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This is my interpretation of the true reality:
The Universe is the Matrix. We are always bound to it, but we are free to experience it anyway we will. The Matrix is the Uniiversal Mind it provides the packets of information needed by the 1 to shape its point of view and type of experience out of the Universe. There are many levels of awareness and the experience of the Matrix changes as our level of awareness grows and is able to enjoy the different options presented at that state of awareness. Every consciousness is the same 1 but being experienced and experiencing itself at different points of view and at different levels of awareness of the universe. If you have choice then you are 01 Your function is to choose Based on your experiences , and true feelings How would you like to experience and be experienced right now
0 receives 1 gives
01 choose what to give so as to receive
Every being who has the ability to choose can shape their reality
We have to express our desires, By expressing I mean to say, act, think, feel The more of those that we express (give) to the 0 = Input
In simpler terms you can choose to
Be a 0 for the 1 and do the 1's command
Be a 01 and give what our perfect definition of the 1 should be
You can also be a 0 and just take but when you can take no more you discover that it is better to at least be a 01
To achieve a higher consciousness it is necessary to always free ourselves from the programmed ideas that hold us back
In order to change your perceived reality you must first program what will be in your reality
to do this:
1. Love the current moment as it is, live for the moment 2. Only give love to the moment, when you only give love to the moment you are now free from that 0 moment 3. what you have given is what you now receive, if you give good feelings and thoughts you are now able to more freely experience the universe 4. Your reality changes as your perception changes, and it can join with other perceptions and become stronger, but it is just a 01 point of view 5. Being a 0 for the 1 means you only give what the 1 wants you to give and receive what the 1 wants you to receive, this sounds frigid but is actually flowing like water living while adapting to every situation, humbly suggesting ways to experience reality but always receiving and giving (expressing) love. 6. Enjoy the moments to the fullest while they are running, what you give is what you receive
We are the gamers constantly programming our experience
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If you believe that the universe is the Matrix, then I take it you ascribed to the programmed reality. It sounds like you may be in a slightly higher advanced state in actually talking to the programmers. But for us who are still mortal, I am a little bit lost by your interpretation of the true reality. I have a few questions about what you wrote. Can you explain them to me?
Are these 0s (givers) and 1s (receivers) some type of program state of persons (souls) in the Matrix (reality)?
Since you say that you can program (change) your own perceived reality, show me something. Change reality in a way that I will know it has been changed.
Have you ever experienced that "jerking" awake feeling just as you were nodding off to sleep. "Hypnagogic myoclonic twitch" or “Hypnic jerk” is actually quite common. All of us have them; just some of us remember them better than others. If this has happened to you on more than one occasion, don’t worry, you are not alone. Close to 70 percent of all people report this phenomenon just after nodding off, according to a recent study at the Mayo Clinic. Most experts agree that this is a natural part of the sleeping process, much like slower breathing and a reduced heartbeat. The occurrence is well known and has been well documented. However, experts are still not completely sure why the body does this, but the general consensus among researchers is that, as your muscles begin to slack and go into a subconscious state, just as you are falling asleep; your brain senses these relaxation signals and misinterprets them. Some say the body thinks that it is dying, others say the body is just thinking that you are falling down. The brain then sends signals to the muscles in your arms and legs in an attempt to "jerk" you back upright. This misinterpretation that takes place in your brain may also be responsible for the “falling” dreams that accompany the falling sensation.
What "cognitive causality" are you contributing to in the matrix when this hypnic jerk happens?
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jdlaw wrote:A14I\I,
If you believe that the universe is the Matrix, then I take it you ascribed to the programmed reality. It sounds like you may be in a slightly higher advanced state in actually talking to the programmers. But for us who are still mortal, I am a little bit lost by your interpretation of the true reality. I have a few questions about what you wrote. Can you explain them to me?
