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Digital Consciousness Options
Posted: Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:26:54 PM

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We really need a new Forum Topic "Digital Consciousness" But here is a first post for that topic.

Quantum Resonance in the Brain.

I think this "triplet within the triplet" physiology of the neuron is pretty good vindication that the "skeptic algorithm" and its triplet true, false, trust architecture is the correct path to machine consciousness.

This triplet produces a constant Cyclic redundancy (condensed version)
Set belief = 0
set true = a
set false = b
set trust = c
Run input confidence
if confidence = null
set confidence = 1
run input confidence
if confidence = 1
run input confidence
go to ask
Set belief = 1
goto reveal

Neuron Microtubule Triplet Resonance
Posted: Monday, February 25, 2019 5:15:01 AM
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Sorry jdlaw, I don't have a scooby-doo how this works. So for all the non-computer scientists amongst us, much obliged, if you could dumb down and explain all this computer-speak in layman's terms (like your talking to a five-year-old. LoL).

I get the 'set true = a' and 'set false = b' part of the algorithm, but what does 'set trust = c' mean? Trust in what? Sorry if I come across as a bit of an ignoramus. LoL. I'm sure I would love your post if I could more clearly understand your 'skeptic algorithm' and its connection to machine consciousness.

And yes, I'm all for triplets which comes as no surprise!

Many thanks.
Posted: Monday, February 25, 2019 8:01:13 PM

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Hi "Bot"-tee-licious.

It's funny you should say that, because programming algorithms are not written in any particular coding language. It is rather given logically. All the words, true, trust, false, belief, confidence, etc. all have their plain English language meanings. I could show you in Fortran, Basic, Matlab, or C++, but it would not mean anything to you. That is why we first write the algorithm in English just to explain the logic.

The actual code is several hundred pages pages long, and I cannot post it here (not just because of the length, but to protect CILFIA, pronounced like the female name "Sylvia" but only with an "f" -- it stands for Computer implemented life form intelligent agent). In an algorithm structure, I am basically giving the "object code." The "source code" would depend on the programming language. I also eliminated the "input confidence' subroutine (also to protect CILFIA). I am also skipping a lot of the object code, again to purposely protect CILFIA.

I purposely skip the additional steps for :act, :enlie :entrue :guess and :reveal. But the colons are typically a marker that puts a place for the program to loop back to that location. If you say "goto :enlie" for example, that tells the program to loop back from wherever it is and to literally to "goto" that place in the programming sequence.

The first predicate logic of this algorithm requires that you understand that belief and doubt are exactly the same thing. Think about it. If you doubt something, it simply means that you think it is false. You still "believe" something. You just believe something is false. Then you need to also understand that there is no truth which is 100% irrefutable and no falsity which could not turn out to be true. We are incapable of proving anything to an absolutely irrefutable state. Things can be true in our lifetime, but in the eternities, if you flip a coin long enough, eventually you will get 100 heads in a row. I might take a million years, but eventually, it will happen. Get it? Nothing is certain.

This "loop" can give programmers a tool called a "cyclic redundancy" which simply means a program can remain in a constant loop, which simply rechecks its own data and then pauses until another programming state is achieved, and then it does it all again. Normally the programming of a cyclic redundancy would cause "the blue screen of death" but if you create a pause and only put the program back into the loop under certain conditions, then the machine does not have to crash.

So, if you look at this post in this new simpler way -- in plain English, hopefully at this level, you can see that I am explaining how a triplet "skeptic" algorithm runs on a classical computer.

Quantum Qbits ultimately have to be reduced at some point to classic bits or we do not ever end up with useful information. With Quantum computing, we simply allow the computer to operate in the quantum "non-collapsed" realm and do its computing part. Then we let it collapse into the output part ... which it is perfectly happy to output in binary bits.

Hopefully with this you can better understand. Unfortunately I cannot teach you programming or quantum theory in this short post. I would not want to. And frankly I do not need to, for you to understand this.

