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This is very concerning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wLu98NygrA&t=1sIs this a global phenomenon?! I know what my no.1 suspect is ;)
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The MSM have finally started reporting on this excess deaths phenomenon in the UK! Quote:Thousands more people than expected have died in the UK in the last four months. What's to blame? And could pressures on the NHS be part of the problem? With Kirsty Wark. So, BBC's Newsnight team recognize there is a major on-going crisis, but what is the true cause of it all?! Are there multiple factors at play or is it a single cause? Btw, there is NO mention of Covid vaccines being the culprit. Nobody even once suggests it could be down to them. How predictable. Here's the episode of Newsnight - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001bnnz/newsnight-02092022I think you will all agree this is extremely concerning, and is this a worldwide phenomenon too?!
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Dr. John Campbell is back with his facts, figures, and graphs! It appears the UK is not the only country experiencing excess deaths. There's other nations too with this anomalous trend. WTF is going on, guys?! If these excess deaths continue indefinitely then there's gonna have to be a thorough investigation launched eventually - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPOEU1qCW_w
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Dr. John Campbell is not letting this go - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WZHtxGF4Cc
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I could pin the cause of excess deaths on combination of factors. I assume this is attempting to pin it mostly on the vaccine, and I'm not disputing that because we honestly don't know what's hidden in it, but I think it would be a mistake to do so because then we are disregarding the other causes of the decline of human health and longevity. Diet is the biggest cause in my opinion. Probably 90% of humanity has very little knowledge of the effects their diet has on their health. Soda, fast food, frozen food, mass processed food, etc.... It's literally poison we're just slowing putting into our system until our bodies finally just give out in some way whether it's diabetes, cardiovascular issues, or whatever. Not to mention medications of all sorts, people are just popping all kinds of pills while doctors pass out scripts like candy left and right.
I would say the vaccine is more of a money grab than a depopulation weapon. It's hard to fathom the amount of money funneled into this. I haven't gotten the vaccine, but know many who have, and yet to see anyone die from it that I know. I also have no doubt that covid was man-made, not a natural freak virus, and I did have covid earlier this year. I'm not very happy about catching something that someone out there intentionally released. My symptoms were mild, but it was quite different from any cold or flu I've ever had. Very strange.
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Hi EKUMA1981, I was meaning to get back to you on this thread so hear goes. First off, your chief suspect is also mine. Like, if this was a game of Professor Cluedo it would be over early. Let's see, what's the novel factor which was introduded worldwide these last few years that could account for such widespread deaths and illnesses? I rest our case. Regarding Dr. John Campbell, simply put I don't trust him. I'm not a medic and have only watched a few of his videos (led to him by links) but he seems to go out of his way at times to complecate things. How about keeping it simple John, like starting off by telling us where the 'virus' was isolated and identified? Oh, you can't, can you? I was talking to a care worker who's watched stacks of his videos as part of her training. She brought up the topic, stating how let down she feels by this guy, watching him change tack mid-stream this year. The way she put it was akin to a sense of betrayal. Hmmm. There seems to be a lot of shillage/controlled opposition out there these days folks, we need to be streetwise with this malarky and question things, lest we be deceived. Here's a short video from "Hugo Talks"  from earlier this year which expounds on my post above, hope you guys enjoy: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JankPOfHH2oQ/
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I've had Covid-19 twice, both times confirmed by PCR Test. Like Jon D, my symptoms were quite mild, but I found them to be very strange and unlike any cold or flu I've had before. It was as though my whole body was slowed down all at once, very odd. It definiately had a 'synthetic' feel to it, and felt very unnatural. I definitely subscribe to the theory that it is a man-made pathogen, born in a lab. Then, it perhaps either accidently escaped from a lab, or was deliberately put out into the 'wild'. The issue with it being released deliberately, would be that it obviously would affect the 'powers-that-be', unless of course they were innoculated by a genuinely safe and effective vaccine. Note how the politicians and 'elites' at events such as Davos, only wore masks for the publicity photos, and then immediately removed them and continued to mingle as normal. Note also, the parties held in the UK government departments, in the middle of a major lockdown. These people were not in the least bit scared by the virus. EDIT: Just got this news: https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/breaking-australian-government-establishesAustrailian government establishes formal inquiry into excess deaths.
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Great to see the Antipodeans leading the way! This is great news, Stendec! Hopefully, the other developed nations will follow suit.
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Ed Dowd on the case: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CryOPoPpr2pz/(& as it's Easter Saturday happy birthday to the good ship 'Solved'!:d/ )
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