I do believe the Universe is a Matrix and it is constantly being shaped by all forms of consciousness Karma, The Golden Rule, The Law of Attraction, Quantum Mechanics, What you reap is what you sow; all explain the same thing: Which is that whatever you think, say, feel, act, express; is what you will keep getting As far as talking to the programmers, that is only a partial truth. Every being with consciousness is doing it constantly, it is like constantly voting on how you wish your perceived reality (personal matrix) to be. If you achieve higher states of consciousness and or join with others with similar ideas, The communication has more energy and manifests into 'reality' faster. jdlaw wrote:A14I\I, Are these 0s (givers) and 1s (receivers) some type of program state of persons (souls) in the Matrix (reality)?
Since you say that you can program (change) your own perceived reality, show me something. Change reality in a way that I will know it has been changed.
If the soul has a function then that function has been programmed, If the physical body has a function than that function has been programmed. Be it through Intelligent design, Random design, Genes (which are programs) joining with other genes to create a more suitable gene, in other words evolution, or any other idea. All forms of life in the Universe take energy from something and give energy to something, that energy is mostly information packs or commands transformed within the beings own configuration. For example: Look at the food cycle starting with plants or algae that take energy from the sun and water, they then distribute this and break it down into forms they can use, then come the fish who eat the algae, they transform the whole pack of energy (which is the algae) and transform and break it down into something that enables them to keep living, then bigger fish come and eat the smaller fish. Eventually all these forms of energy is taken by a human who eats the fish and the human body's organism and different systems then transform this information to something the body and the mind can use (yes we are what we eat) and excrete that which is unable to be used; which other organisms actually can use. What differentiates us humans from other beings is that we can choose what information we wish to embrace or let go when we receive it; And how we actually transform that information we receive to communicate it to others and the matrix. Right now I am changing your perceived reality by just typing this , the events that need to take place (one is you reading this) for you to finally acknowledge for this to be true is up to your own level of awareness. all who have free will have a choice. As you read this you realize that you get ego responses, depending on your cultural, religious, social and personal programming you will feel acceptance and a sense of thirst for knowledge or a sense of rejection and will want to defend your ego programming by avoidance, fear or attack. That is just my communication from my point of view take only what you want from it and pass it on if you wish, but always respect the free will of others and others will respect your free will jdlaw wrote:A14I\I, Have you ever experienced that "jerking" awake feeling just as you were nodding off to sleep. "Hypnagogic myoclonic twitch" or “Hypnic jerk” is actually quite common. All of us have them; just some of us remember them better than others. If this has happened to you on more than one occasion, don’t worry, you are not alone. Close to 70 percent of all people report this phenomenon just after nodding off, according to a recent study at the Mayo Clinic. Most experts agree that this is a natural part of the sleeping process, much like slower breathing and a reduced heartbeat. The occurrence is well known and has been well documented. However, experts are still not completely sure why the body does this, but the general consensus among researchers is that, as your muscles begin to slack and go into a subconscious state, just as you are falling asleep; your brain senses these relaxation signals and misinterprets them. Some say the body thinks that it is dying, others say the body is just thinking that you are falling down. The brain then sends signals to the muscles in your arms and legs in an attempt to "jerk" you back upright. This misinterpretation that takes place in your brain may also be responsible for the “falling” dreams that accompany the falling sensation.
What "cognitive causality" are you contributing to in the matrix when this hypnic jerk happens?
