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Thanks for the feedback, guys.
As regards what do I think is behind this occurrance - I really don't know, but I do know that it happened, and I can safety say that I experienced an amazingly unlikely incident. Ta for the statistical info, Jim, though my inner sceptic is telling me that the odds are lower if you consider that your source may not have taken into account that there are not so mant asian/african names in my locality, therefore the odds drop if you take those out.
However, I think you get to the crux of it, Jim - I went up to this woman, who turned out to be a stranger. I don't do this very often (well, apart from the odd night club:d/ ). Seriously, this ups the odds considerably, and can's be easily explained away. The few people I've told about it don't seem to register this fact until I point it out, which is interesting in itself.
I feel that I'm somewhat more open-minded about stuff which I've read here and elsewhere on such matters.
(p.s. yup Jim, those 'Johns' were typos, I meant 'Joan')
There is no spoon.
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Quote:Seriously, this ups the odds considerably, and can's be easily explained away. The few people I've told about it don't seem to register this fact until I point it out, which is interesting in itself. In my experience if you are encountering a coincidence occuring, people present and also observing the same coincidence won't register the fact until after you've gone to tremendous lengths to explain. Much rarer is it when that happens and someone else sees it and you know it, the telepathic, "Whoa!" I think people are mostly reluctant to register connectivity phenomena. I wonder why?
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Tracy wrote: In my experience if you are encountering a coincidence occuring, people present and also observing the same coincidence won't register the fact until after you've gone to tremendous lengths to explain. Much rarer is it when that happens and someone else sees it and you know it, the telepathic, "Whoa!" I think people are mostly reluctant to register connectivity phenomena. I wonder why?
Maybe because nothing like that has ever happened to them and they don't really buy into it happening too often to people they know. Just a guess. I think I'm more open to stories like mine now, simply because I've experienced it first hand. And there's more: This happened literally a few minutes ago, I thought I'd post it up straight away (then I see Tracy's post..  ) Anyways, in the line of research I was looking up stuff that happened in the year 854. I look down at the time on my computer..you can guess where this is going..8.54. It should have said 12.54, but I was tinkering with the control panel way back and put it on Tokyo time. Not exactly Earth-shattering, but a coincidence nonetheless. So, what are the odds on that one Jim  ?
There is no spoon.
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Reason and odds?
I would like to attempt a concise explanation – but of course any explanation of why our reality is the way it is would require a much longer answer (like Jim’s book for example).
1. In the program, your reality and my reality must only coincide (agree) to the extent we actually interact – and then only to the necessary extent that our realities require. i.e. there are people out there with whom none of us has ever met or interacted with and their version (perception) of reality can be (most often is) very different from ours. 2. The program can use this advantage to the extent necessary to ensure that our experiences (mine and yours) are catered to us individually to help us most in our own “soul’s” quest for this higher self-awareness. (see determinism, the “illusion of free-will” discussed in other posts or just google the topics) 3. This grand “program” – the “experiment” the “game” the “experience” the created human “soul” – is very flexible in that way to give us the best opportunity of reaching that self-awareness or “enlightenment.” 4. This is an extremely finely tuned process that we cannot even begin to imagine, but things like memory, sleep, dreams, etc. all play into the program and its ability to manipulate reality as is needed and still keep everything consistent enough. 5. There are bound to be anomalies and in the course of a lifetime chaos theory would tell us that the anomalies are probabilistically more likely than not. i.e. for Neo’s experience there were thousands of other opportunities to visit a bookstore and millions of other people where no Joan Keogh was needed. The chances of another Joan Keough being there at that one instant are very small, but the chances of another Joan Keough randomly showing up are high (again chaos theory). The program just made a very quick adjustment and you have no fool "proof" evidence that the programmed reality exists, but none-the-less, it leaves you wondering.
Neo: Whoa. Déjà vu. [Everyone freezes right in their tracks] Trinity: What did you just say? Neo: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu. Trinity: What did you see? Cypher: What happened? Neo: A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it. Trinity: How much like it? Was it the same cat? Neo: It might have been. I'm not sure. Morpheus: Switch! Apoc! Neo: What is it? Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.
