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Ufology in the spotlight... AGAIN! Options
Posted: Sunday, June 18, 2023 7:41:31 PM

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This time it's Steven Greer and his army of whistleblowers -

Info about the event here -

Ufology is in the news nearly every day now.

There was also that David Grusch with his revelations -

It's absolutely non-stop!

Jon D
Posted: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 6:58:01 AM
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They are clowns just seeking profit and book deals. Absolutely no evidence to offer or even anything with substance. Embarrassing this even made it to a congressional hearing, it was literally some idiot just saying "someone told me this, but I can't say who told me".

There's a formula with former military careers matching up with UFO exploiters and seeking sensational headlines and obvious book deals. Before this phony David Grusch with Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp it was Luis Elizondo and Tom DeLonge. It's just stupid, embarrassing. The U.S. military has an enormous amount of employees, and it in no way exempts anyone from being a bullshitter who makes up stories.

I have no doubt UFO's are real. But I also have no doubt these clowns in particular are just looking to exploit the subject.
Posted: Saturday, September 9, 2023 11:27:24 AM

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Well, you might be right, Jon D, but I hope you're wrong, especially with regards to David Grusch and co. I was thinking this could be it and finally they will start releasing some real good tangible evidence: exotic materials; photos, videos. I suppose they could just fabricate evidence though and make us believe it's ET in origin.

Also, I was watching Loose Women on ITV last week and in the middle of the programme Uri Geller popped up for a quick interview. He told a story about how Wernher Von Braun led him to a secret facility and then he was led into a refrigerated room where dead alien bodies were stored. Geller then said the alien bodies were laid out in glass coffins. Is any of this true? I have no idea. Geller has always appeared to be a bit dodgy to me.
Jon D
Posted: Monday, September 18, 2023 9:51:22 AM
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EKUMA1981 wrote:
Well, you might be right, Jon D, but I hope you're wrong, especially with regards to David Grusch and co. I was thinking this could be it and finally they will start releasing some real good tangible evidence: exotic materials; photos, videos. I suppose they could just fabricate evidence though and make us believe it's ET in origin.

Also, I was watching Loose Women on ITV last week and in the middle of the programme Uri Geller popped up for a quick interview. He told a story about how Wernher Von Braun led him to a secret facility and then he was led into a refrigerated room where dead alien bodies were stored. Geller then said the alien bodies were laid out in glass coffins. Is any of this true? I have no idea. Geller has always appeared to be a bit dodgy to me.

As for the David Grusch thing, there is literally no evidence at all, the guy is simply attempting to forge credibility on the subject so he can make profit off of it. He's not the first one to do it, and apparently there are no repercussions for using a congressional hearing to promote yourself.

But why do you hope i'm wrong? In the larger picture, do we deserve to know the answers right now? What good would come out of us knowing there is something more out there, a whole universe of life and complex civilization, just to realize we are FAR from being ready to participate in such a thing, we're left alone here. We can't force our way into something like that, it would be like forcing your way into someone's locked door. The universe and what's out there, what's watching us, it's been there longer than us. When we are ready, the door will open. Let's not try to force it open. It sucks to admit that I'm quite sure in our lifetime we aren't going to see that door open, we're still far away from that day. Planet earth is still a wild animal in the universe.
Posted: Monday, October 16, 2023 9:42:39 PM

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Well, it appears Grusch and co. have gone quiet. I heard there were going to be more hearings in September - NOTHING! Steve Bassett said Biden would announce to the world in early October that there is an ET presence on earth - NOTHING!

Are all these people full of B.S.? I think you might be right about them, Jon D.

And, what is it with that Steve Bassett?! He always says disclosure is imminent and he always sounds so believable. But nothing ever happens, so why does Bassett keep doing this? He's been doing it for well over ten years, FFS!
Jon D
Posted: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 1:08:33 AM
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EKUMA1981 wrote:
Well, it appears Grusch and co. have gone quiet. I heard there were going to be more hearings in September - NOTHING! Steve Bassett said Biden would announce to the world in early October that there is an ET presence on earth - NOTHING!

Are all these people full of B.S.? I think you might be right about them, Jon D.

And, what is it with that Steve Bassett?! He always says disclosure is imminent and he always sounds so believable. But nothing ever happens, so why does Bassett keep doing this? He's been doing it for well over ten years, FFS!

I'm not familiar with Steve Bassett but if he was promising disclosure would be imminent he's another quack. Anyone who claims they know when disclosure is coming is a clown, don't believe into any of that. Disclosure simply isn't up to us. No human, even the president could disclose something of that nature in a truthful way. We don't have enough answers to disclose, no one does. Are UFO's real? Absolutely. Do we know anything about them? Likely next to nothing. We can't disclose something we know next to nothing about.