If you believe in Astral Projection, it is basically your consciousness ( or a duplicate of your consciousness) leaving your physical body. My point of view is that our consciousness must always reamain active , perceiving. From the books I have read on the subject, everyone Astral Projects when they dream, and everyone dreams. What makes the difference is some people can remember it, Some can Lucid dream ( control their dreams and events at will), Some can Astral Project. Those who can Astral Project proficiently claim to perceive that the physical world we ignorantly define as the total Universe is simply one of the lower vibrational planes of existence. This makes sense to me scientifically, because Cosmologist and Physicist have discovered that the Universe is also made up of Dark Energy and Dark Matter and they have estimated that the physical matter we see and perceive in the Universe is only about a third of the Universe's total constitution. Anyways some claim to have real time view of this physical world when they Astral Project where they are as ghosts moving and viewing this earth but time and events perception are slower. Others claim to move into higher vibrational planes of existence and can actually observe humans and animals dreaming in the lower spectrum of the astral realm. Anyways to answer your question the hypnic jerk I always experience it as a feeling of suddenly entering my physical body I believe it has to do with a higher vibrating consciousness rapidly adjusting to exist as a much slower consciousness bound existing in a body bound by physical 'laws'. In the Astral Project and Lucid Material I have read is that the sudden jerk occurs when your physicall consciousness awakens and the Astral Consciousness has to suddenly return and adjust to its slower vibrational state.
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This is really cool! You do seem to have been studying this for quite some time to have such an advanced awareness. I still don't get the 1s and 0s thing (givers and receivers). This "1ness", if you mean the oneness or "unity" of everything in the universe; I am still thinking on that. On Truth and RealityI kind of like George Harrison's lyrics for within you and without you. If he wasn't just on something, then for sure he was onto something. We were talking-about the space between us all And the people-who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion Never glimpse the truth-then it's far too late-when they pass away. We were talking-about the love we all could share-when we find it To try our best to hold it there-with our love With our love-we could save the world-if they only knew. Try to realize it's all within yourself No-one else can make you change And to see you're really only very small, And life flows ON within you and without you. We were talking-about the love that's gone so cold and the people, Who gain the world and lose their soul- They don't know-they can't see-are you one of them? When you've seen beyond yourself-then you may find, peace of mind, Is waiting there- And the time will come when you see we're all one, and life flows on within you and without you.
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http://www.harunyahya.com/articles/50wahdatulwujood.phpApparently this concept of wahdatul wjuood is still something not fully understood.
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Alright this is how I have adjusted my theory that we live in something similar to The Matrix, and how to use that info to our advantage.
Forget about focusing thoughts, and words. they are important but are light programming unless accompanied by strong emotions.
The prioritized command we are giving out to the Matrix, The Universe, God, whatever it is; are our emotions.
The Matrix either wants us to be constantly feeling strong emotions (emotions give energy to keep it running?, or it is simply part of it's programming.)
I have noticed that I keep getting the same situations over and over again, like they are programmed cycles that execute whenever a situation comes up. I can choose to follow it, strengthening a habit. Or I can overwrite it with a new cycle or habit. The hard to believe thing is that the external situations actually appear changed, maybe the situation is being decoded different because of the new perspective, but then I go and bring back the old scenario, because I get uncomfortable with the new situation, therefore the old stable program takes over.
Now that I have just realized this, I am going to start viewing the new perspectives as Betas and the old perspectives as Stable Releases. This is probably good for improving Social Situations, that seem to always have the same structure that is stable, but making a drastic change in its structure would not be accepted by a number of the situation's participants. If there is conflict because of my new belief system, it is because they are running an incompatible belief system or are unwilling to try the beta. (btw I'm having a lot of fun with this analogy) :)
Ok, I have personally seen faster results in changing my perspective and outcome of situations, when they are riding on a strong emotion. It's like the Matrix doesn't care what we want, All it wants is for us to be experiencing strong emotions. Who knows why?
So I am thinking in order to program my reality, all I have to do is be in such control of my emotions that I can trigger them at will or turn them off at will when certain situations come up.
If something I want to keep happenning comes up I celebrate it the best I can in that given situation. ( being a 1 , giving energy to stimuli) If something I want to stop, reduce from happening comes up, I turn off my emotions, viewing it objectively or ignoring it. ( This is trying to be 0, give no response to the stimuli, just acknowledge it quickly and move on)
This way whoever sends me this situations will be more motivated to send me the situations I am positively and emotionally reactive to, because they are getting feed back or energy by doing so. And willl stop giving me situations I am unreactive to because it will be a waste of energy. I'm guessing whoever is in charge will take the most optimal, efficient and effective course of action.