The Matrix (1999)
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Terry (The Co-Worker), Thomas (The Tank Engine), and I all had the same problem on the same day.
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Spooky coincidence at work today: A client was sitting next to another non-client with the same first name. The other 'non-client' also had the same Surname, as another person sitting two people across from him, and the waiting area only held about eight people. Thinking about it logically, a good proportion of people were called in alphabetical order, so the chances are pretty hight that a shared surname would occur. Still, it made me think, and make note of the event here.
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Deepwater Horizon, all kind of crazy coincidence there, it worse than Three Mile Island, it like 911. Anyone else notice? Then again, in politics and media coincidence are way over abundant.
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Joined: 7/15/2008 Posts: 114 Points: 257 Location: nyc
what about this----a guy named henrik hudson sails over here from europe hundreds of years ago and discovers a river named after himself
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Everyday the evening news will spend half the broadcast telling you "There's oil leaking in the Gulf from DH>" If you watch, and listen, the report will always contain some glossed over information that comes and goes in a second that'll make you think "There's something more to this." People saying "This is a bad idea." weeks prior. People selling stock, weeks prior. Operators on the rig making comments like "The control panel worked properly." but "Nothing left the panel." Some famous politician making statements on drilling for oil, changing their tune, and issuing a safety award to DH. The list of anomalies grows. If I didn't know better, I'd say they knew this was going to happen.
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Today I read an article about a airline passenger (flying over Arizona), who reportedly saw a 'spheroid' type ufo following the jet he was on. Just last night I had a dream about a 'spheroid' ufo. I had x-ray vision and could see the 'little guy' inside. And I had telepathy, so not only could I see, but I knew, what he was up to. So in the dream he didn't know what was up, because I did so I tricked him. Which is easy to do if you have telepathy and x-ray vision. :)
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Yesterday on the way home from work a Sheriff patrol car follows me into a town where you rarely see the Sheriff. I thought at the time it was rather odd. Then I get home and read this: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/software-predicts-criminal-behavior/story?id=11448231It a bit like Minority Report, no? Crazy.
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This is probably nothing but I was in a huge bookstore that had thousands of books, I went to the Games section and picked out "Bobby Fischer Goes to War". I browsed around for awhile then in the Non-Fiction section I found a book that grabbed my interest "A Beautiful Mind" so I bought it as well. When I got home I started reading the book on Fischer and few chapters into it it mentioned "A Beautiful Mind". I had been reading about Jung's synchronicity the day before and it struck me as odd that in a store with thousands of selection that two books that are totally unrelated that one would mention the other. I still think its odd and the chances of this happening are pretty slim when you think about it. Maybe since I was reading about synchronicity the day before I'm putting more credence to this than it deserves. If you wondering why a book about chess would mention "A Beautiful Mind" it's because they were touching on the subject of how many great minds often have some form of mental illness which Fischer more than likely had and some other great chess minds absolutely had. By the way both are excellent books.
