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Hello i'm new, but i had this idea to share.
First let me say i haven't gotten the book yet, but plan to. I've listened to a few of jim's interviews and love the ideas he purposes. I'm just so short on money. Birthday this month though and the book will be a gift.
In the mean time what do you guys think of this idea.
I'll try to explain it the best i can. And i very well may be repeating an idea or getting things wrong, bear with me and help me break it down. It deals with a VR simulation within a computer that is quantam. I'm wondering if because a true quantam computer has an infinite amount of processing power and speed. Could you live out eternity in a split second within the sim. Meaning if i lay down and log in. From that moment the quantam computer could basically branch out into infinity. I could live out 10's of thousands of years within the sim, where only a fraction of a second went by in this reality. If that would be the case. A nuke could hit my body here, or the machine could run out of power 5 minutes later or even 2 seconds after the log in and i still would have lived out an infinite amount of years within the sim! The sim could be left open to change at different states within it. Meaning within the sim at lvl 1 your memory is wiped and you are a fresh sim with no knowledge you have lived before within the sim or that there is a "higher conscience version" within the sim as well. At lvl 2, reached after death or in some altered states, you would be able to make changes to the sim from within.
It's a take on immortality i guess. I'm wondering if all you would need was that split nano second to log in and start the sim. Then the quantam aspects would take over and spread out into infinity allowing some type of infinite time within itself.
Let me know what you guys think about this, whether it's been said, or even if my dumb arse is in the wrong section of the forum with this post. In which case i'm sorry :D
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David Deutsch believes that the quantum computer is actually accessing the multiverse--a fabric of infinite universes. I don't think what you suggested is incompatible with that theory. How far are we away from this? Check this out... Brand new. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-09-digital-quantum-simulator.html
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Greetings, Techne. Thanks for joining the forum and for your mind-bending post. It makes a lot of sense that if the reality that one is experiencing is driven by a computational mechanism that is running at a different rate than that which the underlying reality is "clocked at" (for example, 1/jiffy), then time would appear to pass at a different rate. Perhaps this explains the reports of "time standing still", "all things happening simultaneously" and the like from NDE-experiencers. However, I have difficulty with the idea of infinity in any real sense playing a part in our reality. There is certainly a place for it in mathematical concepts and thought experiments. But, to me, for infinity to exist in any real sense, would require an infinite amount of resources to simulate, create, or however one wants to describe our reality. I believe that this may be part of the reason that our universe appears to be quantized, for example. Quantization (to a finite resolution) eliminates the possibility of an infinity. Research seems to support this idea, as this article seems to imply that programming power can never be infinite, even in a quantum computer: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/computers-infinite-computing-speed/story?id=8847775Please let us know of any sources that you are aware of that contradict this conclusion. Thanks!
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Joined: 9/2/2011 Posts: 53 Points: 180
Thanks Ebb and Jim
ebb: i actually thought we were closer to a quantum computer. That article was a nice come down off that, thanks :D
Jim: You actually answered a question i had, but couldn't put words to without me even asking it, which was great! I wasn't sure how conscience was related to the speed at which i guess information or time ticks by at.
As for the article. It along with ebbs helped put into perspective what a quantum computer would be like. Which seems to still use parts that get hot.
But i have a new question to your point on infinity and time. You've mentioned before in an interview that the simulation could allow for change according to will. I took that as in :example: Someone that wants to be an ancient archeologist. The sim could possibly build an adventure for this person partly based off that person's will. They would in a sense be writing history in that way as it was "discovered". With that in mind. What if the simulation you were in, could somehow allow entities to build or use something that could actually break these speed barriers. I guess i'm asking if you could in theory create a simulation that was as intense to experience as this one. Only what would an hour here could with the use of a quantum last 100 years in the simulation. And then within that simulation actually using another VR quantum set up to go even deeper like a fractal.
On a side note. I've experienced what i believe are NDE experiences. There is a dimension that is time. There is a feeling that you sort of of step out of that flow. Or like the universe takes a big breath. At those moments, it's almost as if time itself doesn't begin to move until you begin to observe any one thing.
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Hi Techie,
Sorry for the delayed response. Seems like I am saying that a lot these days. Maybe my simulation time is slowing down (or speeding up?) :)
Anyway, I really like the way you described the archeologist scenario. Imagine how complex such a Program would have to be in order to integrate the will of every conscious entity! I also think that your idea about apparent time vs. real time ("what is real?" as Morpheus asks) also makes a lot of sense. But your idea about generating the sim within the sim in a way that resembles a fractal is truly unique and fascinating. In fact, with a little bit of help from the "infinite series" branch of mathematics, you could probably demonstrate infinite apparent time. Bravo! You should write a paper on that! Or a blog post. (By the way, we welcome guest bloggers. If you are interested, I can set you up with an account. There are a few others who post blogs on this site.)
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Joined: 9/7/2010 Posts: 56 Points: 71 Location: BC, Canada
jim wrote:Hi Techie,
Sorry for the delayed response. Seems like I am saying that a lot these days. Maybe my simulation time is slowing down (or speeding up?) :)
Anyway, I really like the way you described the archeologist scenario. Imagine how complex such a Program would have to be in order to integrate the will of every conscious entity! I also think that your idea about apparent time vs. real time ("what is real?" as Morpheus asks) also makes a lot of sense. But your idea about generating the sim within the sim in a way that resembles a fractal is truly unique and fascinating. In fact, with a little bit of help from the "infinite series" branch of mathematics, you could probably demonstrate infinite apparent time. Bravo! You should write a paper on that! Or a blog post. (By the way, we welcome guest bloggers. If you are interested, I can set you up with an account. There are a few others who post blogs on this site.) I like this article. http://www.newscientist.com/special/existence
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That was a good issue, JF. Too bad they restricted access to subscribers. Did you notice the similarity of the image chosen for the Hologram article and the cover of my book? Or is it just me?
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Joined: 9/7/2010 Posts: 56 Points: 71 Location: BC, Canada
Yes indeed Jim & I really like the graphics on this particular page, http://www.theuniversesolved.com/food.htm & how it leads curious people to the book page. http://www.theuniversesolved.com/book.htmEventually more people will realize that physical structure at the subatomic level is really just energy & signals. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21128213.900-hologram-revolution-the-theory-changing-all-physics.htmlThese signals at the quantum level seem to be part of the cosmic code. I know that its still difficult for many people to think of the universe having an OS. Its just a matter of being more perceptive & realizing that there is a tremendous amount of patterns & other organized data. http://www.miqel.com/fractals_math_patterns/visual-math-natural-fractals.html , http://www.google.ca/search?q=fractals+in+nature&hl=en&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=LUlvTpzsB6nViALbuMiXBw&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=705 So whether its nature or its the product of a creator, the universe has something like an OS within its framework. If reality is all just a bunch of random data, then how can there be so much coincidence & synchronicity? http://www.pithemovie.comhttp://vimeo.com/12185093http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractalhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_sethttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bethchen/mandalabeth http://classes.yale.edu/Fractals/MandelSet/welcome.htmlhttp://www.goodreads.com/book/show/542388.The_Colours_of_Infinityhttp://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=379E9AAEEEC9EECChttp://www.squidoo.com/best-beautiful-fractal-bookshttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0241317/plotsummaryhttp://www.newscientist.com/special/existencehttp://www.secretsinplainsight.com/
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