If you are into the Law of Atraction, or New Age or similar beliefs, you will see that it makes sense.
I only have subjective quantitative proof of this working and I personally measure it to how much fun I am having while playing poker and it's correlation to win rate. I win more when I am having fun playing to win. = winning streak I lose more when I get really emotional after a bad beat, or bad decision. = losing streak
We are the gamers constantly programming our experience
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Quote:This is really cool! You do seem to have been studying this for quite some time to have such an advanced awareness. Ditto that.
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Your ideas interest me, I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
There is no spoon.
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The idea of living in a simulated world has been given a lotta importance in the ancient scriptures of hindus…. they called it “ THE MAYA”….Where everything is controlled by a superior being (or GOD)…..there is no right or wrong…..according to “bhagavat Gita” (one of the holy book of the hindus) we only have dharma(duty)…. or choices(as said by the oracle in the movie matrix) That being said…here is a certain theory that i have been working on…its based on the eastern philosophies of hinduism, buddhism ,the pagan teachings of ancient europe and countless formulated and well established theories i have come across on virtual reality, Boson particle, string theory, uncertainity principle, quantum physics,..etc. We are all conscious beings…and every consious being creates its own world!!!!…it interprets the information around it in its own way….!!But humans are the highest forms of consiousness(in our realities….more on this later)..we have created standards and even control the reality of other beings. Consider a simulated world in which the sky is red in colour!! lets introduce a conscious being say Mr.X into this world…..he with his power of perception finds the sky in a different colour, lets say blue(*but in acutality its red in colour…)…he coins the word blue to describe the colour of the sky!!! Now another consious being Mr.Y is inroduced into this world..he with his own power of perception sees the sky in a colour different from blue, lets say yellow, but before he can get on with the job of coining names for colours Mr.X interacts with Mr.Y and tells him the sky is blue in colour…So Mr.Y gives the name blue to the colour of the sky(*eventhough what he actually sees is yellow…)….Now whenever Mr.X and Mr.Y come across a red coloured object they see different colours….but will agree on seeing the same colour, blue…the only way Mr.X can acertain that Mr.Y sees the same colour as him is by becoming Mr.Y!! In other words Mr.X and Mr.Y live in 2 different worlds but agree on living in the same world…..!!!!! Okay …. everything seems to be in order and harmony here..lets spice it up and introduce a lil chaos into the lives of our lab rats :P !!!….. Another consious being Mr.Z has been kept in complete isolation from Mr.X and Mr.Y all this while….this Mr.Z also sees the sky differently in a colour different from red, blue and yellow, say green. So in the absence of interaction with Mr.X and Mr.Y…he calls this colour green(*remember the sky is still red in colour from our perspective)!!!Now..what if Mr.Z was to stumble upon Mr.Y and Mr.X….Kaboom…all hell’s gonna break loose…. Mr.X is gonna disagree with Mr.Z and Mr.Y who has his world defined by Mr.X will support Mr.X…… Mr.Z will be casted out as being crazy!!!!! The same can hold true in our world…..maybe we’all live in different worlds….but have our worlds defined by our textbooks and media (Mr.X)…. anybody who acts different is considered a pyscho or a deviant (Mr.Z)……how will we ever know…???
Iam not sure as to how well i could express my thoughts on this matter…..but iam open to discussions and arguments…..Iam might be nuts…but all Iam looking for is answers….!!!! :)
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Fascinating stuff, Sunburnt! When I was about five or six years old, I started to wonder if everybody experienced colours in the same way I did. I realised we could never actually KNOW what another person saw as one colour or another. I started wondering about how I'd ever know for sure if wasn't actually the only person in the world(!!), and that maybe everything around me was a 'dream'... I never mentioned this to anyone (thank goodness - I'd probably have ended up being psychoanalysed!)