I only know that I know nothing at all - Socrates
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jim wrote:thanks so much for sharing your coincidence (and precognition) experiences. you both raised some interesting ideas. for the scientific experimental viewpoint, check out some thought-provoking experiments by Dean Radin here. this seems to show that we do indeed get some hints of the future slightly before it happens. then there's John Cramer, the physicist who believes that time can flow backwards in some cases and has developed experiments to prove it: Going for a blast into the real past. of course, a less scientific, but not necessarily invalid, point of view, shared by many who believe in the holographic paradigm (see physicist david bohm), the akashic record (see edgar cayce), zero point (ervin laszlo) - call it what you will - is that all information is at all places at all times. that is, information about the past and future is present (no pun intended) at every point in space. and the same for all places. the trick is to tap into it intentionally instead of unintentionally as many seem to be prone to doing. i wonder if that "tapping" is just a matter of figuring out how to get to the data that describes the universe at all times in the memory constructs of the "great program." ok, for my coincidence, i recall one time, at the age of 17, the following event. for no particular reason, i was struck with the idea to get up, walk across the room, pick up the phone, and say "hello, bill." my friend, bill, was on the other end of the line. the phone had not rung. and it was impossible for it to even have connected (possibly making a slight sound) before i got the urge to get up, based on how long it would have taken to walk across the room, and the fact that bill himself heard me answer the instant the call was connected. i had never attempted such a thing before or since and took the liberty of calculating the odds of such a thing occurring by chance at over 4 billion to 1. interested in time travel? - take our time travel polls! The implications of time travel into the past is like going back into a recording. Going into the future can be a little unsettling, because its like you are skipping ahead into a vast cosmic recording. "The film was produced by George Pal, who also filmed a 1953 version of Wells' The War of the Worlds. Pal always wanted to make a sequel to his 1960 film, but it was not remade until 2002 when Wells' great-grandson Simon Wells, working with executive producer Arnold Leibovit, directed a film with the same title." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Machine_(1960_film)
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jim wrote:Hey Neo,
Fantastic story! Reminds me of my telephone incident. In any case, I did a quick calculation for you. The odds of someone being named Joan Keogh are about 1 in 16.6 million (assuming she was named "Joan" not "John"). Unless you've gone up to a few million strangers in your life and mistaken them for someone else, I would say that you had an extremely unusual coincidence - one of those that defy the odds.
Skeptics would say "how often do you experience mundane non-coincidences in you life?" and since those numbers are huge, the occasional rare coincidence is not statistically significant. However, what they miss is the fact that you probably approach a stranger in that way very infrequently, which makes your coincidence all the more significant.
What do YOU think is the reason? I'm impressed with what Clif High is tapping into. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/high-clif/39980Where as he seems to access elements of possible futures, I look into some of the past intersections of the cosmic program. At the end of the first Matrix movie, we see Neo fly up & away from a public telephone, just like the superman character has done. 1989, back then, no one saw a connection with words like, phone booth, Superman & Reeves, Matrix. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_%26_Ted%27s_Excellent_Adventure#Plot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mnemonic_(film)#Plot The Digital Superman Inside The Cyberspace Matrix "Morpheus and his crew belong to a group of free humans who "unplug" others from the Matrix and recruit them to their resistance against the machines. Within the Matrix, they are able to use their understanding of its nature to bend the laws of physics within the simulation, giving them superhuman abilities." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Matrix#Plot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Reeveshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Reevehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keanu_ReevesThe Superman Matrix http://patternsofsynchronicty.blogspot.com/2010/09/september-25.html http://patternsofsynchronicty.blogspot.com/2010/04/tom-welling-superman-connection.html
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Tracy wrote:Deepwater Horizon, all kind of crazy coincidence there, it worse than Three Mile Island, it like 911. Anyone else notice? Then again, in politics and media coincidence are way over abundant. Some stories about people tapping into the cosmic pattern or program contained within the many levels of the universe. http://jf999.blogspot.com/2010/09/sisters-give-birth-to-boys-on-same-ward.html
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Neo wrote:Tracy wrote: In my experience if you are encountering a coincidence occuring, people present and also observing the same coincidence won't register the fact until after you've gone to tremendous lengths to explain. Much rarer is it when that happens and someone else sees it and you know it, the telepathic, "Whoa!" I think people are mostly reluctant to register connectivity phenomena. I wonder why?
Maybe because nothing like that has ever happened to them and they don't really buy into it happening too often to people they know. Just a guess. I think I'm more open to stories like mine now, simply because I've experienced it first hand. And there's more: This happened literally a few minutes ago, I thought I'd post it up straight away (then I see Tracy's post..  ) Anyways, in the line of research I was looking up stuff that happened in the year 854. I look down at the time on my computer..you can guess where this is going..8.54. It should have said 12.54, but I was tinkering with the control panel way back and put it on Tokyo time. Not exactly Earth-shattering, but a coincidence nonetheless. So, what are the odds on that one Jim  ? Coincidence is everywhere, its when you start to notice something peculiar about a time, place & event. Depending upon the situation, it might be more of a significant synchronicity & then things can really start to get interesting. Its all part of the program, its just a matter of how much one notices more of the details.
