Personally I find it somewhat disturbing that people still seem to readily put their trust in this guy. Not just you Ekuma, there are plenty of comments under that video which makes it seem like they're queuing up to build a statue of him!

The guy who was promoting so called vaccines early on, remember?
You like the "Hugo Talks" guy a lot, right? Well I find him very interesting also (watched one of his video earlier today in fact).

If memory serves he spoke of Campbell, Russell Brand and others as quite likely being controlled opposition, stating that you don't get to have a YouTube account getting the hits that theirs are getting these days without being part of the system/establishment. Considering what happened to others to spoke out early on only to be scrubbed from YouTube rapido-like, I give credence to this line of reasoning.
Campbell talks the medical jargon in such a carefully constructed manner that can often leave the listened confused. Perhaps this is the point; confure the hoi pollio with medical terminology which they are unfamilar with, and in their anxious state of mind (which he & his ilk helped create) they will be less critical as they turn to the "Good Doctor" who knows all those complex terms.
Like "Snake-oil salesman".
There is no spoon.