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To Mask or not to Mask... Options
Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2020 6:58:28 PM
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Hi guys,

I had a bit of a scary incident earlier tonight, and I thought I'd post it here for some feedback. To give you some background, I've some respiratory issues and generally avoid wearing a mask if I can. Alas this is getting hazardous to one's health in other ways. To be clear I don't agree with the official policy but might still wear a mask if it didn't make me feel so ill afterward. The hostility at people who choose not to wear one is becoming palpable, indeed almost physical. Below is a letter (altered very slightly in parts) I sent to a journalist who I've become friendly with online to get his take on it. So I thought why not send it to you good forumites also?


I'm just back from my shopping in Aldi and a little shook from it. It's funny, going in I had the feeling, "this could be the day when things turn nasty". I wasn't wrong. As I was packing my food near the exit a woman went by me and said that I should be ashamed of myself for not wearing a mask. I was taken aback and sort of froze, and in that few seconds she was gone out the door. All I had to say to her was "I've got a respiratory condition" (which I had printed on my hi-vid incidentally) but I'm not great in the moment like that, and maybe things would have got ugly anyway. But it would've been nice to just say that.

Anyway, I wheeled out my trolley to catch up to her, not to have a go back or anything, just clear the air if possible, but she was over at her car by that stage. Then this burly guy (with a child in tow) walks by and tells me "You're an absolute clown". I was going to ask why, but honestly, there was a real menace in his voice, so I let it go.

Fxxk sake XXX, it's like the wild west out there. Just yesterday I was in the Post Office and a neighbour(!) who stayed in my room years ago when he came back from Australia called for my arrest in front of thirty people for not wearing a mask (I'd asked the staff a fortnight ago if it was an issue and they said no, that they were behind perspex, so I was in the clear, but if another person had chimed in it could've been hairy)! That was bad, but this was worse; I'd say at this rate it's only a matter of time before assaults against us dissenters from the mainstream propaganda become commonplace.

Right now I'm thinking is it worth it, risking getting attacked by muppets such as these? Yet I don't want to give in to them. I'm conflicted now, as I really sensed that they believe they're in the right and I'm endangering them, that they're sort of beyond reasoning with, the propaganda is coming at them from all angles.

I purchased two masks that have protest statements written on them. Maybe I'll protest that way instead. I hope you're ok with my telling you all this, it feels good to get it off my chest at any rate! Have you had anything like this happen to you XXXX, or know if this kind of thing is increasing? It certainly feels like it is to me.

While I'm mailing you, did you see the vaccine piece on the late late show? You probably have but in case you haven't, I'm going to send it on plus my take on it in an email to friends. It really is quite sinister.

All for now,

Take care,


There is no spoon.
Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2020 7:07:54 PM
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(p.s. about to post the 'vaccine piece' mentioned at the end of that last post on its own thread. It's worth viewing: fascism, Irish style)

There is no spoon.
Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2020 9:22:41 PM

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It's awful what's been happening to you, Neo. Really disgusting.

I think a lot of these mask-wearing morons now are not thinking rationally. They are so filled with hysteria and fear that it's affecting their judgements and cognitive abilities. Do they still not realize that masks offer hardly any protection as the Covid-19 virus is that small it can go straight through their masks. Plus, I heard the virus can also pass through your eyeballs, so I'm surprised people have not started wearing bloody goggles as well. It's just so surreal and ridiculous I just don't take any of it seriously any more.

This is not about a virus, it's about creating a totalitarian technocratic system. When are the masses gonna realize this?!
Jon D
Posted: Thursday, December 10, 2020 11:45:18 PM
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Early this past summer I had went to Home Depot to purchase something and had totally forgot to bring a mask, as my intention was just to purchase something outside in the garden center(at the time masks weren't required out there) and I ended up having to go inside and wait in a massive line. No one said anything to me, but the feeling was quite awkward as I only saw maybe two others not wearing masks out of 100 people. My case, it was not intentional. The tone seems to have changed, as time goes on people have become more touchy to the subject. You should be able to understand why just by turning on either CNN or your local news, the fear has been embedded into the minds of people for nearly a year now, and fear quickly turns into anger. "RAGING" pandemic, "DEATH TOLL NEW RECORD", "DARKEST DAYS IN HISTORY AHEAD", etc...

