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I’ve been intrigued for years by the phenomenon known as channeling. I first became aware of this activity back in the 1970s with the publication of The Seth Material by Jane Roberts. The next popular channeler to hit the scene was J.Z. Knight, channeling the entity named Ramtha. Then came Lee Carroll’s Kryon. Soon there was Sheldon Nidle and the Galactic Federation of Light, Barbara Marciniac with the Pleiadians and Phyllis Schlemmer’s Council of Nine. Many more have followed in their wake, perhaps numbering in the hundreds just in America alone, although most of them are not as well known.
I’ve attended four channeling sessions, by four different channelers, out of curiosity. What intrigued me about all of them, and about all channelers in general, is that it’s virtually impossible to know if they’re really channeling or if they’re faking it. Any rational person would tend to think even those who are not consciously faking it are in any case probably victims of some sort of dissociative personality disorder, or some kind of temporary psychological break from reality during which time they experience audio hallucinations. So I decided to see if any serious research had been done on this phenomenon by qualified behavioral scientists. To my surprise I found there has been some work done in this area of research.
I won’t bother to go into the details of that research now. Much of it has been summarized here:
The bottom line is that a number of explanations have been proposed from the results of the research. All of the explanations, of course, are based on the psychological and psychiatric data accumulated over the past hundred years or so. On the other hand, some of the research is based on more current science such as quantum mechanics. For example, the work of renowned theoretical physicist, David Bohm, is mentioned in the material on the page linked above. His idea of the “implicate and explicate” order, or realms of reality, was never really intended to explain the phenomenon of channeling. Nevertheless it does provide a basis for such an explanation that gets beyond the more conventional explanations derived from psychology and psychiatry. In fact, Bohm's idea (based in quantum physics) of how reality is structured (and there are several others in the field of quantum mechanics who tend to agree with his hypotheses) eventually boils down to something very similar to the explanations of channeling that are provided by the channeled entities themselves. In simplified terms, it often goes something like this: There is but One Source and we (along with the channeled entities themselves) are all part of that One Source. Therefore, there is always a natural channel of communication available between us, them (the channeled entities) and the One Source. But it occurred to me that there just might be yet another explanation for the channeling phenomenon. Let’s call it the Simulated Reality Hypothesis or SRH.
Sometime back in the 1980s my son told me that the video game arcade, where he liked to hang out, was going to be the first in the country to acquire a holographic video game. Instead of the characters in the game being displayed on a computer screen they would be displayed, in 3-Dimensional form, on a flat surface that you could view from every angle, 360 degrees around the platform.
Unfortunately, that turned out to be an unsubstantiated rumor and never came to pass. But it did spark a vision in my mind:
The rest of the article: http://readthenose.blogspot.com/2010/08/channeling-alternative-explanation.html Gary Val Tenuta Author of The Ezekiel Code
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Been reading a book on Aleister Crowley. He was most definitely very big into channeling. He sketched an facial picture of one of the entities that he channeled. Looks very much like what is referred to these days as the canonical "grey alien". Of course this was decades prior to the advent of the classic UFO era kicking off in the late '40s.
Aleister Crowley was all about practicing ritual magick - of the exceedingly dark, demonic variety. Jack Parsons, was a protege of Crowley. Parsons and Ron Hubbard conducted the infamous Babylon Working in 1946. Crowley died the next year. Parsons blew himself up in his garage laboratory, Hubbard stole Parson's girlfriend, married her why still married himself, later divorced both women, married a 3rd time, and went on to found a religion for Hollywood narcissistic actors.
The interesting thing is that I haven't really been seeing that much difference between the thematic message channeled by Crowley's entities and that which has been channeled by all the New Agers since (or the UFO cult religions). Plus there's always an element designed to suite the sensibilities of the channeler.
None of the people that channel ever seem to be that concerned about the trust worthiness of the entity or entities they're channeling. That's the most disturbing thing of all about this phenomena. Why are people so willing to believe that these entities are who and what they say?
The five foot humanoid owl creature that UFO abductees report seeing, is also reported by people having encounters with Shadow People entities, which the five foot humanoid owl was a fixture in the Babylonian demonology of circa 600 BC, as well appears on European cave painting dating from 17,000 years ago.
These tricksters have been at their tricks in conjunction to the human race for tens of thousands of years. They seem to primarily inhabit an adjacent reality, but have some on-going association and ability to access our reality.
