This is a two season series that the writers borrow heavily from Everett's Many Worlds interpretation for quantum weirdness. [Semi-spoiler] If you seen the series, you find out that OA means "Original Angel." It is based on the premise that there might be these dimensional travelers all around us. It's kind of a whole drama based on quantum suicide. When you die in one universe, in another universe, the other you goes on living oblivious to the fact that you ever died. Only in this story for streaming television, some of the characters have learned to complete the transfer while remembering where they came from and they simply "leap into" the other version of themselves. It is all very "weird" indeed, yet somehow all so familiar. This scene is when the OA jumps into another version of herself and attends a night club full of angels who all travel frequently between universes. The giant squid is psychic and communicates with the OA through its tentacles.