I have no problem slapping a mask on if I want to get a Chipotle burrito, knowing that I wont be able to go in there and order without the mask. I also have no problem at all seeing people not wearing a mask, although I don't think it's going to accomplish much to not wear one, as a form of protest it's going to be futile. There are many things we do in daily life that are ridiculous when you think about it, yet we've become accustomed to it. Perhaps you've become a little naive to the world we live in lol.

Yes it's absolutely ridiculous to wear a mask to walk inside of a restaurant, just to take it off after walking 20 steps to your table. If I want to eat at that restaurant, I'll do it. We have to remember first and foremost that the people we're seeing, employees of these stores, restaurants, they aren't the policymakers, they are just put in the awkward position of having to enforce it. Wearing a mask to get served is a simple choice. When it comes time for people to have to choose between getting vaccinated or losing their job(or more), that's going to be something else, and I'm quite sure it will be happening.

That vaccine video with the kid, not surprising at all. The media has always been used that way.
Posted: Friday, December 11, 2020 7:35:40 PM

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Yes, but if a lot of these restaurants and other businesses stood up to the government then what could the government do? They could not arrest everybody or fine everybody surely. It's all about people power and knowing your rights. The way most people have just acquiesced and accepted this "New Normal" is really quite disappointing. There has been several protests here in the UK but overall I feel the majority have just lied down and allowed their freedoms to be taken away.

And yes, when these vaccines become available worldwide I think the majority will do the same and just voluntarily go to their GP surgeries and get their two shots. Even though there's already concerns about one of the vaccines where people with allergies are advised not to take it. I bet you people will still line up like sheeple and give it to their kids as well. Who knows what the health risks are and the long-term damage these rushed out vaccines might do? But people in general don't seem to be that fussed. I think they're that desperate to get back to how things were that they'll do virtually anything. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity, tbh.

Posted: Friday, December 11, 2020 8:33:28 PM
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EKUMA1981 wrote:
Yes, but if a lot of these restaurants and other businesses stood up to the government then what could the government do? They could not arrest everybody or fine everybody surely. It's all about people power and knowing your rights. The way most people have just acquiesced and accepted this "New Normal" is really quite disappointing. There has been several protests here in the UK but overall I feel the majority have just lied down and allowed their freedoms to be taken away.

And yes, when these vaccines become available worldwide I think the majority will do the same and just voluntarily go to their GP surgeries and get their two shots. Even though there's already concerns about one of the vaccines where people with allergies are advised not to take it. I bet you people will still line up like sheeple and give it to their kids as well. Who knows what the health risks are and the long-term damage these rushed out vaccines might do? But people in general don't seem to be that fussed. I think they're that desperate to get back to how things were that they'll do virtually anything. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity, tbh.

Thanks for the empathy EKUMA1981 in your post before the one quoted above, appreciated. I'm quoting your post above in full because it was like reading my own thoughts on the matter. I've put myself out there so to speak over the last few months by not masking, hoping that my example might mean something. However the abuse seems to have ramped up considerably after our second lockdown (Ireland), and I find that the very few who say they support me don't show it by their actions. So now, sadly, I've got to thinking is it worth it, putting myself in that position? I'm tired of the abuse and the herd mentality, and yes, I too have lost a fair bit of faith in humanity over this.

There is no spoon.
Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2020 3:05:52 AM

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So look, there is no need to be impolite or try shame somebody for not wearing a mask. However, there is every reason to disallow you from going places where you can infect people or become infected. Ekuma1981 wants to tell us not to shame people for not wearing a mask, but at the same time calls mask wearers "Morons."

So just C'mon man. You can believe what you want to believe, but mask wearing is not that hard. If your phobia causes you to not wear a mask then just do not attempt to be near people or go into public places. If you truly have a health condition that prevents you from being able to breath properly while wearing a mask, then by all means they have a perfect solution for you. It is to just carry that oxygen bottle the medical professionals gave you and wear that oxygen mask rather than just the standard nose tube. Yes I am serious. Because, if you truly have such a shortness of breath issue that is so bad that you cannot wear a simple cloth or surgical mask, then you also need to have oxygen standing by. That is the truth of the health condition.

Now as for the phobia part. Yes. There are actual phobias that make mask wearing actually impossible for some people. But let's please just be honest here. Is it a phobia or just a disbelief?

But as to why we are on this forum and talking about this has all to do with the notion that the entire "pandemic" issue is some strange occurrence in the "Matrix" (or what the author of the site has called the "RLL" or "Reality Learning Lab").

