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Joined: 9/30/2012 Posts: 35 Points: 105 Location: Israel
How the quantum theory can explain the Existence? =. Postulate - 1 Physical theory without reference frame is a parody of theory. Postulate – 2 Quantum particle without geometrical form is a parody of Nature. ===… Why I took these two postulates? =. Euclid needed his postulates to create *geometry*. Einstein needed his postulates to explain SRT. In quantum theory we don't have reference frame and quantum particle is only *a mathematical point* therefore we cannot understand the reality of micro-world. To limit misunderstanding I take these two postulates. ==.. If I said: "an elephant fought with a whale", you would laugh. You know they live in two different reference frames and never can meet. Of course, there are animals that can live in these two RF, but you know "why". Now you can read that "big bang" doesn't have RF. Quantum theory doesn't have RF too. In a micro-world level and in a cosmic macro-world level we don't have RF. Then, about what knowledge are we talking? To study behavior of an elephant you must know what savanna is. To study behavior of a whale you must know what ocean is. To study behavior of “ quantum virtual particles” you must know what Vacuum is. Without to know what vacuum is we have parody of knowledge. ======…