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Crop Circle/Avebury Wiltshire/2nd July 2021
Another year of fantastic crop circles appearing mysteriously on farmland in Southern England. This one is a Fibonacci Spiral inscribed in a Hexagon. Beautiful sacred geometry.
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Actually, it’s a hexagonal spiral 🌀. Note the hexagon in the centre! The more you study it, the more one can see how incredible and how intricate it is.
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Perhaps not coincidentally, a circle is the easiest pattern for hoaxers to create. Only relatively few hoaxers have actually been caught, but those who have been caught come to the fields with pretty simple technology.
The designs for those hoaxers were prepared and planned ahead of time. The tools were various size light boards with various modes of attachment to the feet for knocking down crops. There were also various height poles to stake an anchor point at one end for a center to attach light ropes or strings. The hoaxers would pound in one or more center stakes and walk out the premeasured distances using precut lengths of rope and then attach the boards to their feet. They would grab the knot in the rope at predetermined distances and walk the circumstance (or part of the circle for intricate designs) to create the circle pattern. They would then finish the job all in one night with the cover of the surrounding crops to avoid being discovered.
This is certainly not to say that catching only one or two hoaxers out of the many hundreds of crop circles over the years proves that these others were not extraterrestrial in origin, but certainly did provide plausible explanation for how it could have been done.
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Thanks for your feedback, jdlaw. Doug Bower and his co-conspirator Dave Chorley who were the first two men to assert that they were responsible for the phenomena known as "crop circles" in Southern England, and many other pranksters that claimed they managed to improve upon their techniques, whether at home or overseas, have never been actually caught mid-construction and, I find that quite perplexing to say the least. I believe the claims by various artists to be the sole creators of crop circles are themselves a hoax! It has also been confirmed that the farmers themselves and those people living nearby don't hear or see anything unusual overnight, and what about the lack of tracks and footprints leading from the crop circles? Furthermore, some of the formations are too perfect, too intricate and composed of such mathematical sophistication to be the work of pranksters. I doubt very much they would be able to create this effect with just rope, a few planks of wood, and surveyor's measuring tape, in the middle of the night, with just a torch, the moon and the stars as the only source of light! Moreover, some of the compositions are so large and intricate that it would be well-nigh impossible to complete them within the hours of sunset to sunrise. Furthermore, there are the peculiarities of the plants themselves. It has been reported that stalks have been bent up to ninety-degrees with no sign of breakage or abrasion. Also, some stalks have been expanded and exploded from the inside out, with all kinds of other anomalies to boot. Unfortunately, I don't have time to go into them all, but, here, Gary Bobroff, provides readers with some scientific evidence against the theory that crop circles are just a hoax.
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What about this one, that appeared today. If hoaxers, then how do you account for such a magnificent creation so soon after the previous one, unless, off course, they are a different group of hoaxers, but I seriously doubt it. I also doubt this was created by hoaxers. Lovin' the synchronicity, though. :-) Crop Circle/Longwood Warren Hampshire/4th July 2021.
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How about a deeper explanation? One that goes a significant layer deeper into the nature of reality?
This is hybrid Solipsism, but I would call it more the multiverse theory of higher self.
What if we live in a programmed universe? (i.e. one in which the physicality and nature of "being" in the abstract is ultimately information only)?
This may seem far fetched to some, yet everything points to it and of course you all being here in this forum shows you are open to the idea or you would not be here.
I will add that the concept of time itself is already a "dead" give away. For all the physicality we think exists -- is is really only what the mind remembers. We think there is a before and we think there is an after. But as we try to hone in on the "now" and divide one second of time in half and in half again and then again until we think we get to the shortest time, it is only there that we can find out what "is is."
We think that it will go on to infinity. In the concept of existence that is probably true, but in the concept of reality, our measuring devices are limited to the perception of time and our devices rely on sensors. In turn those sensors rely on light sound air or any other medium of transferring information.
The only way we can see feel touch smell or sense something is if some information carrier like light, sound, or air carried it to us. Even our most sophisticated electronic sensors are like this too. Nothing "is real" unless some form of information carrier brought that information to our sensors. Another way of saying it is that trees in the woods may fall in existence, but in order for reality to exist something must be affected by its falling.
The same is true for every stalk of grain in a crop circle. Each of us lives in a multiverse where we have an avitar in each universe, but only in this one is the one where we are truly conscious and everyone and everything else is just non-player character and scenery.
Yet our avatars are also non-player characters for the most part in every other universe but this one. Our higher selves already know this and assist ourselves and other player characters in their one universe, but are unaware of it in our own universal reality. But even our higher self already knows that our experiences in this reality are the one that matters most to us.
In other words there have been crop circles in other countryside besides Southern England, but Southern England's are usually the best and most sophisticated.
