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Joined: 3/29/2008 Posts: 1 Points: 3 Location: mexico
Thanks for the invite to this site. As Jim knows, I am a member of a yahoo group for EVP Research. In the recent weeks we have been experimenting with a computer chip called speakerjet. Speaker jet is used to generate human voice sounds, among other uses. Speaker jet has now been linked with EVP maker, a computer based system that is utlized for communications by EVP researchers and "the other side." This link up has produced direct, real time communications between this side and the other. Any ideas who is on the other side? Who do they report to? What is their purpose? Ron L
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Joined: 3/19/2008 Posts: 981 Points: 2,955
thanks for joining, ron! great post. please feel free to link up any audio clips. and let us know when you find out who the programmers are! :)
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Joined: 4/11/2008 Posts: 80 Points: 143 Location: UK
Sounds fantastic - can you communicate in real-time using your own voices, and the Speakerjet / EVP software replies ?
This has to be the "holy grail " of EVP research, hasn't it.
For the most part, the few EVP recordings which I've listened to on the internet, and in the odd documentary about the phenomenon, are very very "grainy" unclear, and open to different interpretations. I'd be interested to know if your results are a lot more clear and unambiguous than this.
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Joined: 7/21/2008 Posts: 40 Points: 120 Location: Georgia/USA
I forget how long it was after my mother died but I took my recorder to the cemetery and recorded. At first I tried asking questions and waited for responses but finally I decided to just set the recorder on the slab and sit quietly and let the recorder pick up anything that was available. I got home that evening and listened to the tape (no headphones) and was disappointed that I didn't hear anything unusual. Finally later that night it occurred to me that I should listen to the tape with headphones to see if I could hear anything with the headphones. I only heard one word and that was my name! I can't say that it sounds like my mother's voice but it is not unlike her voice. If I hadn't been the one recording the tape and the only one who had access to it after I recorded it I might not have believed what I heard but no one has touched that tape but me and it amazes me to say the least. I am going to keep trying to record again; if I got something one time I may get something another time.
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Joined: 3/19/2008 Posts: 981 Points: 2,955
Very interesting! I hope that ronriko (Ron L) still checks in and sees your post. He is the real expert in EVP.
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