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I am absolutely convinced that reality is a programmed reality. The only question that remains is: do we--our consciousness--have access to the program? The observer effect seems to point to a positive answer. However, does the observer have any influence, or is it a passive receiver of the quantum wave function collapse? I'd like to hear your thoughts.
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We all have access to the program, yes. Individually and collectively. In this world it doesn't always seem that way, when politicians, and the establishment, have so much influence over so many. When we turn off our minds, and allow the establishment to feed us all our information, we co-create the establishments vision of reality, rather than our own.
This is why studies show that sitting on the couch doing nothing burns more calories than sitting on the couch watching tv. Crazy.
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ebb101, thanks for an interesting question! As I see it, the observer effect doesn't necessarily imply the ability to have influence, as you also seem to think. I can imagine a program that acts like a network management system, for example, receiving inputs from our consciousness as well as physical reality. The program has all it needs to know whether or not an experiment is being observed, and can "collapse the wave function" accordingly. That isn't really evidence that we have any access to it in a controlling sense. At the moment the only thing that comes to mind is mutual lucid dreaming. I'd be glad to hear others' ideas on evidence of our access to the program. Who's up to the challenge?
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I think we have access/influence by our actions, words, even thoughts. Those at the top of our world/society seem to be very good at manipulating it to suit themselves. But that's not proof that we are accessing/influencing the program. I've been obsessed with this for some time now, that there must be some way to prove or disprove. The best I can come up with is some sort of Art Bell/George Noory/C2C type collective prayer/meditation/thought experiment. I got smoke coming out of my ears.
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That's exactly where I'm at, Tracy. The observer effect proves a connection between consciousness and reality, but not the intention. However, I think the meta-analysis of Dean Radin and other parapsychologists offer proof that the connection is deeper than we might thing. And could go even deeper.
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You could try web searching "sleep vibrations," "OBE," "Akashic records," etc. to learn more about it. Many of the Pseudo-physicists with materials out there about the subject, like Deepak Chopra, Rob Brayanton, " what the bleep" (I suppose you could add Jim) and many other "astral projection" or self-help "create your own universe" people -- pretty much all agree that reality is an individual thing. Like any programming - tapping into the program - is really a process of communicating with the programmer(s). You might also consider whether one of those programmers might in fact be you - yourself. That realization itself will help us get closer to the program.
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ebb101, you've asked a deep question. The answer is yes and no. Yes, you can affect your reality. I am unaware, as of yet, of anyone who can explain by any metaphor or scientific theory (is there a difference?) what is generating this obviously interactive reality frame. This reality frame, btw, is only one of many, and I do mean a lot of them.
Your intentions are constantly influencing your reality by physical actions, through decisions taken, and through your beliefs. The latter are often working via the subconscious mind.
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As humanity has technologically advanced since the start of the industrial revolution, more clues about reality have become evident. At this point, its just a matter of putting enough of the data together. In 1599, Shakespeare wrote, all the world's a stage... In 1999, The Wachowskis released a movie about the world being staged on a hard drive. And Thomas A. Anderson (alias Neo) realized that the world was not as he liked it. So he became a digital Superman & proceeded to change the world. http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/rush/digitalman.htmlhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCFcWdco1nwhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signals_(album)#Writing_and_recording
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Rush were always crazy for a rock band, Neil always came up with the crazy lyrics. Edit for bad grammar.