Please then apply your logic. It is certainly real that something is happening. In the consensus reality (i.e. the one that is overwhelmingly pushing public perception) the doctors and scientists are telling you there is a virus that is slightly more deadly than other flu or cold virus out there. And yes there are also several other "strange" behaviors to this virus that conspiracy theorists are saying "proves" it is some kind of "hoax" perpetrated by the "New World Order" subversive forces existing in this consensus reality.

Fine. Again just please believe what you want. However, the thing about consensus reality is that no matter how well you think you understand the "nature" of reality — it is still reality. There is no escaping your own deep internal manifestations unless you can bring yourself to "guru" level of consciousness where you can actually bend the "Matrix" to your liking. I am not there yet. I will wear a mask out in public. And if you happen to come by me without wearing a mask, I will not try to shame you or question your motives or hassle you in any way. I will kindly ask you to leave my premises, or contact the authorities to have you removed from wherever there are masking orders in place. Please stop making $#!+ up in here telling us that we are the problem and all of you marching to the beat of your own drummer are perfectly normal. It is not right.
Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2020 4:02:38 AM

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EKUMA1981 wrote:
It's awful what's been happening to you, Neo. Really disgusting.

I think a lot of these mask-wearing morons now are not thinking rationally. They are so filled with hysteria and fear that it's affecting their judgements and cognitive abilities. Do they still not realize that masks offer hardly any protection as the Covid-19 virus is that small it can go straight through their masks.!

Sorry, I call B.S. on this one. In my career back in the day while I worked for 6 years at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases ("USAMRIID" Pronounce "Use Am Rid"), I might have learned a thing or two about transmission of infectious diseases. Then when a got out of the Army and became the on-site operations manager at the National Institutes of Health building 6B containment facility, I gained even more expertise on these subjects. So please stop going to these websites where people are twisting truth to meet their agenda.

Mask wearing is very efficacious for preventing the spread of this type of virus. The surgical mask has been used for many years for this purpose. It will prevent well over 60-80% of what an infected person wearing one would otherwise have spewed out into the air if worn right. Yes the virus can go through and around the mask. That is the point. You are making the virus go through and around. Add just a little social distancing and that is exactly what causes 90% decrease in the transmission. Fewer airborne particulates can go through and around. Then you just take that 90% decrease and compute it into the statistical tables and guess what? You save thousands of lives. It is not complicated, but your B.S. websites that tell you it does not prevent the virus is twisting your mind. Stop it!

Contraction and transmission of a disease will be decreased substantially by use of the mask. This has been used in hospitals and laboratories for what is called a "level-2" containment protocol. There are four levels. Level-1 is just ordinary hygiene like washing your hands and covering your mouth when you cough. Level-4 is full "MOPP" gear on the battlefield or other fully enclosed biocontaiment level-4 in the laboratory.

If this disease was more deadly, but still airborne, like Ebola for example (yes I worked with Ebola extensively when I worked in those labs) then it would be a biocontainment level-4 outbreak. Fortunately Ebola is not airborne transmittable but is 25%-90% morbidity and mortality rate which still earns it a biocontainment level-4. Labs are using biocontainment level-3 to work with COVID-19, but in the public, that kind of PPE is not readily available. I personally prefer to use the "KN-95" when I am in public. They are not the "N-95" or "HEPA" level filter, but the shape of it provides a better seal as well as even lower transmission.

Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2020 5:58:42 AM
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Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2020 6:11:25 AM
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Posted: Saturday, December 12, 2020 5:20:05 PM
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Should this can of coke have been wearing a mask?

There is no spoon.
Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2020 3:00:22 AM

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Neo wrote:
Should this can of coke have been wearing a mask?

Hello Neo. Great to have you back on the forum. Or are you really back?

Those videos you posted are bat $#I+ crazy. Do you have anything from peer reviewed journals in science, philosophy, future tech, physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, or consciousness?

I have said before, something is not right with you of late. What happened to the Neo who understands the nature of the simulated reality? We used to talk about math, science, quantum mechanics, and cosmology and the workings of our universe.

I watched all those bitchute videos you posted links to here. I really want to try to find the relevance to what is happening in the RLL.

This whole information war going on right now is a very interesting phenomenon though. People are dying from something. I know them. I have seen family and friends get sick with some form of respiratory syndrome and then die from it in the hospital. The statistical number of "excess" deaths in the US for 2020 is now approaching 500,000. If not a virus, then what is it?
Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2020 4:28:15 AM
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jdlaw wrote:
Please then apply your logic. It is certainly real that something is happening.

