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Baalbeck platform vis a vis AAT Options
Posted: Monday, July 4, 2011 2:04:59 PM
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A part 1 article:

Heiser vs. Sitchin


Also: my Latest Articles (and some related links)
(awakening, synchronicity, Gnosticism, AAT, nature of reality/consciousness, etc.)
Posted: Monday, July 4, 2011 4:19:02 PM

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This is a subject that, until this, held little interest for me. Your careful presentation persuades me to consider it now very seriously. I will need to study your discussion more carefully, over time. Much of the material you cover is only superfically familiar to me.

Great job!
Posted: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 8:21:12 PM
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What an affirmation of an article doing its job - to convince others to take a more serious look for themselves!

Thanks, Spearshaker.

I wrote this part 1 article a year ago and have sat on it since (personal reasons). Alas, since then Zecharia Sitchin passed away in Oct. 2010. He was 90. A man of humble and gentle demeanor.

BTW, just recently did summer vacation in Banff, Alberta. The Canadian Rockies were just spectacular - even more so than the Colorado Rockies! Saw plenty of griz. :-)
Posted: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 6:37:44 AM
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Doing my best Kent Brockman impression:

Well, I was going to post that before I decided to read the article first.d'oh!
Good article, on a subject of much interest to me for much long time now.
Posted: Friday, November 25, 2011 2:36:25 PM
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RogerV wrote:
A part 1 article:

Heiser vs. Sitchin


I'm still holding off on a part 2 article (keep coming across new material that I want to first assimilate and digest).

In the meantime I'd like to suggest some links to a documentary and some audio interviews - these, of course, dove tail with my Heiser vs. Sitchin article.

Video Documentary:

The Revelation of the Pyramids - YouTube

This fairly recent documentary (though 6 years in the making) covers information that I began to first encounter in Graham Hancock's epic book, Fingerprints of the Gods back in circa 1996. The documentary is based on a book that is of the same title as the film, and that book having the advantage of a rather recent publishing date, contains new information that has surfaced since Hancock's book; for instance, the engineering perspective of Chris Dunn is touched on (Chris has two books on this subject that are very much worth the read). There is also some coverage of the many pyramids that exist in China. This video documentary does a great job of illustrating the commonality of the megalithic structures of ancient times that span the globe. For someone fairly new to these alternative perspectives on human history, this video is good place to start from.

NOTE: Links to this video on YouTube have been taken down in some cases. There will probably always be the 3 minute trailers and such, but here is a BlueRay purchase link (alas, the DVD is easier to come by on UK sites - hopefully North America will eventually carry this):

The Revelation Of The Pyramids

So in reading a review that was critical of this documentary, it was utterly typical of the mainstream approach. Instead of attempting to engage on any of the evidence information presented in the film, it merely zeroed in on the film's reference to one source that remained anonymous. Of course, in this arena it's completely irrelevant if a person advances an idea while choosing to remain anonymous for a time. The idea either has some sort of merit on it's on grounds or it doesn't. Simple as that. The reviewer then tossed in a few other disparaging remarks that were not backed by any manner of intelligent argument or analysis - and that was all supposed to pass as a review that presumably dismisses these alternative views and reduces this documentary to insignificance. Instead it amounted to what was a very sad ("pathetic" would not be overly harsh) portrait of the so-called "mainstream" mentality.

Southern Africa:

Sitchen's thesis says that the Annunaki first came to the region of southern Africa to set up gold mining. Various reports of ancient gold mines in this region have been put forth. In some cases it is said that the ancient mines have been used as geological pointers for establishing modern gold mines. The ancient mines have been tied to various origins - Phoenician, Vedic Dravidian, King Solomon of the Bible, and of course the Summerian Annunaki.

South African investigative researcher Michael Tellinger has over the last several years dedicated himself to exploring and documenting the numerous stone ruins of the southern African region, inclusive of the ancient gold mines. He has findings that he says pushes the origin time period of these ruins to murky prehistoric antiquity. Initially the most stunning thing that is paramount in Tellinger's cataloguing efforts is the shear quantity and vast expanse of these stone ruins (they span over an area twice the size of Texas).

Here is an audio interview conducted by British media figure, Howard Hughs, by which to get aquainted with Michael Tellinger:

The Unexplained 41 - Michael Tellinger, Released Aug 23, 2010

Then Alex Ansary of Portland, Oregon has a four part interview of Michel Tellinger on YouTube:

OTB 270 10 03 10 part 1 of 4

Posted: Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:04:55 AM
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When I started out to write this article (which I did in a single intense week-end), I had in mind a conclusion. Then I ran out of time to put that conclusion down. Later on I was no longer so sure of the conclusion. I didn't want to complete it unless could do so with sincerity and confidence.

That was early summer 2010 - it is now Spring 2012. I now know how I want to write part 2.

The first article has been mostly an endorsement of Sitchin's thesis. For Christians reading the article, many would probably go away with a view that this article is an undercutting of what they believe.

The primary issue revolves around who is Yahweh and what exactly is the relationship of this being (if any) to Christianity?

(Note: It appears that the Hebrew scriptures employed Yahweh as a titular title of a position much as became of the name Caesar - a title that all the emperors of Rome took on, and which became Kaiser and Czar. The personality of the character Yahweh shifts from one chronological episode to another - for instance the Yahweh visiting Abraham is rather different than the one that Moses dealt with.)