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Hybrid Solipsism~ well, that’s a unique perspective I hadn’t thought of, jdlaw. To be honest, I ‘think’ I am truly conscious in ‘this universe,’ so it’s a tad disconcerting for me to think I could be interacting with a non-player character with the moniker jdlaw. Kinda creeps me out. 😆
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But for the sake of my sanity I will always believe that both you and I are conscious, together. 😊
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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:Hybrid Solipsism~ well, that’s a unique perspective I hadn’t thought of, jdlaw. To be honest, I ‘think’ I am truly conscious in ‘this universe,’ so it’s a tad disconcerting for me to think I could be interacting with a non-player character with the moniker jdlaw. Kinda creeps me out. 😆 It is just a feeling, but seems to me that consciousness may not be just an all or nothing sort of thing. I mean maybe an insect like a beetle, for example, has some very small level of consciousness, just not enough to really detect it from our perspective. Lately, I have been thinking of it more in the terms of just what I call "first person experience." In other words, the simple act of looking at something and recognizing it (for the quality of what it is) - is a pretty "epiphenominal" thing. I mean, we have self-driving cars with all sorts of sensors and computers that can drive themselves. Isn't that "sentience" when you think about it? It senses things (sentient) but doesn't really "recognize" anything. It will sense other cars and objects on the road and avoid them, but does that self-driving car really ever just "think" or "ponder" to itself, "oh that's another car." Of course not. It is not programmed that way. Of late, I think I have discovered that all "first person experience" really is - nothing but an evolved error. I mean machine sensors have no ability for error. A light sensor detects a wavelength of light and whatever its range of acuity it has, it registers it and done. Insects like beetles mostly do the same, but in order to realy react, it has to have some form of reflex program. But also ilike when swatting at that annoying fly, there is still a small bit of "fight or flight" fear reflex. That is the "error" part I am talking about. Instead of just sensing light, it has to recognize some form of pattern, it has to do something more. And to do something more, the first step is that the sensor data has to somehow register an inconsistency (or error) where that sensor data is something more than just data. That error is what then allows for the fight or flight. This ability for sensor data error then slowly over eons became an evolutionary advantage. The ability to pause during a pondering of this error is having our minds full of only error. We never know exactly what is true or false, but we ponder and pause when we think the error data is close enough. It is the very thing that allows us to grow intellectually. So, yes we are conscious and self aware, but probably only a very small level of conscious and self aware that is possible. If we could allow ourselves and truly had the ability to be even more observant and aware, I think we could learn that we have other levels of consciousness in those other multiverses where such higher consciousness is possible. Other than that, I guess I don't have much thought on the issue of how hidden realities could result in crop circles
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A very interesting and informative explanation of your point of view, jdlaw. As always, you give me lots to think about!
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Couldn't agree more, Bot. Mr jdlaw always has new and interesting ideas to think about. The error angle is one I have to ponder. As is the solipsistic programmable multiverse view.
I do remember hearing some of the crop circle creators interviewed (I think it's unfair to call them hoaxsters if they readily admit what they are doing) and they claimed to be inspired to create the design, as if it weren't a conscious analytic decision on their part, but rather acting as a medium in a way. Essentially, they felt a paranormal interaction with a higher intelligence telling them what to create.
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jdlaw wrote:"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:Hybrid Solipsism~ well, that’s a unique perspective I hadn’t thought of, jdlaw. To be honest, I ‘think’ I am truly conscious in ‘this universe,’ so it’s a tad disconcerting for me to think I could be interacting with a non-player character with the moniker jdlaw. Kinda creeps me out. 😆 It is just a feeling, but seems to me that consciousness may not be just an all or nothing sort of thing. I mean maybe an insect like a beetle, for example, has some very small level of consciousness, just not enough to really detect it from our perspective. Lately, I have been thinking of it more in the terms of just what I call "first person experience." Curious what you mean by the beetle having a small level of consciousness, but undetectable from our perspective. If I lift a brick in my backyard that has a beetle under it and startle it, the beetle will run, fear. I can detect that I triggered a flight mechanism in the beetle, the same way a large spider surprising us may trigger our flight mechanism or fear. I would say that a beetle certainly has consciousness. I think it may be correct that a beetle has a smaller level/amount of consciousness than we humans have. What enables us to retain more gives us the ability to think to a further degree, evolve. I think all life has consciousness, quite likely even plants. It is life itself, thought in motion. Regarding crop circles, it is perplexing. The geometric designs give me the impression that it may be a language so to speak, rather than just impressive looks. I can only imagine as advanced as we are, there are likely things among us that hold an even higher level of consciousness. As my cat curiously watches and wonders what my cellphone is and what it does, we look at crop circles in the same confusing manner, but to something else it makes perfect sense.
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