No offense, it seems like I'm the only one still watching TV anymore, but this final had a lot of secrets in it. The only problem was that it expects you to have watched the entire series and understood a lot of things that may take some time to sink in.
Some of the "Truth Revealed":
1) BSG passengers and the fleet are the ancient inhabitants of our earth 150,000 years ago. (that's a pretty bold plot twist)
2) BSG humans and cylons can mate and procreate - and any of them could also mate with the tribal inhabitants of the earth 150,000 years ago (I know fantasy, but 1&2 would mean that we all most likely have some cylon blood in us)
3) The "this has all happened before" cycle may have been broken (or at least delayed) when Galen Tyrol ("Chief") breaks the circle and ends ressurection for the cylons.
4) There are angels all around you and just like cylons, some of the angels don't yet even know that they are angels. They think they are human like the rest of us.
5) The angels at the end tell us that reality is not really what you think it is. God (the Gaius Baltar angel character doesn't want us to call him that) has created many worlds and many universes for his children to have many many chances to live. (remember A14I/I showed us similar theories at )
Now, take into account what I told you from my last post before I even saw the show (I think the post immediately before, 45 minutes prior to the start of the show): "[All humans on earth today] in some part are also cylons. All this has happened before -- all this will happen again. First there were humans, the true Gods. They created the machines -- the machines evolved -- they created human like cylons -- the cylons learned to procreate (aside from resurrection) -- the resurrection was lost -- now they live, reproduce, and die just like humans -- the knowledge of this cycle is eventually lost -- we forget that we were once cylons just like them. The cycle starts all over again when the human-cylons who have forgotten their past, create the machines once again -- the machines rebel -- and so on it goes from planet to planet -- universe to universe."
This was a cool fantasy show.