

But there is no "becoming" in a Timeless State. There is no time in which the Void can become a Plenum (or a Quickened Void). No cause and effect. No distinction between the two. They are one and the same.

David Bohm was correct, we need a new mode of language and vocabulary. Think of the movie 'Arrival'. In theatres 11.11!!

Sorry to say, this is my last post on the forum folks - rather than focus on others I need to do what is right for me [Hex 24: Return (i.e. return to my own inner truth)].

I'd just like to end by saying - I believe that the pursuit of truth is a personal journey and your own personal journey is the truth. I want to wish you all the best of luck, on that journey. :)

Good luck with the new book, Jim, I'm looking forward to reading. :)
Posted: Thursday, March 2, 2017 2:57:02 PM
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Yes, I know, I'm back, despite saying in my previous post that it would be the last one. It's just that I felt the need to further expound a viewpoint. :)

So here I go!

"There is no such thing as Time" from the following article:

Barbour's Nows all exist at once in a vast Platonic Realm that stands completely and absolutely without time.

To be perfectly honest, I prefer the idea of no-time (or, at least, splitting time from space) and, independently, with the aid of the I-Ching, I managed to reach the same conclusion myself (this was covered in the thread 'Checkmate').

So now to summarise. We can, either, have 1) TC's 'Fundamental Process' which, unequivocally, includes the notion of time in Non-Physical Matter Reality (NPMR) or 2) Plato's Ideal Forms/Objects in a Timeless Domain (though causally inefficacious?) or 3) something else, altogether, whether that be the current acceptable theories/hypotheses within the physics/scientific community or, otherwise.

Personally, I believe that, language, words, and mathematics/logic have an underlying basis on a space-time framework but when these impinge upon a reality that is not mechanical and is beyond space-time the language/mathematics starts giving paradoxical answers (as can be seen in QM with all the different interpretations). I still do maintain the ineffable nature of Ultimate Reality as expressed in the aphorism, 'The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao', but, that's not to say, I'm totally opposed to TC's 'Fundamental Process', but, tbh, I really do need to take an enormous Leap of Faith in order to believe some parts of it. But that's OK. :)

Ineffable or not, I believe the Void/Absolute is still open to being communicated with and this I also believe was hinted at, big time, in the new sci-fi movie 'Arrival' (launched on 11.11 btw - to me it means you must pay attention to the signs being shown). That's off course, if you believe, as I do, that some modern day sci-fi movies are full of metaphors and once deciphered improve our ability to roughly know what is going on in this big, vast, complicated, mysterious, Universe of ours.

***Spoiler Alert***

Might the Aliens embody a metaphor for the Platonic Realms (or even the Large Consciousness System), for instance? Note that Dr Louise Banks, played by the actress Amy Adams, was the linguistics expert called on to communicate with the Aliens. The Aliens have a code and Louise was more or less able to crack the code, reach out and interact with the Aliens at precisely the right moment.........

Posted: Monday, July 3, 2017 7:24:41 PM

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Hey Bot,

Thanks for continuing to post your ideas here. You are the I-Ching master and give us all a different perspective. I just wanted to include here the same thing I posted in response to Jon D's post:

If I am right about how our "virtual" reality works (it runs in the RLL, or Reality Learning Lab), I do think that interactivity with another time would be possible. We have to let go of the idea that our timeline is set in stone. What it is is a record of all of the states of the virtual reality. Just like we can record a video of something and go back and watch it, so could we go back and re-experience the past. Why not? Could we change it by interacting with it? Certainly possible, but subject to the rules of the RLL. And either all subsequent states of the past would have to change to accommodate the injected change at that point in the past, or they could be modified to loop back in to the existing time line, thereby only changing a subset of the past states. Something like a Mandela effect could just be created by going back and modifying all artifacts in the record. What about the future? All the future is is a potential simulation. We could theoretically run any number of those and experience them and then jump back to the present. The future will unfold how it wants to because the simulation can't properly predict the states generated by the free will of all conscious entities. So it will almost always be different from a future simulation. Not that it matters. All experiences - future simulations, current reality, and reliving the past, are subjective experiences.

I'm not sure I fully understand all aspects of your thread, but I thought it might be interesting to make a clear distinction between the nature of time in the virtual reality in which we are living (which is what I refer to above) and the nature of time in NPMR or ATTI. People often refer to the latter as timeless or "no-time", perhaps because it is an environment that allows us to experience these "pasts", future simulations, alternate scenarios, etc. more or less simultaneously. And hence, it doesn't feel like a linear deterministic reality. But it still can be. TC believes so, as well. The only thing timeless is the void. The void is so far beyond our comprehension and so far beyond our ability to infer anything about its nature, that it is pure speculation and will forever remain so. His fundamental law isn't about time, it's about a continuous improvement process.

I suppose that there might be something philosophically challenging about an absolute beginning to all that there is. Indeed, my friends who are steeped in Eastern thought find it intuitively less acceptable than an infinite regress. I don't though, but I can't explain why any better than I or TC have tried. :)

Posted: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 11:10:16 AM
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Thanks for the compliment jim, although it has to be said, that no-one has ever fully 'mastered' the I-Ching. It is an ongoing process of learning and discovery! Whenever I use the I-Ching I try not to overly conceptualise the workings behind it. It works and that's all that matters to me. Incidentally, the science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick was absolutely terrified of it, but don't let that put you off. Lol.

