--it has been an hypothesis of mine in the past several months that a way to save fuel in the transportation industry might be the following---instead of bringing people and materials to their destination why not bring the destination to the people and materials---duhhh---what?

sounds crazy but what if there could be very large pancake shaped balloons 2 or 3 bundled atop one another with people and or materials or both suspended in gondolas beneath and equipped with compressed air/gas directional tanks controlled by computers hooked up to GPS satellites and would be launched to a certain altitude--for instance--above a certain gps grid over ny and kept stationary as the earth rotates beneath and in 3 hours california appears below and then the balloons are lowered ---of course this is depending on good weather conditions and only would work [world wide] from an east to west direction at any latitude but still the savings in fuel would have a tremendous effect on society----does this sound feasible to any of you out there who have the techy no-how that i don't have-[i'm just an idea person]

-------ps--there is a co. already supplying the military with giant motorized parasails with loads of 30 to 50 thousand pounds of military equipment delivered to the lz by remote control !