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There is a discussion in other forum regarding doppelganger and someone mentioned "programmed reality" and quotes a paragraph of Mr. Elvidge without attribution :( Code:http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=245&topic_id=124291&mesg_id=124338 But the discussion theme itself, as an anomaly is interesting, A doppelganger is a person's double. "We are living in a computer programmed reality." - Philip K. Dick, 1977
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Don't have time right now on account of I'm posting here, when I get time, Saturday or Sunday, I'll have to register there and credit the source of the quote. Give credit where it is due, I say. I thought this thread was about the 60's Gary Anderson sci-fi classic, 'Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun', aka 'Doppelganger'. Edit: Also the subject of an episode of the Gary Anderson tv series Space:1999, the episode 'Another Time, Another Place'.
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Guillermo: You do know that if you ever meet your doppelganger that it's mutual annihilation, right?
BTW: My doppelganger lives in Russia, looks, acts, and thinks just as I do.
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Wow Guillermo, great find. Thanks for posting. And welcome to the forum - we look forward to many more posts.
Re. the credit, that certainly would have been nice, but I also just like that the word is getting out there and people are talking about it.
By the way, Tracy, I've always assumed that my doppelganger exists on a different server.
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Tracy wrote:Guillermo: You do know that if you ever meet your doppelganger that it's mutual annihilation, right?
I am not so sure about that, I have seen what I think is my doppelganger 3 times, I am sure that the guy that I saw was my double, the second time that I saw my doppelganger he was driving a car of the exact make, model and color than the one I used to drive in that time! He was wearing exactly the same kind and color of clothes the I was wearing! the only difference was that I was driving my car southbound and he was driving northbound down the avenue, it was almost like looking at myself on a giant mirror. English is not my first language, I hope that I explained myself good enough. "We are living in a computer programmed reality." - Philip K. Dick, 1977
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Guillermo: What I remember of my mythology, and everything that I've seen in sci-fi films, I might want to steer clear of my doppleganger. Maybe you're right, I don't know if I'd want to risk it. I won't be taking that tourist trip to Chernobyl anytime soon. Yes, I would want to go there. I found a website once of a gal, daughter of a Russian physicist who would ride her motocycle there and take pics. But my doppleganger in close proximity (geographically). Yes, you explain very well. Jim: If that's the case, I'd say you're safe. :)
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Joined: 9/7/2010 Posts: 56 Points: 71 Location: BC, Canada
Guillermo wrote:There is a discussion in other forum regarding doppelganger and someone mentioned "programmed reality" and quotes a paragraph of Mr. Elvidge without attribution :( Code:http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=245&topic_id=124291&mesg_id=124338 But the discussion theme itself, as an anomaly is interesting, A doppelganger is a person's double. http://fringe-forum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3107Perhaps JJ Abrams was influenced a little by the Sliders series & other examples of doppelgangers in parallel worlds. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Jade His FRINGE series is full of several doppel-characters & alternate versions of NYC & Boston, etc. Reality isn't just curved, perpendicular & horizontal, because there are plenty of curved balls in the mix. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppelg%C3%A4nger#Notable_reports
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