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Do We Have Access to the Program Options
Posted: Thursday, October 28, 2010 2:42:43 PM

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I find perspective is key when asking such questions.
So being clear on what you mean by "programmed reality" is critical.

The physical world as a Virtual Reality, was originally postulated by Brian Whitworth in his paper dated December 2007,
And his perspective dealt with the concept of information processing that created the various aspects of this virtual reality.
It is an intresting read, but his perspective is not broad enough in my opinion.
If I see this physical reality as limited by something greater, say programming, for lack of a good enough word,
and I want to know if I can access the programming from within in it, that concept defies logic does it not?

I keep thinking of the pop culture reference to Star Trek The Next Generation, where they introduced the concept of
a holodeck. There were two basic characters inside the holodeck when running. One was the holocharacter, who was
completely rooted in that reality, and the other was the humans, who were both in the holodeck but OF the real world.

To answer the original question, you first have to be sure which character you are.
Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 2:59:17 AM

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Perhaps this civilization has made it from the stone age to the space age many times. There may have been various man made & natural cataclysms that have wiped out the real ancient history. Graham Hancock surmises that we are a species that has lost or forgotten so much of a larger history.

Heston as Taylor, is an ancient astronaut that arrives into a distant dark future of his world.
The original Planet of the Apes is like a Twilight Zone movie. The future people in the story are unaware that there use to be skyscrapers, airplanes & so many other hidden things about their history. Only a few of the elder apes have a larger sense of history.

"After an unspecified time spent following the shoreline, Taylor and Nova finally do discover the truth that Dr. Zaius warned them about; Taylor stops the horse and dismounts, staring up in disbelief at an object not quite clear to the viewer yet. He begins approaching the object before descending into a fit of rage and screaming: "We finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you. God damn you all to hell!" The picture zooms out to reveal the charred remnants of the Statue of Liberty, half-submerged in the shoreline, revealing that the planet he was on was actually Earth the whole time, and that the paradise that became The Forbidden Zone was once New York City."

Near the end of the movie you realize that Roddy McDowall is a little like Michael Cremo. As he dug deeper into a cave, the ancient artifacts seemed to reveal evidence of higher technology from an ancient time.

Some day the world could be sent into another dark age.
"The sky erupts. Cities darken, food spoils and homes fall silent. Civilization collapses.
End-of-the-world novel? A video game? Or could such a scenario loom in America's future?"
Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 3:21:17 AM

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Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 3:33:17 AM

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RedDog wrote:
I find perspective is key when asking such questions.
So being clear on what you mean by "programmed reality" is critical.

The physical world as a Virtual Reality, was originally postulated by Brian Whitworth in his paper dated December 2007,
And his perspective dealt with the concept of information processing that created the various aspects of this virtual reality.
It is an intresting read, but his perspective is not broad enough in my opinion.
If I see this physical reality as limited by something greater, say programming, for lack of a good enough word,
and I want to know if I can access the programming from within in it, that concept defies logic does it not?

I keep thinking of the pop culture reference to Star Trek The Next Generation, where they introduced the concept of
a holodeck. There were two basic characters inside the holodeck when running. One was the holocharacter, who was
completely rooted in that reality, and the other was the humans, who were both in the holodeck but OF the real world.

To answer the original question, you first have to be sure which character you are.

Regardless of what character or life experiencer you are, there is reason for caution. If we simply treat this world as a shoot em up VR game, we can become distracted by violence & destruction.

About 32.25 years before the release of the MATRIX was...

"The Caretaker informs Kirk that (the) planet is a sophisticated "amusement park", but the illusions are not designed to be harmful or to last permanently. He apologizes for the misunderstandings and offers the services of the planet to the Enterprise's weary crew, with the caution that the visitors must choose their amusements with care. Kirk accepts the offer as Ruth appears again, and authorizes the crew to beam down. Spock however, has had his fill of shore leave, and requests to be returned to the Enterprise."

A depiction of world that's part of a MATRIX data-field.
So why couldn't there be a cosmic scale version?
Posted: Monday, November 22, 2010 11:40:25 PM

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Do we have access to the program? Yes, Just from my anecdotic point of view, I think that we can access the program, if that means that we can "bend" somehow the ordinary reality.

About 15 years ago someone told me that I could "create my reality", and I laugh at it, in that time I thought that the new-age ideas about creating your own reality or "attracting" things or situations were BS.

After many personal experiences, I have come to believe that we can really access the program and affect the "virtual world" where we live even from our own dreams.

I know that what I am saying sounds kind of weird, but I don't think that I am delusional. I am 46 years old, and I have a family and a small business and I am as "normal" as the next guy.

"We are living in a computer programmed reality."
- Philip K. Dick, 1977
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