Not surprisingly neither Sitchin or myself (or any other researchers of our contemporary era) are the first ones to begin to see Yahweh in a much different light than what has been officially portrayed by Christianity since the 4th century AD. Interestingly, the Gnostic Christians had a very different point of view that is encapsulated in their concept of the Demiurge.

In part 2 I will be touching on:

coauthors Joseph P. Farrell and Scott D. deHart
Delitzsch's Dilemma
Christian Obrien (Genius of the Few - The Shining Ones)
Elaine Pagels
coauthors Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval
coauthors James D. Tabor and Simcha Jacobovici
Issac Asimov's fictional Foundation Trilogy and the character of the Mule (as an analog to the concept of long term sociological engineering)

For Christians, here is the dilemma - the wrong faction dominated and became endorsed by the Roman state. From there it has been downhill ever since.

So the key is to go back to the Christian roots of the very first century, keeping in mind these simple guidelines:

*) blood sacrifice to a deity is always demonic (bad) - no exceptions

*) a deity demanding that humans go take other human life is always demonic (bad) - no exceptions

*) a tree can be recognized by the fruit it produces (Matthew 7:16-20)

Yeshua came to point humanity back to the real realm of spiritual reality - not to endorse the Annunaki/Elohim escapades of civil war or sibling rivalry where humanity is an unfortunate pawn in the power plays/machinations (or continue to be a vampiric-like "psychic food source" for Archons, e.g., like the Therns depicted in the film John Carter).

Jesus said, "Let the one who seeks not cease until they find, and when they find they will be amazed; being amazed they will reign, and reigning they will rest."

Nyland, Dr A. (2011-06-13). The Gospel of Thomas (p. 17). Unknown. Kindle Edition. (Translation from Greek version of verse.)
Posted: Monday, May 7, 2012 12:15:58 AM
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Ruminations on cosmological dualism in the context of Gnostic Demiurge:

I wish the world was flat like the old days (Delitzsch's Dilemma)
Posted: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 6:41:10 AM
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This blog posting is most definitely under category of Ancient Astronaut Theory:

Blade Runner - An Astro-Gnostic Fable (of the past – not the future)

The above article came about through a chain of recent events:

Actress Mary Sean Young (Rachel in Blade Runner) is interviewed on RedIce
Mention of the owl symbolism in Blade Runner prods me to go re-watch the movie
Penned a brief shared synopsis in the course of an exchange with Mary.
The synopsis then led me to see that the film's symbolism speaks much more effectively to us today than 30 years ago

Another link that belongs under this topic:

The Great Platform at Baalbeck in Lebanon

The junior league blocks are in the 500 ton range, then midsize (the Trilithon) at 850 tons, and then there's the monster block still in the quarry at around 1200 tons.

There is no causeway, or evidence of one having existed, between the quarry site and the platform site.

A singular large, massive object in the modern era is the nuclear reactor vessel. I wondered what such a vessel might weigh in at and found this blurb:

The vessel is formed of manganese-molybdenum carbon steel plates and forgings (ASTM-SA-302, Grade B) with a 1/4 inch stainless steel (AISI type 304-L) cladding. The 302 material was selected because it was the highest strength carbon steel allowed by code. The weight of the complete vessel, including the closure head and thermal shields, is approximately 264 tons.

The Saturn V rocket is the most massive single thing I could think of in the modern world that has been transported as a single item (from NASA website):

The Saturn V rocket was 111 meters (363 feet) tall, about the height of a 36-story-tall building, and 18 meters (60 feet) taller than the Statue of Liberty. Fully fueled for liftoff, the Saturn V weighed 2.8 million kilograms (6.2 million pounds), the weight of about 400 elephants.

[Everyone recalls the special caterpillar-treaded transport platform that moved the Saturn V to the launch gantry, right?]

That definitely exceeds the most massive of the monolithic construction blocks at the Baalbeck platform - but it also serves to demonstrate just how extreme the engineering of the Baalbeck platform was. The ready-for-liftoff Saturn V was only a factor of roughly 4 times more massive than the single most massive block appearing in the Baalbeck platform. Thus the undertaking to move the Saturn V would still be a reasonable ball park comparison to what would be required in attempting to transport one of those blocks and hoist and place it precisely in close fitting position with respect to other blocks.
Posted: Sunday, August 19, 2012 10:03:27 AM
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Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa

I referenced Michael Tellinger's research in South Africa as yet further support to my Heiser Vs. Sitchin article back in 2011 - in respect to specific details of Sitchin's human origins thesis, that is.

Then this year (2012), as a result of a bit of synchronicity intersection with Mary Sean Young, I wrote these two articles dealing with film director Ridley Scott explicitly conveying the theme of what Chris Knowles dubs Astro-Gnosticism (the confluence of Ancient Astronaut Theory and Gnosticism):

Blade Runner - An Astro-Gnostic Fable (of the past - not the future)

Prometheus the Film - Thematic Confluences

So it would seem Ridley Scott is engaging in a kind of disclosure preparation in terms of the so-called "predictive programming" mass sociological conditioning aspect. Entertainment media has long served to that purpose.

Also, I was just listening to Linda Moulton Howe's RedIce interview of Aug. 3. At 59 minutes into the second members-only interview, she delivers a soliloquy that is the same fundamental message that I decoded from Ridley Scott's Blade Runner film (and that was punctuated by my take on Prometheus).

Me thinks there's a convergence of consciousness afoot.

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