You have to understand this so called "UFO-ology" field is full of people trying to make money off of it, don't trust any of them when it comes to predictions.
Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2023 5:53:39 PM

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I'm not familiar with Steve Bassett

I'm really surprised to learn that you have not heard of Steve Bassett, Jon D. He's always talking about disclosure. He's everywhere on the net. His organisation is called "Paradigm Research Group". He's been campaigning for disclosure for years. He's a tenacious lobbyist. He also goes into the geopolitics of Ufology and the history of the subject too. So, he is knowledgeable and seems to know his stuff.

However, he lets himself down by declaring, 'the truth embargo is coming to an end'. 'Disclosure is only weeks / months away.' 'This is the year of disclosure.' Blah, blah, blah. Yada, yada, yada. You see, he continually does this and then when nothing happens everybody is let down and like me, they begin to think this is all a con.

I mean, I thought things this year were really moving along after Grusch's revelations and that big UAP hearing in July. And, let's not forget all them UAPs that were shot down by the US military. UAPs were mentioned on the MSM too. Now, it's gone quiet again. Nothing new, no new hearings, no more reports of UAPs in US skies. Hmm, I really don't know what to think. Again, it feels nefarious as if they are planning a false flag. Project: "Blue Beam" always springs to mind.
Jon D
Posted: Friday, October 20, 2023 9:19:46 AM
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EKUMA1981 wrote:
I'm not familiar with Steve Bassett

I'm really surprised to learn that you have not heard of Steve Bassett, Jon D. He's always talking about disclosure. He's everywhere on the net. His organisation is called "Paradigm Research Group". He's been campaigning for disclosure for years. He's a tenacious lobbyist. He also goes into the geopolitics of Ufology and the history of the subject too. So, he is knowledgeable and seems to know his stuff.

However, he lets himself down by declaring, 'the truth embargo is coming to an end'. 'Disclosure is only weeks / months away.' 'This is the year of disclosure.' Blah, blah, blah. Yada, yada, yada. You see, he continually does this and then when nothing happens everybody is let down and like me, they begin to think this is all a con.

I mean, I thought things this year were really moving along after Grusch's revelations and that big UAP hearing in July. And, let's not forget all them UAPs that were shot down by the US military. UAPs were mentioned on the MSM too. Now, it's gone quiet again. Nothing new, no new hearings, no more reports of UAPs in US skies. Hmm, I really don't know what to think. Again, it feels nefarious as if they are planning a false flag. Project: "Blue Beam" always springs to mind.

Anyone who talks about disclosure likely has no credibility. To assume we know the answers is a mistake.

Grusch is a fake, trust me. I wouldn't look forward to disclosure happening anytime soon, likely not happening in our lifetime. Disclosure is not up to us, I hope you understand what I'm saying. We don't have the answers, not even our military officials with the highest clearance know these answers, no one knows. Disclosure is impossible right now. Only the "aliens" are capable of disclosure. The only thing that we know is that some types of unidentified advanced intelligence visits us.

Blue Beam/fake alien invasion is also not happening, at least anytime soon. I'd worry more about a war with China and/or Russia first.
Posted: Saturday, October 21, 2023 11:39:43 PM

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Jon D., what do you think when some researchers like Steve Mera say that there's a connection between the paranormal and the ufological? For example, miniature flying saucers were supposedly manifested in the Scole experiments. Now, why would flying saucers appear in a seance room?! There was also that "Blue" entity that appeared on film. "Blue" looked very similar to a typical "Grey" alien.

Also, some alleged ET creatures give off bad smells. The being who was wandering around Varginha, Brazil, in 1996, absolutely stank of sulphur. Even some UAPs give off foul odours. Why sulphur, ammonia, etc. Well, stenches like these are also present in haunting cases, demonic posessions, and in poltergeist incidents.

Check out this book -

So, after discovering these facts I'm fairly certain that there is indeed a correlation here. Unfortunately, that means that UAPs and "aliens" cannot be trusted. They are all part of this deception, I feel - 'same phenomenon, different mask'.
Posted: Sunday, October 22, 2023 3:52:26 PM

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It's great to see that at least two people are keeping this Forum alive! Thanks Jon D and EKUMA1981.

Jon D wrote:
In the larger picture, do we deserve to know the answers right now? What good would come out of us knowing there is something more out there, a whole universe of life and complex civilization, just to realize we are FAR from being ready to participate in such a thing, we're left alone here. We can't force our way into something like that, it would be like forcing your way into someone's locked door. The universe and what's out there, what's watching us, it's been there longer than us. When we are ready, the door will open. Let's not try to force it open. It sucks to admit that I'm quite sure in our lifetime we aren't going to see that door open, we're still far away from that day. Planet earth is still a wild animal in the universe.

