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Joined: 9/30/2012 Posts: 35 Points: 105 Location: Israel
About quantum impulses: h and h*. 1) Particle has two (2) kinds of different impulses: (h) and (h*). 2) Quantum of light having impulse (h) travelling in a straight line with constant speed c=1 has infinite wavelength it means its frequencies aren’t limited. 3) Quantum of light having impulse ( h*= h / 2pi ) will go in a curved path ( rotate around its axle / diameter ) and its speed will be more than constant (c >1) . In this movement quantum of light has limited specific frequencies. 4) From the point of Earth gravity reference frame c=1 is maximal. From the point of Vacuum's reference frame c=1 is minimal. 5) Frequency belongs to quantum particle with some geometrical form. Maybe: point, string, loop, triangle , cone , cube, . . . . . . . 6) To know what quantum of light is ( and its h and h* ) we need to know its geometrical form. Quantum particle without geometrical form is an abstract creation. 7) In 1900 Planck's wrote quantum of action as: h=E/t (it means: there must be (phenomenologically must be ) some quantum action) In 1905 Einstein wrote quantum of action as: h=kb. (it means: there is (exactly there is ) quantum of action) ===. Planck's constant (h, h*) belongs to the smallest and fundamental particle of Nature: quantum of light. And Einstein wrote: “All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken.” ( Albert Einstein, 1954 ) ===..