To me, the Timeless Void is, definitely, a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma! I say it is beyond human comprehension and understanding, so it operates outside of logic and reason.

Perhaps, it cannot be called, Void or not Void; or both; or neither Think and, can just be simply inferred to as the Void, with the proviso, that it exists beyond the limits of language, as mentioned in my previous post - so to 'quicken' the Void (as in the case of TC's 'Fundamental Process') by using a word (in this case 'quicken') to apply to something already difficult to mentally conceptualise and thus conceive, makes no logical sense to me, to boot.

However, having said all that, I still believe a binary progression underlies the structure of reality as well as in the I-Ching. At the fundamental level the laws of the Universe are written in binary code. Also, without a shadow of a doubt, what comes out of the Void and shows up in nature, as well as in the I-Ching, is the surprising 'Rule of Threes', which I also covered in some depth in my blog (see link below). Furthermore, many scientific formulas that describe forces and relationships in nature are triad in structure, for example, E=mc^2; F=ma; E=IR; a^2 = b^2 + c^2; etc. etc. So I think it is very important not to overlook that fact, as well.

'Binary' and the 'Rule of Threes', together, forever!

Addendum: Not so much as 'It from Bit' or 'It from Qubit' but, more like, 'It from Super-Qubit' /Three-Qubit/Qutrit.…etc., maybe.
Posted: Thursday, August 3, 2017 1:34:55 AM
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A New Way of Thinking About Spacetime That Turns Everything Inside Out.

John Wheeler, the renowned gravity theorist, speculated that space-time is built out of "pregeometry," but admitted that this was nothing more than "an idea for an idea." Even someone as irrepressible as Arkani-Hamed has had his doubts: "These problems are very hard. They're outside our usual language for talking about them."

"They're outside our usual language for talking about them". Spot on Nima, but now that you recognise this where do you suppose we go from here?
Posted: Saturday, October 27, 2018 1:44:15 AM
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"Bot-tee-licious" wrote:

Sure, everyone on this forum is aware that I have an aversion to nothingness. LOL. But maybe, both zero and infinity are intimately co-related, they are both sides of the same coin, so to speak. The yin and the yang................

Taking this one step further, zero and one may be considered as two complementary aspects of the same number (thinking more about the idea of 'Complementarity' which I touched upon in the thread 'Synchronicity as my Guide'). The integrative aspect of zero and one might be worth considering in more detail. A Qubit can represent a zero and one at the same time, a uniquely quantum phenomenon known in physics as a superposition.

Posted: Saturday, December 1, 2018 3:31:51 AM
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Qubits explained! A qubit is a quantum bit, the counterpart in quantum computing to the binary digit or bit of classical computing.

Sorry about the "proudly hosted on photobucket" watermark over the text. This is to keep Photobucket basic hosting services absolutely free for all members.
Posted: Saturday, December 1, 2018 7:07:13 AM

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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
Qubits explained! A qubit is a quantum bit, the counterpart in quantum computing to the binary digit or bit of classical computing.

Thanks for the chart showing Hilbert space represented on a 2-dimensional flat screen (your phone or monitor). There is this idea that we are just interpreting the answers that quantum computers give us (see OpenQASM archtecture). It is hard for us when our brains think we live in such a 2-dimensional true-false state of existence. I think the algorithms needed to harness a superpositioning of true or false always have to agree with algorithms that could be run on a classical computer. Right now quantum computers are slower - in my opinion because scientists will not let go of the idea that anything really is "true or false." True false is simply a language and not a reality. When it comes to quantum computing, we have to realize that useful information for humans is in Euclidean space and we are simply using Hilbert space to arrive hopefully one day at a faster better computational mode for our Euclidean space existence.
Posted: Saturday, December 1, 2018 7:15:46 AM

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"Bot" You have probably seen my musings on quantum computing resulting in "machine consciousness." What do you think of Jim's take on it in his new book?
Posted: Saturday, December 1, 2018 10:08:32 AM
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jdlaw wrote:
"Bot" You have probably seen my musings on quantum computing resulting in "machine consciousness." What do you think of Jim's take on it in his new book?

Yes I did, jdlaw, several years ago if I remember correctly, but I'll take another look just to refresh my memory. Unless I'm mistaken, I thought Jim's new book won't be released until December 14th. Sure, I'll report back to you once I've read it, but, unfortunately, I doubt that will be before Xmas at this stage.

Edit: Oops sorry, missed out the word "correctly," now inserted.

Posted: Sunday, December 2, 2018 4:09:50 AM
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jdlaw wrote: my opinion because scientists will not let go of the idea that anything really is "true or false." True false is simply a language and not a reality.

If this is the case jdlaw, you will have to accept that the 'digital information theory of reality' is not really true, but, on the other hand is is not really false, either. :-)

Posted: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 2:28:39 AM
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Food for thought:

2 primordial qubits with quantum states |0 0>; |0 1>; |1 0>; |1 1> = 4 nucleotides which form the basic structural unit of nucleic acids such as DNA. They are:

Thymine |0 0>; Cytosine |0 1> = Pyrimidines

Guanine |1 0>; Adenine |1 1> = Purines

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