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RUSH & U2 seemed to pick up on some interesting things about VR, etc. You could say that U2 got a little crazy in their 1990s technology ZOO. Of course in the first Matrix movie, Neo was awakened & realized that he has been living as a Digital Man. There is that classic scene where Neo & Morpheus are in a black sedan. Morpheus is observing Neo looking out the window looking at the local view of the simulation. Eventually Neo is taken to the underground city of Zion. I found it fascinating how the song Digital Man seemed to be describing elements of the Matrix series. "His world is under observation We monitor his station" - The Matrix people sleeping in their VR pods. http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=1158"From the dancers and romancers" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuromancer "He'd love to spend the night in Zion" - http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/Zion & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zion_(The_Matrix) "His world is under anesthetic Subdivided and synthetic" - http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/Pod"He's got a force field and a flexible plan' - http://homepages.nyu.edu/~pa639/the_matrix.jpg He's got a date with fate in a black sedan - Trinity encourages Neo to get into the car. http://askville.amazon.com/car-Matrix-Neo-remove-tracker-stomach/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=8281357"He plays fast forward for as long as he can" - Evading bullets because he is faster than a speeding bullet in cyberspace. http://www.mogamu.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/131222__matrix_l.jpg"He'd like a lover's wings to fly on" - Neo on his way to rescue Trinity & fly to a safer location. http://www.traditioninaction.org/movies/movieimages/007_h_NeroFlying.jpg http://www.elyrics.net/read/r/rush-lyrics/digital-man-lyrics.html The writing for the album Signals started in 1981, a full decade before U2 started to tap into the Matrix. http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/movie/decade/1990-1999/matrix/"And I have no compass And I have no map" - http://www.macphisto.net/u2lyrics/Zooropa.html http://www.docurama.com/docurama/william-gibson-no-maps-for-these-territories/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Maps_for_These_Territorieshttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODk5OTkzMTI=.html There should have been a Matrix version of this video. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Even_Better_Than_the_Real_ThingAt 1:55 Bono selects various human avatars & at 2:05 the Fly selects various animal avatars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y7WmEVj3VEhttp://www.artem.com/data/artem/project/535_real_sml.jpghttp://www.artem.com/index.jsp?type=project&projectId=The Real Thing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_TV:_Live_from_Sydney http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew99oRSoBEA&feature=relatedhttp://www.u2.com/discography/lyrics/lyric/song/42http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_TV_TourSo as the ZOO TV tour ended in Sydney in late 1993, production for the Matrix starts in Sydney about 5 years later. At the opening of the concert Bono says something like, We followed the yellow brick road down to Sydney. Then in the Matrix, Cypher says, "We're not in Kansas anymore..." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minor_characters_in_the_Matrix_series#Cypher Interesting how the last ZOO TV concert & the first Matrix movie make a reference to aspects of the OZ story. Agent Smith tells Neo that he lives in a zoo about half a decade after the ZOO TV tour ended. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Smith#The_Matrix Keanu was in a band that was connected to Zoo Entertainment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogstar_(band)#Discography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_Entertainment_artistsIn 1993, Carrie-Anne Moss was in a TV series called Matrix. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_(TV_series) Bono as the Fly inside a grid matrix. http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/29864019/Bono+Fly+on+the+screen.jpg Its not that Bono was trying to be Neo in the early 1990s, but you can certainly see how U2 was developing an archetypal character for a VR environment. http://www.men-access.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/bono-sunglasses-flyshades-1993-zooropa.jpgOf course at the end of the first Matrix movie, we see Neo fly off into part 2. http://www.moviestuffandmore.com/images/neo_matrix_movie.jpghttp://www.theflyshades.com/Bono_the_fly_92.jpgWas John Gaeta inspired by what Artem & U2 did in trying to depict an avatar in a VR program? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gaetahttp://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=4402&page=8http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullet_timehttp://www.portlandart.net/archives/EMM_Bullet-Time-Set-Up.jpghttp://www.dvdactive.com/news/releases/the-matrix.html At one level of perception many can perceive coincidence, at a higher level some people can perceive the synchronicity. Then there are a small percentage of people like Jim Elvidge that see an intricately structured programed reality. Thanks Jim for creating this forum, I hope that it draws in the attention of millions of people.