Hear, hear, jdlaw.

I'm sad to say that on the 24th of October my mum passed away in a nursing home. Two weeks after her passing an outbreak of Covid-19 was officially declared within the home. On the death certificate, it was stated that one of the causes of her death was 'Probable Aspiration Pneumonia' so, did mum contract Covid-19 which resulted in pneumonia, or was it merely coincidental? Unfortunately, we'll never know for sure. Yet an outbreak of this deadly virus still occurred despite strict mask-wearing and hygiene protocols amongst all staff members.

I certainly agree with Ekuma when he stated that the virus is so small it can go straight through masks (especially surgical masks), and that it can even enter the eyes. However, while surgical masks won't remove the chance of contracting Covid-19, there is evidence that suggests they reduce the chance of infection, the severity of the infection, and the spread of the disease. Apparently, the most effective at filtering the viral particles and offer better protection than surgical masks are the two medical-grade masks N99 and N95. However, they are extremely uncomfortable to wear for any longer than half an hour. Believe me, I've tried them! An hour-long journey on a bus and I was struggling to breathe, at one point I almost got off before I reached my destination.

After a lot of research, I now wear very comfortable copper-infused ion masks which are known to block more than 99% of fine particulate matter for maximum protection. I thoroughly recommend them.

Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2020 7:08:49 PM

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Sorry to learn of your mum's passing, Bot. Last year my aunt June died of aspiration pneumonia. It came as a shock to us all as she seemed to be picking up, then all of a sudden she just deteriorated. I never did find out what really occurred and if there was any medical negligence involved as her daughter got very upset and refused to speak to us about it.

And just going back to this Covid-19 pandemic. It just seems to me to be about so much more than a virus. It does seem like this has been planned out in advance. I mean, there was that "Event 201" that was held in New York just a few months before the actual Covid-19 pandemic started. This seems to be a bit beyond coincidence don't you all think.

Plus, what's unfolding now is very unsettling. I mean, it won't be long before so-called "Covid Cards" are issued to the general public. We'll have to start carrying them around with us and if you're not up-to-date with all your shots then you might be denied entry to sports stadia, concerts, restaurants, etc. Then there's talk of making the vaccines mandatory. We should always have a choice and not be coerced. Then what happens if there's another coronavirus outbreak?! Let's say Covid-20 comes onto the scene. Will that mean we'll have to be immunized against that particular strain as well? Then Covid-21... this could just go on, and on, and on. Do you really want all that crap circulating around your body?

There's also the fact that the mortality rate is not even that high. I've heard experts say it's not even that much deadlier than the seasonal influenza. Now, I recall back in 2008 when I was living in Redcar (a small seaside town) and we experienced an epidemic of bird flu. Well, I remember people were a bit anxious back then and I think I probably was infected by it as I felt terrible for a few days. I had cold symptoms and a bad chest. HOWEVER, there was nothing like what we're experiencing now with this Covid-19. I mean, there was certainly no lockdown; there were no signs up stating, "Keep two metres apart"; there were no bans on crowds of more than 6 people, etc. Everybody just got on with their daily lives. I thought this is what we always do whether there's epidemics or pandemics. Of course, we do our best to shield the most vulnerable (elderly, diabetics, etc), but usually the rest of the healthy population go about their daily business.

Now, I could understand having to lockdown if it was a serious contagion, like if Ebola became airborne, or if the smallpox virus re-surfaced. You know, serious pathogens like these then you would start wearing masks, etc. Even I would. In fact, I'd want a full hazmat suit! LOLZ. But for something like a coronavirus that isn't even that deadly (only to the most vulnerable) then surely you just go for herd immunity. I just cannot get my head around all this hysteria and these draconian measures over a pretty weak virus. That's why I just feel there's so much more going on. It's just an excuse for the governments of the world to enforce new laws and take our freedoms away. That's what I believe.

Oh, and did you guys hear about how one Chinese airline want their flight staff to start wearing diapers? You see, if you just go along with it and wear masks then it escalates to other things. How humiliating for them stewards and stewardesses -

And I came across another video of a poor little 2 year girl on an aeroplane. Now, I thought little kids were exempt from wearing face masks! This is sick and tantamount to child abuse -

You see, if you just acquiesce and accept this "New Normal" then it's gonna get even more draconian and sinister. Eventually we might not have any freedom or rights left. Think about it... is this the type of world you want your children to inherit?...
Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2020 8:38:06 PM
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jdlaw wrote:

Hello Neo. Great to have you back on the forum. Or are you really back?

