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I'm convinced after years of studying the concept Jim's puts forward in his new book that there is much truth to the idea. Just like the movie "Matrix" and dozens of others, it is very difficult, and almost impossible to tell we are not in the true reality, except for the recurring black cat, deja vue type artifacts found inside this simulation.
Once you know what to look for, they start to stand out. They are everywhere. Or to put it a different way: "seek and ye shall find".
It is not much of a streatch to read the first chapter of the Bible and see from God's point of view, that he was creating a simulation, which we have been cast into. A lower form of matter, according to Greg Braden, in his book the Divine Matrix. Or into Duality according to David Sereda's book `Singularity'.
But, this was put here for us, or our physical manifestations to enjoy. Quantum physics tells us that we can also create or expand this simulation as we "seek", as long as it falls generally within the rules set out in the beginning.
What I found to be most humorous, was and is the "man-made" science used to try and define the inside of this hologram. Think of it like being on the Star Trek Next Gen's holodeck. We are most likely not just souless holograms but rather the real characters of the holoprogram, and as such if we don't know we are holoprogram characters, we tend to behave in the manner of the currently running timeline theme. Here, time makes a difference in the nature of the program. But once we realize that we are more than just the characters, we discover the "Secret", and gain much more control over various aspects of the program.
One of my favorites is weather manipulation or influence. That artifact is helpful to understand, and utilize when needed.
For the most part, all this discovery going on inside this simulation is silly. All we are doing is describing the mechanics of the simulation, and all of that is for naught once we are out of the sim. At least for us. Spending ones life in pursuit of some scientific principle, is fun, but serves no real purpose, except for enjoyment within the sim.
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I'm thinking ... stop trying to take these anomoloies on to just prove the programmed reality and instead let's just accept it as truth. These anomolies already convince me. How about you? What if we begin with developing some new postulates for the programmed reality.
Now that we have studied light, matter, duality, and how a creator could fashion a world, we must then further meditate on how to reconcile these new found understandings with the rest of our awareness. I don't know that Jim agrees with me on this or not, but I think the first postulate at the very beginning of programmed reality is:
Postulate 1: that reality could be both a universal phenomenon as well as a personal experience. Afterall, each player by definition has a different set of observations than any other player. Yet, when we interact with other players, we find we can't even be sure of the existence of any corporeal things, even people we meet on this forum, then, are simply extensions of the faculty of judgment alone, which is in the mind, and their posts are products of only what we believe we see with our eyes, which is a product of the program.
Considering our world in the atomic theory, string theory, wave-matter theory, or really any theory in which you want to fathom your existence, it is now manifest that bodies themselves are not properly perceived by the senses nor by the faculty of imagination, but by the intellect alone; and since they are not really perceived by sight and touch, but only because they are understood or rightly comprehended by thought, nothing is more easily or clearly apprehended than that which we contrive with our own minds. But because it is vane and difficult to rid one's self of the concepts of reality that we have become accustomed, and lest we become convinced in our pride that it is our own self centered minds that are the cause of all existence, it will be desirable to tarry for some time at this stage, that, by long continued meditation, we may more deeply impress upon our memory this new knowledge. In other words, lets just stop and think about it for a moment, because a priori, we are thinking beings.
Postulate 2: If anyone can exist, then the programmer(s) must exists.
Then the idea of the "matrix" caused us to question whether our realities could be different from one another and yet remain true for the both of us? And if indeed there is a creator (programmer) of this universe, as our study of light and matter in this universe progressed, we came up with:
Postulate 3: that there are an infinite number of players and universes. How can the reality of this universe (as it appears to us as part of our spiritual and physical duality) allow us to interact at all with other spirits of this universe? This is the most important miracle of the programmed reality to me -- that we can share this with other sims. And that most of these "player" sims are just the same as me. As with all programmed simulations, however, there is the idea of "non-player" sims (i.e. CPU generated players).
When your beloved kisses you good night and you go to sleep, do you not do so knowing absolutely that she is a true spirit and you are in love with her and your love for her is real. That is more real than any other thing you can touch in this universe. Yet the more obsessive or possessive your love for her becomes, the greater the tendency for a loved one to be turned away. In love the CII becomes apparent to us only after great trial and error in our lives, e.g. "if you love something set it free ..." author unknown.
