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explain race please--
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Yes Neo, define race.
I am a white guy married to a black woman. I kind of like to think of it as more of a flavor than race. I guess that would make my kids fudge ripple, if you get my drift. But, what about my kids? Are they black? Most of society says yes.
My wife's skin looks very dark brown (African). Because my my wife's grandmothers, maternal and paternal, were both full blood native American, my kids look very much like pacific islander even though they do not have any of that lineage.
Today, with the ability to travel and mingle, it is not that we deny the physical characteristics of what we called race, but we deny the separation or superiority of races. We also encourage the preservation of all cultures. My wife is a black law professor teaching at one of the whitest schools in the country, yet maintains much of her black American culture. I do not like the analogy of the "melting pot" for the mixture of races, you have to think of it more like a salad and the blending of many distinct flavors.
Furthermore, we did not evolve from apes. Perhaps, we will some day be shown that Man has evolved, and Apes too have evolved, but of separate evolutionary chains. Man need not concern himself with locating the "missing link". The origin of the gene pool from which the first man was born is a far more complicated scheme than fits the concepts of human imagination. Rather we should try to understand that each species including man has a deep and long evolutionary pathway that began in the diversity of the many one celled life forms that first inhabited the earth and evolved according to what we needed to live.
My wife is the most beautiful woman to me. As kids go, mine are great; they are smart, talented, and extremely attractive looking. Maybe, my "jungle fever" was a natural thing. Maybe it is good for the human race and I was naturally attracted. I don't know, but I think the mixing of the gene pool was a good thing for me.
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I also thought that the video raised good points about race, but was it was a very narrow view. I do, however, allow some degree of flexibility here knowing that putting together a 3-6 minute video for youtube is not as easy as it looks. If I had time, I would love to do "the rest of the story" about race. If you read me right, you also see that I too do not like the idea of ignoring race and acting like we are all the same. We are not all the same. So, let's recognize the differences while not diminishing anyone simply because they don't look like us. Frankly, I think the whole world is lucky that they don't look like me.
As for evolution, I'm just raising the argument that even accepting the full Darwinistic view of evolution, life did not evolve from one single celled organism. It evolved from many of the first single celled organisms. "Variety is the spice of life." Since, I tend to follow pretty closely Jim's teachings about the nature of reality, I would never buy the creationists "ex nihilism" (creation from nothing). I do not look to the beginning of time in considering creation, I look to every moment of time as a separate creation. Therefore, men did not evolve from apes. Apes evolved and Men evolved ... and very likely from two very different evolutionary chains.
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 i think i am being misunderstood here--i agree with the video and all of your posts-i know and understand the differences social and cultural but for instance take automobiles--each make outwardly looks and performs differently but the guts and innerds r basic to all--we r like that all over the world----
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Just watched the documentary below: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xGzUkgmpf6UVery interesting indeed.
There is no spoon.
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yes-saw this complete doc awhile ago-very convincing and supports most peoples suspicions such as my own have been for many years--
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