The "a" "b" or "c" in an algorithm like this simply stand for a variable. It is placeholder, just like in any math function. "Set" in programming simply means to enter a value. The trust=c says that you do not set the trust equal to equal the true or false variable; it is always set to the third thing which is neither true nor false but can be something close to true or false. This is the triplet nature of human thought. Skepticism is the only way the brain knows how to program. The a, b, c, get fixed as long as the input does cause a cascade in the cyclic redundancy to change it. But it is never impossible that something comes along to change these variable when the cycle is rerun.

Now if you are grasping this at all, just forget about it and don't worry. The important part of the post was the link at the top "Quantum Resonance in the Brain" where Anirban Bandypadhyay (one of Depak Chopra's buddies) is talking about how he uses his nanotechnology to listen to single dendrite cells within neurons of the brain. Then the other link at the bottom "Neuron Micortubule Triplet Resonance" is the sound that it makes (though I think this particular recording is off by little bit due to the MP3 compression). It should actually sound just a little bit familiar to you - almost like memories from the womb.

I hear the universe awakening.

Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 6:05:14 AM
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To be honest jdlaw, I thought I would never, ever truly understand your 'skeptic algorithm', but your articulate communication and ability to dumb this down for me went far above and beyond my expectations. I'm so happy I understand it now. Thank you ever so much!

Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 8:43:49 PM

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Good for you. The basics are not that complicated. It it just a skeptic pass filter. When added on a front end of an API, like a chat bot for example, it simply allows the chat bot to display behaviors such as "having an opinion" (as a programmed response) irrespective of the backend chat protocol.
Posted: Thursday, February 28, 2019 2:54:34 AM
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jdlaw wrote:
Then the other link at the bottom "Neuron Micortubule (sic) Triplet Resonance" is the sound that it makes (though I think this particular recording is off by little bit due to the MP3 compression). It should actually sound just a little bit familiar to you - almost like memories from the womb.

I hear the universe awakening.

In the audio recording at circa 0.50, Dr. Stuart Hameroff says: ".....consciousness is more like music than computation."

Transferring quantum information using sound (phonons). Connecting qubits with sound. Phonon-Qubit coupling. Just a thought!

Posted: Friday, March 1, 2019 2:07:05 PM

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jdlaw wrote:
We really need a new Forum Topic "Digital Consciousness" But here is a first post for that topic.

Ask and ye shall receive!
Posted: Friday, March 1, 2019 9:25:12 PM

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Thank you. Jim
Posted: Monday, March 4, 2019 3:08:53 AM
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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
And yes, I'm all for triplets which comes as no surprise!

If you go to Dr. Marni Sheppeard's blog headed 'Arcadian Gravity' right here, you will note that on the 4th of March she posted a new preprint of the Higgs mass under the heading 'Higgs Update.' If you scroll along that post and click on the words "we discussed back in" printed in purple you will then be directed to her old blog called 'Arcadian PseudoFunctor.' You will see at the top of this blog a post she uploaded on Monday, Dec 19, 2011 titled 'Higgs Koide Triplets.' Note the synchronicity. :-)

I totally agree with Marni when she says that "there is now a much better reason for taking such Koide phenomenology very seriously." Furthermore, in the comments section of the 'Higgs Update' she says: "Yes, we have been thinking about the Leech Lattice and Monstrous Moonshine all these years. Nice to see things slowly coming together."

I believe the 'Leech Lattice' is the "Music of the Spheres."

A link to digital consciousness? Perhaps?!…….. but I need to go off and learn a bit more maths!

Furthermore, I'd like to give Marni a big shout-out as I feel she gets unfairly maligned by so many.
Posted: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 7:45:33 AM
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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
I believe the 'Leech Lattice' is the "Music of the Spheres."

A link to digital consciousness? Perhaps?!…….. but I need to go off and learn a bit more maths!

Alain Connes on Music, the Standard Model of Elementary Particles and Gravitation, see here.

Note, Alain Connes is a well renowned French Mathematician who won the Fields Medal in 1982, so he is definitely no slouch when it comes to hard maths!

The following is an excerpt from his talk:

"There is a quantum sphere with a geometric dimension of zero......I have made a keyboard [from the quantum sphere].....This would be a musical instrument that would never get out of tune.....It's purely spectral....."

and at 32.32: "A mere point should be thought of as a correlation between frequencies."