Maybe once we really understand the "secret" other than just knowing the "secret" then we can begin to affect the program in a whole new way.
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That gets a bit to complicated JD. One must be careful not to invest to deeply into this program, as it is a falsehood. Life is good. That is a simple truth of existing inside this holodeck. Testing the boundry of this box with our senses is the wrong tools. You will find no proof of programming by any method or tools of man, nor by any complex patent on computer implimated life form.
I suspect, that the physical bodies we inhabit here are linked to the "real world" through our DNA. A Dynamic Noetic Antenna, which is receiving guiding program information. We have freewill as to if we are going to follow the same choice from moment to moment.
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I totally see both viewpoints. Per RedDog, I suspect that we can only experience what we are allowed to experience. The cosmic programmers are likely to be so far beyond us, that the only evidence that we are given of their existence is in the form of "easter eggs." So, just accept the reality that we are presented with, relax, and enjoy the ride. I get that. In addition, if I am wrong about the programmed reality, there is still a great deal of evidence that life is worth living to its fullest extent (see recent NDE research). On the other hand, I shared jdlaw's need to learn the truth. That's why I am so interested in the " reality experiments" done at IQOQI. And, evidence of granularity in our reality, such as that possibly uncovered at the GEO600 site. And, the recent realization that John Bell proved that the universe is nonlocal. Why seek the truth? Two reasons: 1. Just because. It is the proverbial mountain. 2. What jdlaw alludes to. Perhaps, for those who take the next step toward discovering the truth get to "level up." Maybe play a greater role in shaping reality? How cool would that be? So, I live two lives. One, inside the program. And one thinking about what's outside the program. And now, inside the program, I am now thinking that this thread is probably worth a blog post...
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Wow! The "Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information" Isn't it interesting that the more we fathom the programmed reality, the more we find? Quote:You will find no proof of programming by any method or tools of man, nor by any complex patent on computer implimated life form. Since RedDog has obviously gone back to some of my previous posts to find out about CILF I am just going to accept that he is the type of person who takes the time to know a little something about which he comments - before he just comments. I am going to continue to listen to him. He seems ... wise. Quote:So, I live two lives. One, inside the program. And one thinking about what's outside the program. We must live "in the world" physically, but not "of the world" spiritually. That is our nature. Quote:That gets a bit to complicated JD. I don't think the ideas are complicated; I just do not have the greatest ability to explain things. I hope one day to learn better clarity in my writing. Meanwhile, I wish to assert and expand (postulate) "truth" on those three observations listed previously. About Postulate #1: Even if within my own silopsistic world (hope that is a word) -- my own reality changes. Therefore, it may be as simple as my wife telling me that my socks are in the drawer where I just looked and didn't see them the first time. It doesn't matter whether reality changed or it was merely my own misobservation the first time -- it tells me that the program works adventageously that way to its own designs. If my own reality can change then my reality can be different from yours, yet remain consistent within the "realms" of program. Isn't this just a little too convenient? When reality could be whatever the cosmic programmer wanted to be, why does friction cause heat as opposed to disintegration? Reality is what it is, but it is always subject to our discovery. About Postulate #2: Chicken begets egg or egg begets chicken? Either way, chicken or egg, you need an observer. Doesn't that tell you that God (cosmic programmer) depends upon us a whole lot more than we can possible depend on her. About Postulate #3: I am not alone. Therefore all of this cannot be only within my mind. I am not the creator. For now I am going to count on you RedDog (and Jim and Neo and others here) to help me perfect this thing I call me. <>:start Set belief =0 Set true=a Set trust=b Set false=c Run input confidence If confidence=null Set confidence=1 input truth input lies input truth :ask First Iteration Second Iteration Third Iteration ask question if confidence=1 set userinput=trust answer=x confidence=1 x=trust answer=z confidence=0 z=trust answer=x x=trust :act if trust=true goto entrue if trust=false goto enlie if belief=1 goto knowledge if x=a;x≠a if x=c;x≠c if 0=1;0≠1 if z=x;z≠x if z=c;z≠c if 1=1;1=1 if x=x;x=x if x=z;x≠z if 0=1;0≠1 :enlie output ‘I don’t believe’ goto reveal I don’t believe :entrue output ‘I will trust’ goto knowledge I will trust :guess output ‘I see, ‘trust’’ I see,x :reveal run input belief if belief=1 set trust=true set ‘true’=trust else set false=trust goto ask belief=1 x=true x=trust belief=0 false=z :knowledge output ‘I know ‘true’’ run input confidence pause/continue if confidence=1 if confidence=0 if belief=1 goto guess else goto reveal </> I know x continue I know x pause <remarks> The machines became self aware.