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sambuca wrote:what about this----a guy named henrik hudson sails over here from europe hundreds of years ago and discovers a river named after himself 911 & 1776 "Probably the most important event is September 11, 1609, when Henry Hudson began his voyage up the Hudson River. While he didn't find what he was looking for (a northwest passage), his exploration led to European migration and, thus, to the founding of New York City. We'll write more about Hudson and his momentous voyage in later posts; this week, we thought we'd concentrate on 9/11/1776 and the Staten Island Peace Conference." http://blog.insidetheapple.net/2008/09/new-yorks-many-911-anniversaries-staten.html"Hudson sailed into the upper bay on September 11..." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Hudson#1609_voyage
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jdlaw wrote:Reason and odds?
I would like to attempt a concise explanation – but of course any explanation of why our reality is the way it is would require a much longer answer (like Jim’s book for example).
1. In the program, your reality and my reality must only coincide (agree) to the extent we actually interact – and then only to the necessary extent that our realities require. i.e. there are people out there with whom none of us has ever met or interacted with and their version (perception) of reality can be (most often is) very different from ours. 2. The program can use this advantage to the extent necessary to ensure that our experiences (mine and yours) are catered to us individually to help us most in our own “soul’s” quest for this higher self-awareness. (see determinism, the “illusion of free-will” discussed in other posts or just google the topics) 3. This grand “program” – the “experiment” the “game” the “experience” the created human “soul” – is very flexible in that way to give us the best opportunity of reaching that self-awareness or “enlightenment.” 4. This is an extremely finely tuned process that we cannot even begin to imagine, but things like memory, sleep, dreams, etc. all play into the program and its ability to manipulate reality as is needed and still keep everything consistent enough. 5. There are bound to be anomalies and in the course of a lifetime chaos theory would tell us that the anomalies are probabilistically more likely than not. i.e. for Neo’s experience there were thousands of other opportunities to visit a bookstore and millions of other people where no Joan Keogh was needed. The chances of another Joan Keough being there at that one instant are very small, but the chances of another Joan Keough randomly showing up are high (again chaos theory). The program just made a very quick adjustment and you have no fool "proof" evidence that the programmed reality exists, but none-the-less, it leaves you wondering.
Neo: Whoa. Déjà vu. [Everyone freezes right in their tracks] Trinity: What did you just say? Neo: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu. Trinity: What did you see? Cypher: What happened? Neo: A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it. Trinity: How much like it? Was it the same cat? Neo: It might have been. I'm not sure. Morpheus: Switch! Apoc! Neo: What is it? Trinity: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.
The Matrix (1999)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Rabbit_(song)#History http://www.ugo.com/channels/dvd/features/matrix_revolutions/hackthematrix/choice1.asphttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smwrw4sNCxE&feature=relatedhttp://www.reconnections.net/white_rabbit.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Matrix_(club)#Emergence_of_Jefferson_Airplane "Slick was already known to the band—she had attended the Airplane's debut gig at the Matrix in 1965 and her previous group, The Great Society, had often supported the Airplane in concert. The Great Society decided to split up in late 1966 and played its last show on September 11. Soon after, Slick was asked to join Jefferson Airplane..." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Airplane#Arrival_of_Grace_Slick http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewphoto/2360/Matrix___Neo_s_Passport_expired_on_9_11_2001/I like to look at key events through time & space in earth's history & see what additional connections can be made. http://www.youtube.com/user/RecordedFuture#p/u/5/fm3BwqueTAk Matrix-style virtual worlds... http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13585
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It seems like it was just yesterday The President was talking about how he wanted a 'kill switch' for the internet. Crazy. It like the Gulf Oil Spill all over again.
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