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Coincidental? Options
Posted: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 7:53:13 AM
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Tracy, I hadn't noticed until now that you said I must be a natural intuitive. Thanks, I think certainly in the past that must have been true as I had so many odd things happen to me! A lot of which I share with my family and still other things that I wouldn't tell anyone as they would call me nuts-but as long as I think I am sane (hopefully!)and my feet are still planted firmly on the ground ..then I must be ok. I just wanted to comment too that I too have had in the past so many things happen that were just too coincidental seeming. Oddly, I would think at the time that it will appear in the paper or on the news and sure enough it would! One example is I dreamed of a crash between a truck and a car and the truck was destroyed and it was of course a significant crash to make the news-the very next day it was on the news. A UPS truck and a car had crashed and the truck was totally trashed. Coincident? One night I dreamed of a most unusual but really pretty blue car and the interior of which I could see was an off white or tan-the significance of which I didn't know (if at all)at the time. The very next morning I get up and I turn on the t.v. as I am opening the blinds in the living room and this video by the singer Jewel is playing and she is sitting in this unusual blue colored car and it has the off white or tan interior! I had never seen the video before and I remembered my dream and I swear the blue in the video was just as I had dreamed! Another time I dreamed of a plane crash but didn't know where the location was but oddly I knew that the plane was carrying some expensive and unusual cargo like money and coins as well as art work etc. Then on the news this info came out about a large plane crashing off the coast of Nova Scotia and I knew that was the location of the plane crash. What the news at that point in time did not mention and I had to patiently wait until some days later to hear was that the plane had in fact been carrying money and coins, art work and other expensive items. It stated they were in the process of recovering these items from the ocean. I try to make detailed notes when I dream something so specific and date it so that I can prove the events happened so that I could not have made this information up and it occurred as I dreamed it. I can't tell you what it feels like to dream things like that. The part I hate is that not all information is available to me to verify my dream was correct in all details-some of which are never made public. But I like being able to verify as much as possible to judge my accuracy.
Posted: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 3:43:08 PM
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Before I start remember that when I post here I'm often typing as I'm thinking, I may go a bit off topic and sometimes my replies might end up seeming to have nothing at all to do with the original topic. I don't claim to be sane or have my feet firmly planted in the ground, although sane and feet planted on the ground I would say are good.
I've said it before here that I consider myself to be what I call 'anti-intuitive', I could take a test for psychic ability and it would say, "You have below average pshycic ability, totally average people have much greater psychic ability that you. Mud has greater psychic intuitive ability that you." To me personally it's like music. I know chords and scales and things, and my fingers can do the things I want them to on a guitar, but I can just sit down and say "I'll compose a brilliant melody now." The inspiration doesn't come to me when I want it to, rather it comes to me when it decides for itself, "Look, Tracy's playing his guitar. He's trying so hard, should I inspire him at this moment?" (Muse flips a coin, it comes up tails) "Why yes, I think I shall inspire him right at this very instant."
And don't even get me started on the coincidental thing again. Or how sometimes the media with radio, television, internet and all can be part of it.
Or dreams, whenever I have a really memorable dream that stays in my head. Crazy stuff that.
Just today I had to attend a funeral. Now in recent months I've been obsessed with writing stuff down. Philisophical thoughts, the kind of stuff Jim and alot of others would write books about, the kind of stuff people like yourself would post about on this forum. Crazy stuff that I think at times must only make sense to me. Anyways, at this funeral I'm talking to my sister and a cousin of mine. I find out in recent weeks they've been writing things, their own experiences, stories, thoughts. For posterity. It's just a little thing, but in my own experience it seems a crazy coincidence.
I guess it just figures, we were all there for an Uncles funeral and he was a big part of my childhood growing up. A major influence on me to be sure. It seems normal that some odd coincidental things should occur at his funeral. Normal, and a good thing.
And don't even mention current world events or politics these days. If coincidence in my own experience a 'little things' then coincidence in world current events and politics are on a scale of that times 1,000,000. If I look at the news here in the US, and in the world, and look at these politicians, coincidence is even more frequent and of much greater magnitude. Unfortunately this isn't good. What did Qui-Gon Jinn tell Obi-Wan? "They're politicians, never trust politicians."
Enough of my ranting, I hope some of it was actually relevant. If not, maybe it'll be entertaining I hope.d'oh!
When I'm thinking too much smoke comes out my ears.Think
Posted: Thursday, September 9, 2010 10:59:30 PM

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In 1955 on September 23, Obi-Wan_Kenobi tried to warn the Rebel_Without_a_Cause of impending doom.

"When Dean introduced himself to Alec Guinness outside a restaurant, he asked him to take a look at the Spyder. Guinness thought the car appeared 'sinister' and told Dean: 'If you get in that car, you will be found dead in it by this time next week.' This encounter took place on September 23, 1955, seven days before Dean's death."

Unlike Dean, Lucas was able to survive his car crash & take his life into another direction.

"Long before Lucas became obsessed with film making, he wanted to be a race-car driver, and he spent most of his high school years racing on the underground circuit at fairgrounds and hanging out at garages. However, a near-fatal accident in his souped-up Autobianchi Bianchina on June 12, 1962, just days before his high school graduation, quickly changed his mind. Instead of racing, he attended Modesto Junior College and later got accepted into a junior college to study anthropology. While taking liberal arts courses, he developed a passion for cinematography and camera tricks."
Posted: Saturday, September 11, 2010 12:19:19 PM

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The 911 Tower
Twin towers were built close to a 911 landmark that opened in 1926.
Yes indeed, smaller twin towers were built next to the Aloha Tower.

The 1776 Tower
"Hudson sailed into the upper bay on September 11..."
"Probably the most important event is September 11, 1609, when Henry Hudson began his voyage up the Hudson River. While he didn't find what he was looking for (a northwest passage), his exploration led to European migration and, thus, to the founding of New York City. We'll write more about Hudson and his momentous voyage in later posts; this week, we thought we'd concentrate on 9/11/1776 and the Staten Island Peace Conference."

Its all part of the program or pattern of synchronicity.
Posted: Sunday, March 13, 2011 11:38:28 PM
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JF, I've read before about James Dean's car and if half of what they say about the car after Dean's wreck is true then it's creepy. I wonder sometimes when things like this happen why don't they destroy whatever it is? I mean like some houses are supposed to be so creepy and haunted I think they ought to just burn the damned thing down! I think it was a good idea that they tore down the house O.J. and Nicole Brown Simpson lived in. Who in their right mind would want to live there after that blood bath? Sometimes too many coincidences' are just too much and you have to wonder....
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