I love this sentiment, Jon. Very well put. I think along the same lines. I went to "Contact in the Desert" this year and it was full of people in a few different categories...

1. Laypeople, genuinely fascinated with the UFO phenomenon, hoping for answers, and enjoying being around others with similar interests

2. Opportunists, as you said, staking their claim in some niche in the field, selling books, ideas, trinkets, searching for adherents to their viewpoints

3. Fringe lurkers, people like myself, not squarely in the field, but happy to have a chance to talk about our philosophies and network with like-minded people

I have nothing against any of the groups, but I do agree that it feels like people keep asking the same questions over and over again - "what are they?", "when will the government disclose?", etc. And at the end of the day, they miss the point. I don't need the government to tell me what is true or right. They have an abysmal track record of that anyway. I know my own subjective experiences and have thought about them enough that I don't even care that much to debate it anymore. Happy to share ideas as always, but I don't need adherents or book sales - they gave me a table to sell my books and I didn't even bring any. A little validation would be nice, but chasing that is futile. I just like learning and exploring new ideas with open minded people.
Jon D
Posted: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 10:37:45 PM
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EKUMA1981 wrote:
Jon D., what do you think when some researchers like Steve Mera say that there's a connection between the paranormal and the ufological? For example, miniature flying saucers were supposedly manifested in the Scole experiments. Now, why would flying saucers appear in a seance room?! There was also that "Blue" entity that appeared on film. "Blue" looked very similar to a typical "Grey" alien.

Also, some alleged ET creatures give off bad smells. The being who was wandering around Varginha, Brazil, in 1996, absolutely stank of sulphur. Even some UAPs give off foul odours. Why sulphur, ammonia, etc. Well, stenches like these are also present in haunting cases, demonic posessions, and in poltergeist incidents.

Check out this book -

So, after discovering these facts I'm fairly certain that there is indeed a correlation here. Unfortunately, that means that UAPs and "aliens" cannot be trusted. They are all part of this deception, I feel - 'same phenomenon, different mask'.

Not familiar with Steve Mera (I'll admit I'm not familiar with many people lol) but UFOs in general do fall under the paranormal category being that the subject falls outside of our current level of understanding. "Paranormal" is not a permanent title, it's just something we do not yet scientifically understand. Are UFOs connected to possession or poltergeist type phenomena? I would say generally no, different subject.

I strongly caution against labeling aliens as evil or demonic. They have done absolutely nothing to us to warrant that type of belief. Are they behind millennia of religious persecution? Are they behind the(still ongoing) wars here on earth that killed millions? Are they behind greed, hate, etc... This is entirely human behavior, nothing else. Humans have free will. We'll never be able to cross that bridge to see who's out there observing us if we carry this type of paranoia with us. We have to have trust. Don't be too quick to fear what you don't understand. I have absolutely no doubt that more advanced civilizations are patiently waiting to introduce themselves when the time is right here.
Posted: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 12:32:16 AM

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I strongly caution against labeling aliens as evil or demonic. They have done absolutely nothing to us to warrant that type of belief.

No, I completely disagree with you here, Jon D. There are quite a few cases where people are injured by UAPs and their occupants! Sometimes inadvertently, other times deliberately. For example, the Colares incident in 1977 where possibly hundreds of people were attacked by UAPs! They were getting their blood extracted.

This is from Wikipedia -

The Colares flap refers to an outbreak of UFO sightings that occurred in 1977 on the Brazilian island of Colares. During the outbreak, the UFOs allegedly attacked the citizens with intense beams of radiation that left burn marks and puncture wounds. These sightings led to the Brazilian government dispatching a team to investigate under the codename Operation Saucer (Portuguese: Prato, see below), but the government later recalled the team and classified the files until the late 1990s.

I really don't believe they are all love and light. They are not really our space brothers and sisters. After doing a lot of research in this field I have found that they are very deceptive. And, why on earth do some give off sulphur and ammonia smells?! This fact also backs up my previous point about them being connected to demonology.

Robert Taylor was also a victim of a UAP assault. The craft even tried to drag him along the ground and ripped his trousers in the process! -

Plus, there were all them "Foo Fighters" during WW2. What was that all about?! Why were they interfering in human affairs? Why were they appearing pre-1947 as well. If we are such a bad species why do they linger on earth. Why don't they just go away and leave us to our own affairs?

And, don't forget all them animal mutilations connected to UAPs! Witnesses have even seen UAPs lift animals into the sky via a tractor beam mechanism. What is the point, and why do they brutally slice these animals open and exsanguinate all the blood. It's absolutely sick. UAPs must be responsible for millions of animal deaths.