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For some more pop culture references to a simulated reality, there is always Trent Reznor, aka Nine Inch Nails: Lyrics to Right Where it Belongs: [Chorus:] What if everything around you Isn't quite as it seems? What if all the world you think you know Is an elaborate dream? And if you look at your reflection Is it all you want it to be? What if you could look right through the cracks? Would you find yourself Find yourself afraid to see? What if all the world's inside of your head Just creations of your own? Your devils and your gods All the living and the dead And you're really all alone? You can live in this illusion You can choose to believe You keep looking but you can't find the woods While you're hiding in the trees and from Zero Sum: Shame on us, doomed from the start May God have mercy on our dirty little hearts Shame on us for all we have done And all we ever were. Just zeroes and ones
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I wish that many more people would have this thought. "Do We Have Access to the Program" Sure there are billions of people connected to various belief systems, but not enough people seem to realize that if this is a creation, its a tremendously structured OS. I see nature as an earth based program, geology as another. I consider gravity, magnetism, the strong & weak nuclear force as independent programs within the greater cosmic OS. There also seems to be a cosmic Internet that's accessible to conscious psychics & remote viewers. So many artists are subconsciously taping into this cosmic data-field. Since ancient times, several people have had the concept of there being an akashic record of various life experiences. http://www.crystalinks.com/akashicrecords.htmlhttp://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/a/akashic_records.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akashic_recordsOf course this by it self doesn't prove that we are in an interactive program, but the clues are all around. It sure does seem like we are in some kind of a cosmic video game. http://www.theuniversesolved.com/a_videogame.htmThis website & book has the potential to finally get most of humanity to question reality. http://www.theuniversesolved.com/a_physicalreality.htmEverything here is just so great to see on line like this. http://www.theuniversesolved.com/evidence.htmThis site just keeps getting better. http://blog.theuniversesolved.com/2010/09/05/quantum-mechanics-anomalies-solved/I was born in 1965, so I'm the same age group as, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent_Reznor , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moby & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Redfern . Examining reality, I was already fascinated with this subject matter by the age of 9. Basically Jim, what you have done here is to connect so many of the dots that I have been seeing for decades. Practically every sci-fi movie that has ever been made so far, propels my fascination with science, fiction & reality. I never did well with math & spelling & I have always been a slow typer. Never the less, I have been gradually building up my own blog that links up to so many interesting topics. You have so much data on your web site & blog that I would like to reference & provide links to on my blog. "Got any more anomalies? Send them my way!" Indeed, I certainly do & will soon. My main interest is researching coincidence & synchronicity & taking it to an intriguing level. The Programed Reality or DVD universe, multiverse or cosmic hard drive are terms that people can use to help visualize what we might all be in. NIN is a fascinating band. http://www.nin.com/?id=97906 I can hardly wait to see this movie. http://www.thesocialnetwork-movie.com/
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Aside from The Matrix, there are at least two movies I can think of that deal with programmed reality related themes - The Thirteenth Floor and Dark City. Both are excellent. Anyone know of any others?
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I would argue that this is how some minds have access to the program, and others do not: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2010/1018/breaking25.html
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I assume Terence McKenna would of said, "The Saudi prince's mind produces no Novelty."
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It also reminnds me of how these Bluebloods think, they hate and despise "outside the box" thinkers. But they can't do without them. And they want the rest of us to think they're entitled somehow, even though they are obviously just bums. Didn't McKenna say words to the effect, "We need good ideas." ?
I think when the mind undergoes the next evolutionary phase these Bluebloods will go the way of the dinosaurs.
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The Blue bloods have vast wealth & power & might be inclined to think that they have more control of reality than the common folk do. I think that as long as more people continue to seek & ask even more questions we could eventually have more access to the program. "It is unfortunate that Mac Tonnies did not live long enough to author a book that would have explored his musings on the paranormal within the context of a computer-simulation cosmos." http://doctoresoterica.blogspot.com/2010/02/mac-tonnies-appreciation.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_Tonnieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Talbot_(author) http://ofscarabs.blogspot.com/2010/10/fear-and-loathing-and-synchronicity.htmlPerhaps all throughout time some people have been accessing bits of the program & didn't even realize it. http://ofscarabs.blogspot.com/2010/10/synchronicity-and-symbols.html
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zardoz, I never saw the movie but I understand that "eXistenZ" explores similar ideas.
JF, thanks for the links!
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Zardoz? With Sean Connery? I remeber seeing that one decades ago when I was a kid, on the late night tv. I thought the beginning was so weird, that big stone head floating over the landscape.
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JF: Quote:The Blue bloods have vast wealth & power & might be inclined to think that they have more control of reality than the common folk do. I think that as long as more people continue to seek & ask even more questions we could eventually have more access to the program. They've got all the people convinced that "The Oppressed Majority Conspiracy" isn't some crazy conspiracy theory, but a simple fact of life.
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