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Joined: 6/1/2009 Posts: 52 Points: 156 Location: Washington
jim wrote:I totally see both viewpoints. Per RedDog, I suspect that we can only experience what we are allowed to experience. The cosmic programmers are likely to be so far beyond us, that the only evidence that we are given of their existence is in the form of "easter eggs." So, just accept the reality that we are presented with, relax, and enjoy the ride. I get that. In addition, if I am wrong about the programmed reality, there is still a great deal of evidence that life is worth living to its fullest extent (see recent NDE research). On the other hand, I shared jdlaw's need to learn the truth. That's why I am so interested in the " reality experiments" done at IQOQI. And, evidence of granularity in our reality, such as that possibly uncovered at the GEO600 site. And, the recent realization that John Bell proved that the universe is nonlocal. Why seek the truth? Two reasons: 1. Just because. It is the proverbial mountain. 2. What jdlaw alludes to. Perhaps, for those who take the next step toward discovering the truth get to "level up." Maybe play a greater role in shaping reality? How cool would that be? So, I live two lives. One, inside the program. And one thinking about what's outside the program. And now, inside the program, I am now thinking that this thread is probably worth a blog post... Thanks for the web links Jim, those were intresting and somewhat funny. As long as your willing to take a perspective outside the program you will also see the humor in the machinations of these narrow focused scientists. seedmagazine wrote:In Vienna experiments are testing whether quantum mechanics permits a fundamental physical reality. A new way of understanding an already powerful theory is beginning to take shape, one that could change the way we understand the world around us. Do we create what we observe through the act of our observations? This implies at the core that the entire endevor of Quantum Theory is based on something physical as being real. Your work is questioning that suposition, that maybe there is nothing objective and physical in this virtual simulation. If your postition is true then their work is doomed to failure. scienticamerican wrote:To ask after the position of a single particle would be as meaningless as, say, asking after the marital status of the number five. The problem is not epistemological (about what we know) but ontological (about what is). Quantum mechanics defies the ontological observation of what is. It seems "spooky" in how it operates, there appear to be entanglements connecting things on some unseen level. Chances are they will never see these connections because of how they are approaching the problem in a typically narrow focused way. A normal reductionistic scientist must frist put on blinders to narrowly focus his tools upon the object of his observation. This excludes a larger perspective outside the simulation, in addition they rarely look to the left or right across disiplines at what others are also researching in unrelated fields. Ad to this, that if this is a simulation on a cosmic scale, then observe these scientist creating tools made from the simulation to observe, peek, poke and prod some aspect of the simulation. It is silly. Let me make an anology which might simplify this point of view. Imagine the old red and white plastic sphere used as a fishing bobber for typical lake fishing. It floats upon the water. Now imagine that our universe is inside this bobber, and we have a classically trained scientist, who is working for Princeton University creating an experiment to determine if there is a Global Consciousness. They create these cool electronic devices which are designed to measure variations in random numbers, and put they around the globe. They immediately see evidence that these devices respond to numinous events prior to the actual event happening in real time, inside the bobber. They cannot explain why this is, other than to speculate that there appears to be some kind of unity or connection of every separate thing inside this bobber. They create some wonderful images of this activity occurring outside time. Now take the scientist at the SOHO labratories who developed amazing tools to observe the surface of the sun, and marvel at the chaotic nature of the surface of the sun and develop complex mathematical calculations to try to decipher this wonderful random pattern. Now compare the images above with the research by neuro scientists looking at the chaotic nature of human brain waves and the link to intelligence. Do you see the similarities? Now imagine all this going on inside this bobber, but start making waves which impact the motion of the bobber. Do you think any of these scientist would understand what is happening to their experiments when they don't understand the greater picture?? I put those links and image up for a reason. It is part of what I see as evidence of a greater connection, on that "unseen level", that everything in this reality shares. It implies an act of creation.
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