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Great questions Gary,
I enjoyed your blog posting on the concept of channeling as it ties into the theory of us existing inside a simulated reality, or at least a created one. If you are going to ask the question about channeling, you have to broaden the scope of your question to include reincarnation as well.
If you watch your son, or anyone under the age of 40 who plays video games, you’ll note the relationship they develop with their avatars. All these games/simulations are time based, in that the digital body/Avatar has a limited lifespan in order to make the goals of the game more interesting and appealing. Yet everyone gets very attached and invested in their Avatars. They don't give them up lightly
I don’t see much difference between a “real” gamer and his Avatar, and J.Z. Knight and her Channeled entity. Although I don’t think that J.Z.’s true “self” is Ramtha, I think it is more like a conduit from the source, as you put it. If reincarnation is a true subroutine running in this programmed reality, then it carries with it the implication that our “real selves” are outside this simulation, free of the time constraint we have here.
So, if that perspective has truth in it, then the question about channeling becomes even more important and interesting. If the J.Z.’s of this world are not crazy, then what is happening when the original true self temporarily abandons their Avatar to allow some other source to channel information through it’s temporal body and mind?
In the gaming world, that is equivalent to having another player hack your Avatar and take control while in the game. This is breaking, or at least bending the accepted rules of behavior. J.Z. and her ilk seemed to open their “selves” up to this cross talk through acts of free will, but I’m not convinced that it is still not wrong to do.
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Hello Code9,
Welcome to our forum and thanks much for your great post. For what it is worth, I addressed this topic in my book in a couple different ways. Probably the most pertinent to this thread is the idea of "back channel" communication. So, I thought I would post an excerpt from the book here:
In information theory, there is the concept of “out of band” signaling. It is actually something that occurs every time you make a phone call. “In band” refers to the communications channel that you speak over; the pair of wires or the channel of bits that encodes your voice that are sent as you are communicating with the person at the other end of the “line.” In the early days of telecommunications, the signaling of the number to be called was carried over the same pair of wires. As the network became digital, it was found to be far more scalable and flexible to send the signaling data (phone number, or address of the person being called) over a completely separate network. This was referred to as “out of band” signaling. In the movie “The Matrix,” the agents wore earpieces that told them what was going on at all times in the matrix. That communication was an out of band channel in that it was not being sent through the standard reality that they were in. For another example, consider the MMORPG virtual reality game. Your character communicates with other characters by typing or speaking. The communication occurs in the game reality. There may be rules that allow you to speak directly to and only to another character, or it may be that every character that wants to listen is capable of hearing any given communication. Imagine that you want to speak to another character without being monitored by any other character. How could you do it? If you know the phone number of the person playing that character, you could simply call them up, send an email, IM, chat, or use any other valid communication mode that is outside of the game world. What you have done is communicate “out of band.”
It may be so that a paranormal event can be completely described by such a mechanism. We are living in a programmed reality. But, sometimes, we can step outside of that program and use another channel to communicate with another entity or to experience another place or time. It doesn’t require any complex theory involving space-time and the quantum vacuum. It doesn’t require ridiculously sensitive and selective extra senses. Let’s say you have an overwhelming foreboding of a particular event happening in the near future. What have you done? Perhaps you simply stepped outside of the program momentarily to look ahead at the upcoming sequence of events and found the one that you were anticipating. Or rather, (because the preceding would imply intent) you were given a hazy bit of the back channel. How could that be possible? Easy, if you think about how the programmed reality might be working. It has access to our consciousness via standard senses, but also via direct, or back channel mechanisms. Think of the hypnotists’ ability to plant suggestions in your mind. Or subliminal advertising techniques. Or a swarm of invisible nanobots encoding a hazy thought into your brain. This is why we can’t control these abilities at will. They are not skills that we are meant to master at this point. We can only be given glimpses into the possibilities, tantalizing clues that the back channel exists. Otherwise, we would just win the lottery every night, tell the world about the back channel, thereby upsetting the balance of the whole human community. As an aside, there are remote viewers, such as Aaron Donahue, who claim the ability to do that and support their families on their lottery winnings. They also claim that such a power is “allowed”, but they are not permitted to “hit it big.” Such a view is consistent with Edgar Cayce’s readings and the many cases of communications with the “spirit guides” reported during in-between-lives states by patients undergoing past life regressions.
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