Also sorry to hear of your Mum's passing, "Bot"-tee-licious, my condolences to you. It's after 3.30 am where I am so a bit late (or early) for a long post, but once again I'd like to quote EKUMA in full (Halfway through this post it occurred to me that highlighting key phrases that stood out for me and inserting my own comments in italics might prove interesting. Now it's nearly 4 am..ok, nite!

EKUMA1981 wrote:

Sorry to learn of your mum's passing, Bot. Last year my aunt June died of aspiration pneumonia. It came as a shock to us all as she seemed to be picking up, then all of a sudden she just deteriorated. I never did find out what really occurred and if there was any medical negligence involved as her daughter got very upset and refused to speak to us about it.

And just going back to this Covid-19 pandemic. It just seems to me to be about so much more than a virus. (Has a virus even been identified? Or is the propaganda the virus?It does seem like this has been planned out in advance. I mean, there was that "Event 201" that was held in New York just a few months before the actual Covid-19 pandemic started. This seems to be a bit beyond coincidence don't you all think.

Plus, what's unfolding now is very unsettling. I mean, it won't be long before so-called "Covid Cards" are issued to the general public. We'll have to start carrying them around with us and if you're not up-to-date with all your shots then you might be denied entry to sports stadia, concerts, restaurants, etc. Then there's talk of making the vaccines mandatoryEh? Not talking . We should always have a choice and not be coerced. Then what happens if there's another coronavirus outbreak?! Let's say Covid-20 comes onto the scene. Will that mean we'll have to be immunized against that particular strain as well? Then Covid-21... this could just go on, and on, and on.(Maybe that's part of the plan) Do you really want all that crap circulating around your body?

There's also the fact that the mortality rate is not even that high. I've heard experts say it's not even that much deadlier than the seasonal influenza. Now, I recall back in 2008 when I was living in Redcar (a small seaside town) and we experienced an epidemic of bird flu. Well, I remember people were a bit anxious back then and I think I probably was infected by it as I felt terrible for a few days. I had cold symptoms and a bad chest. HOWEVER, there was nothing like what we're experiencing now with this Covid-19. I mean, there was certainly no lockdown; there were no signs up stating, "Keep two metres apart"; there were no bans on crowds of more than 6 people, etc. Everybody just got on with their daily lives. I thought this is what we always do whether there's epidemics or pandemics. Of course, we do our best to shield the most vulnerable (elderly, diabetics, etc), but usually the rest of the healthy population go about their daily business.

Now, I could understand having to lockdown if it was a serious contagion, like if Ebola became airborne, or if the smallpox virus re-surfaced. You know, serious pathogens like these then you would start wearing masks, etc. Even I would. In fact, I'd want a full hazmat suit! LOLZ. But for something like a coronavirus that isn't even that deadly (only to the most vulnerable) then surely you just go for herd immunity. I just cannot get my head around all this hysteria and these draconian measures over a pretty weak virus. That's why I just feel there's so much more going on. It's just an excuse for the governments of the world to enforce new laws and take our freedoms away. That's what I believe. (Thanks for typing that; I didn't know that you were still allowed to)
Oh, and did you guys hear about how one Chinese airline want their flight staff to start wearing diapers? [b]You see, if you just go along with it and wear masks then it escalates
(And if you go along with things you're far more likely give in on others down the road) to other things. How humiliating for them stewards and stewardesses -

And I came across another video of a poor little 2 year girl on an aeroplane. Now, I thought little kids were exempt from wearing face masks! This is sick and tantamount to child abuse -(Agreed)d'oh!

You see, if you just acquiesce and accept this "New Normal" then it's gonna get even more draconian and sinister. Eventually we might not have any freedom or rights left. Think about it... is this the type of world you want your children to inherit?...
(For me, a brilliant finish to a cogent postApplause)

There is no spoon.
Posted: Sunday, December 13, 2020 9:03:59 PM
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Ezz back...a video to ponder...

(Now after 4 am, nite!)

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Posted: Monday, December 14, 2020 3:33:30 AM
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Ekuma and Neo ~ Thank you both for your kind words of condolence.

Posted: Monday, December 14, 2020 8:03:50 PM
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Hmm, seems like Kary Mullis wasn't a Fauci fanThink

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Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 7:19:51 AM
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Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 7:46:01 AM
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(It's not much of a surprise if you can 'warn' us about it beforehand d'oh!)

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