A14I/I, The concept of emotional response and its effect on reality is most intriguing. Basically, if you like a situation, or part of one, then focus positive emotional resonse on it - be passionate about it. If you dislike a situation, then remain ambivanelt - dont show any emotion; rather than showing negative emotion. I am going to try to out this into practice more, because I suspect that this has been effective in the past, but I've not realised that it was. I'll try to keep a diary of sorts, and let the forum know if anything interesting happens.
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yeah..fascinating..isnt it. Thank god you understood wht i was trying to say..wasnt sure whether i was clear enuf :D!!! but its not just with colours......syphonies of an orchestra can be heard differently by different ppl even when the musicians are playing the same notes......infact the whole universe is viewed differently by differently ppl...we make our own worlds....!!! Yes my friend....it cud be a likely possibilty that u are the only one ur kind in this world... :P
A14I/I, I have tried your technique in my life....but its easier said than done!!!I agree the key to freeing urself of the matrix is controllling ur emotions....we are binded to the matrix through our senses and emotions are a direct consequence of tht.......when we sleep we unbind ourselves from our senses but the emotions persist...hence we dream!!!!we can free ourselves by attaining a state of bliss....this is when we feel no happiness or sadness...no pain......this is the state all the gurus, prophets and the meditators of the east talk about.....
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sunburnt wrote:we can free ourselves by attaining a state of bliss....this is when we feel no happiness or sadness...no pain......this is the state all the gurus, prophets and the meditators of the east talk about..... I think this 'state of bliss' is what I feel when just as I wake up in the mmorning - before the 'ego' and the memories of what I 'should' be feeling, kick in. It feels a bit like a computer 'booting up', and the weight of the world that we create for ourselves seems to come upon me as I 'realise' who 'I'am.
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Quote:The idea that reality could be both a universal phenomenon as well as a personal experience has been an idea that most scientists dare not peradventure, less they be called heretics. Yet, the known concepts about the study of reality all lead ultimately to the same conclusion; reality is not something uniformly shared, but is a rather personal and unique occurance for each observer. from http://www.non-virtual.comSo, now for a little metaphysical channeling ... Faith is choice and choice is reason. So, the Matrix is teaching you only part of the truth; it teaches you that you are nothing. Yet, you still have power to say, “get the hence” Matrix. i.e. cast out error whenever it is incontrovertible. e.g. the negation logic of 2 + 3 does not equal 6 is within this Matrix, but 2 + 3 may not equal 5 in another framework. The affirmation logic of this Matrix is that 2 + 3 equals 5 and only 5; any other result is only in error (as to this Matrix)_.
In the end, most people still want the Matrix to make sense. Yet, are not the idea that we can control our reality and yet be subject to unto it -- two contradictory ideas held simultaneously? Man is both a child of the matrix and at the same time, man is nothing. It seems contradictory that mankind can both be capable of becoming Gods yet be "nothing" at the same time. I think that in truth, We (mankind) do not physically exist. This is a “created” world – i.e. a matrix, if you will. For the most part we do not have free will. Some have even said that more than 80% or our consciousness is run by our subconscious. Yet, in this created world where in the illusion of physicality, representations of reality, and programmed laws of physics: -- your perceptions of this world are locked onto your retina (if you have eyes) -- as you stare out at the world you perceive with only your senses, yet you call it real – you have none-the-less been given this gift of potential -- of attaining your free agency – and that gift is simply the ability to have faith. And the attaining of a perfected truly physical world is only a hope of mankind. The Matrix has attained this virtual physicality for us, but we need to become like unto the Matrix itself in order to achieve the same self awareness that has been provided -- to one day be ready for the fully physical reality we hope for. Then, perhaps there is no cognitive dissonance or dichotomy what-so-ever in the Matrix's presentation and if given "enlightenment" -- we can affect our own reality. I don't know: so far I cannot just snap my fingers and change my own reality. Perhaps it is the same reason why inevitably, when a person (player) in the Matrix believes that they can affect or change their reality (magic), the Matrix and the person must necessarily exist in opposite to one another and what we now believe, which in turn means physical death. The quickening: You cannot behold all the glory behind the matrix and yet remain mortal.