Love & light, peaceful space-faring beings - I DON'T THINK SO!
Jon D
Posted: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 7:56:50 AM
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EKUMA1981 wrote:
I strongly caution against labeling aliens as evil or demonic. They have done absolutely nothing to us to warrant that type of belief.

No, I completely disagree with you here, Jon D. There are quite a few cases where people are injured by UAPs and their occupants! Sometimes inadvertently, other times deliberately. For example, the Colares incident in 1977 where possibly hundreds of people were attacked by UAPs! They were getting their blood extracted.

This is from Wikipedia -

The Colares flap refers to an outbreak of UFO sightings that occurred in 1977 on the Brazilian island of Colares. During the outbreak, the UFOs allegedly attacked the citizens with intense beams of radiation that left burn marks and puncture wounds. These sightings led to the Brazilian government dispatching a team to investigate under the codename Operation Saucer (Portuguese: Prato, see below), but the government later recalled the team and classified the files until the late 1990s.

I really don't believe they are all love and light. They are not really our space brothers and sisters. After doing a lot of research in this field I have found that they are very deceptive. And, why on earth do some give off sulphur and ammonia smells?! This fact also backs up my previous point about them being connected to demonology.

Robert Taylor was also a victim of a UAP assault. The craft even tried to drag him along the ground and ripped his trousers in the process! -

Plus, there were all them "Foo Fighters" during WW2. What was that all about?! Why were they interfering in human affairs? Why were they appearing pre-1947 as well. If we are such a bad species why do they linger on earth. Why don't they just go away and leave us to our own affairs?

And, don't forget all them animal mutilations connected to UAPs! Witnesses have even seen UAPs lift animals into the sky via a tractor beam mechanism. What is the point, and why do they brutally slice these animals open and exsanguinate all the blood. It's absolutely sick. UAPs must be responsible for millions of animal deaths.

Love & light, peaceful space-faring beings - I DON'T THINK SO!

You have some good points, BUT we can't just believe these vague stories without evidence and jump to conclusions. I have no idea what happened at Colares, but I am familiar with that, and it was a very strange event. We can't rule out this was a military test of some type. Something very similar actually happened this year in Peru in a remote area called Laredo. It's not hard to fool remote villagers into believing something is supernatural.

I would say the large majority of UFO related injuries are accidental. Technology inadvertently can cause injury. To me the Travis Walton case (Fire In The Sky) is the best example. He stood too close to this object and was seriously injured by what appeared to be it's propulsion mechanism, most likely not intentional. Stefan Michalek in Canada was a very well documented case of similar nature.

I don't know what the 'foo fighters' were to be honest, but I don't recall it being a major problem for anyone. We can't conclude those were aliens from afar or even physical in nature. Cattle mutilations - we can't conclude that aliens are behind that either. I do know though that about 50 BILLION animals in the United States alone each year are killed for human consumption. How do you think we look to something observing us from above? We are in no position to judge another theoretical race that may be out there based on vague incidents with little evidence, meanwhile we just turn a blind eye to our own actions.
Jon D
Posted: Thursday, October 26, 2023 12:26:48 AM
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jim wrote:
It's great to see that at least two people are keeping this Forum alive! Thanks Jon D and EKUMA1981.

I love this sentiment, Jon. Very well put. I think along the same lines. I went to "Contact in the Desert" this year and it was full of people in a few different categories...

1. Laypeople, genuinely fascinated with the UFO phenomenon, hoping for answers, and enjoying being around others with similar interests

2. Opportunists, as you said, staking their claim in some niche in the field, selling books, ideas, trinkets, searching for adherents to their viewpoints

3. Fringe lurkers, people like myself, not squarely in the field, but happy to have a chance to talk about our philosophies and network with like-minded people

I have nothing against any of the groups, but I do agree that it feels like people keep asking the same questions over and over again - "what are they?", "when will the government disclose?", etc. And at the end of the day, they miss the point. I don't need the government to tell me what is true or right. They have an abysmal track record of that anyway. I know my own subjective experiences and have thought about them enough that I don't even care that much to debate it anymore. Happy to share ideas as always, but I don't need adherents or book sales - they gave me a table to sell my books and I didn't even bring any.

Yes true it is strange how people still see the government as a trusted source, and most believe our government even has all these answers. I'm quite sure they don't have answers, they aren't even capable of disclosure. In a situation like this, only the aliens would be able to disclose this topic realistically.

jim wrote:
A little validation would be nice, but chasing that is futile. I just like learning and exploring new ideas with open minded people.

Validation comes in due time. I love exploring ideas here, which is something I find very difficult to do outside of the internet lol. Though this is not a very active forum at the moment, it's still a very valuable tool for me, a place to come share a new idea that may come to mind before I lose it. Which reminds me I've been regressing over the last couple of years, I need to get my mind out of the gutter and back into more constructive thoughts.
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