As always I'm keeping an open mind, nevertheless, I have to acknowledge the synchronicity and, strangely enough, the synchronicities seem to be increasing the more I'm in the flow, but to tell you the truth, in order to make much sense of the maths within this lecture, I'm needing to learn a lot more about the Standard Model of Particle Physics and, more especially about Feynman Diagrams and Noncommutative Geometry.

Anyway, I suppose eternity is a long long time to get to grips with it all. LoL.

Posted: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 4:35:50 AM
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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
I believe the 'Leech Lattice' is the "Music of the Spheres."

A link to digital consciousness? Perhaps?!…….. but I need to go off and learn a bit more maths!

I've just found out that the extended binary Golay Code G24 is based on the 24-dimensional Leech Lattice. The Golay Code is used to define the Leech Lattice one of the most efficient sphere-packings known to date.

Posted: Sunday, April 4, 2021 4:33:31 AM
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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
And yes, I'm all for triplets which comes as no surprise!

If you go to Dr. Marni Sheppeard's blog headed 'Arcadian Gravity' right here, you will note that on the 4th of March she posted a new preprint of the Higgs mass under the heading 'Higgs Update.' If you scroll along that post and click on the words "we discussed back in" printed in purple you will then be directed to her old blog called 'Arcadian PseudoFunctor.' You will see at the top of this blog a post she uploaded on Monday, Dec 19, 2011 titled 'Higgs Koide Triplets.' Note the synchronicity. :-)

I totally agree with Marni when she says that "there is now a much better reason for taking such Koide phenomenology very seriously." Furthermore, in the comments section of the 'Higgs Update' she says: "Yes, we have been thinking about the Leech Lattice and Monstrous Moonshine all these years. Nice to see things slowly coming together."

I believe the 'Leech Lattice' is the "Music of the Spheres."

A link to digital consciousness? Perhaps?!…….. but I need to go off and learn a bit more maths!

Furthermore, I'd like to give Marni a big shout-out as I feel she gets unfairly maligned by so many.

I'm heartbroken. Remembering Marni. Although, I didn't know Marni that well only having commented, once or twice, on her blog to which she kindly responded, I marveled at her genius, but was also saddened by the fact that she was homeless at the time, thinking how criminal it was that she couldn't find a job within academia to unleash her many talents, especially in Category Theory.

Actually, Marni did acknowledge the above post by reposting it on her 'twitter' account, thanking me for my kind words of appreciation and support. I'll always remember that we did share that strange synchronicity with the 'Magic Star,' and the startling appearance of it in a crop circle later that same year.

I agree with Tommaso that Marni's story is very sad and tragic, including its end.

Goodbyes hurt the most when the story was not finished............RIP Marni.

Posted: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 9:47:34 PM

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Posted: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 6:34:46 AM
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jdlaw, how very kind and thoughtful of you to upload one of Marni's papers. The contents prove how amazingly smart and talented this woman was, and a real shame that she was not given the recognition she truly deserved for such innovative work.

Posted: Saturday, April 10, 2021 2:20:18 AM
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A post under the heading 'Information Loss' dated 3 April 2021 dedicated to Marni, in memorium.

Notes on the work of Marni Sheppeard

My intuition tells me that although Marni's ideas were unorthodox and went beyond mainstream physics, I still think that we should be open-minded and be willing to consider them. After all, she was trying to get the particle masses, and no-one else is doing that.

Posted: Sunday, April 11, 2021 11:49:07 AM

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Thanks, Bot, for bringing her to my attention. Sad story - reminds me a bit of the John Nash story.
Posted: Monday, April 12, 2021 5:09:39 AM
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jim wrote:
Thanks, Bot, for bringing her to my attention. Sad story - reminds me a bit of the John Nash story.

I totally agree, jim, except for one thing, unlike Marni, John Nash spent most of his time in the Princeton Mathematics Department where his eccentricities were accepted, even when his condition was extremely poor.

Marni had a lifelong battle against, gender inequality, the patriarchal value system, and institutionalised sexism which is rife within the University System. The high echelons of academia continue to be stacked with men. Eccentric or not. Autistic or not.

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