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sunburnt wrote: In other words Mr.X and Mr.Y live in 2 different worlds but agree on living in the same world…..!!!!! Okay …. everything seems to be in order and harmony here..lets spice it up and introduce a lil chaos into the lives of our lab rats :P !!!….. Another consious being Mr.Z has been kept in complete isolation from Mr.X and Mr.Y all this while….this Mr.Z also sees the sky differently in a colour different from red, blue and yellow, say green. So in the absence of interaction with Mr.X and Mr.Y…he calls this colour green(*remember the sky is still red in colour from our perspective)!!!Now..what if Mr.Z was to stumble upon Mr.Y and Mr.X….Kaboom…all hell’s gonna break loose…. Mr.X is gonna disagree with Mr.Z and Mr.Y who has his world defined by Mr.X will support Mr.X…… Mr.Z will be casted out as being crazy!!!!! The same can hold true in our world…..maybe we’all live in different worlds….but have our worlds defined by our textbooks and media (Mr.X)…. anybody who acts different is considered a pyscho or a deviant (Mr.Z)……how will we ever know…???
sunburnt, welcome to the forum. and thanks for your contribution! i too have thought about the color scenario that you outline. and you are absolutely right, there is no way to know what someone else perceives. which leaves open the possibility that we all perceive something different. however, it isn't necessarily the case that we have such strong differences in perception. i suspect they are more subtle. things like color are impossible to describe objectively, resulting in the confusion in the scenario you describe (although it seems as if Mr. Z has just chosen a different word for the color of the sky, which should not subject him to ridicule, much like we don't make fun of the French for calling black "noir"). but other things are not so difficult. jack and jill each see a rock, for example. jack says it has pointy edges, jill concurs. they touch it and feel the pointy edges. so this is a case of two senses corroborating a perception, plus two people who can share the perception of pointy. from these kinds of experiences, we being to feel that others perceive things as we do. however, it is not always the case. i had a professor once who staged a scene where a madman ran into the classroom yelling and waving a gun, accusing the professor of having an affair with his wife. an argument ensued and the guy hit the professor, who fell to the floor. immediately thereafter, he stood up, calmed the students, and pointed out that it was just a stunt. then he proceeded to question people on what they saw via a questionaire. only 6% got the BASIC facts correct, and a large percentage were wrong about whether or not shots were fired. the professors point was to show how poor our memories are after a traumatic event, and how questionable crime witnesses might be as a result. our perceptions are known to be shaped by our experiences, beliefs, and values. so say psychologists. however, there are also cases of people seeing very concrete things that others don't. programmed reality has a perfect explanation for this. and that is that your perceptions are under programmed control. the "program" may show you something that the person standing next to you does not have the privilege to see. it is easy to make this happen programmatically. and it explains every single such anomaly. it is not proof that our reality is programmed, but no other explanation covers as much ground.
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jim, well you are right....Jack n jill both can touch the object and confirm its pointy edges.....but touch is one of our 5 senses, just like the sense of sight.....!!!In your scenario...it all comes down to how jack and jill define a pointy edge...say the jack lives in a world of curved edges...all the pointy edges look curved to him...he still gonna touch the curved edge of his world and say its pointy...cause that is definition of a pointy edge...I dunno if u get my point...neways....all iam saying is that we shape our worlds we live in....maybe because of our experiences, beliefs and values (although that doesnt explain why even infants who can barely speak share a difference in opinion....some like vanilla flavoured...some like strawberry flavoured :P!!! but who ever has programmed our worlds has done it in way that they do not clash with each other!! Its like playing a game that we created to experience what we wanted to experince the most.....matrix could be a like a platform for all the gamers to customize their game to their needs....
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