Hey Jim,
First a little background for the readers. Remember back in 2007, just after your book came out, when you were first putting this forum together on your website … we actually spoke on the phone a couple of times – if you remember – you wanted to contact a few of us who had purchased your book and responded to you through email – so that when you launched the forum, there would be a good set of contributors to lend some “spice” to the forum.
It’s been a fun time.
Well, anyway I have just received my second “notice of allowance” from the U.S. patent office on what I previously called computer implemented life form (“CILF”). I haven’t fully decided yet, whether or not to pay the “issue fee” and let this become a real patent. As you can see, it is now called “Machine Skepticism Using Non-Classical Suspension of a Logic Gate.”
Notice of Allowability In other words, when MIT Press turns down your manuscript – instead of continuing to be peddle your wares to every peer reviewed science journal in the country – a patent is one mode of “self-publishing” that can be considered (at least somewhat) reviewed by an organization with an evaluation involving qualified individuals within the relevant field.
But, anyway … getting back to the point, you asked me on the phone (in 2008 I think) if I thought there was (or could ever be) a well founded scientific equation for the “physics” of a simulated or “programmed” reality. Once I had the patent pending, I have since posted here what I thought was the equation on this website several times.
I told you then, and I tell you now, that IMHO, all we are talking about is “non-locality” -- or in other words, that our reality is not what we think it is, but rather that it must be created somewhere by some “non-local” (outside this reality) phenomenon – like the programmed “matrix” for example.
This equation really only represents what I think is the only solution to a differential decay of the expanding and simultaneously decaying programmed universe. For those like me who are not Princeton mathematicians, the equation is pretty easy to see how it works in the real world. It takes Einstein’s equations and simply adds back in the Lorentz factor for “relativity”
Lorentz FactorNow even for people who do not understand a lot of math, hopefully you at least get the idea of what is going on here with a “square root” in the denominator and what happens if you place that one minus (1- a/b) something in the denominator inside the square root – and logically see what happens.
If you take any two objects, for example, in this equation the little “i” is the one object and the little “r” is the other. The “i” and “r” stand for inertial and reference objects. This equation says that one of them is always moving, even if ever so slightly, in relation to the other. If there were no difference the Vi minus the Vr goes to zero – and then the square root of (1) is just (1) one something over (1) is just itself and E equals MC squared. And thus in relatively low speeds, matter exists in our universe for us to interact with. Matter exists.
If the Vi minus the Vr goes beyond the speed of light, why then it is easy to see that the quantity inside the square root goes negative – and we all know that you cannot take the square root of a negative number, and moving at the speed of light in relation to another object, takes you out of that objects “light-cone” spectrum.
Well I took this idea of our non-virtual “decaying” reality and applied it to a computer program. If your computer program never calculates any fact, but simply “categorizes” input and then “pauses” your calculation – why then the computer has actually made a choice. Instead of calculating an answer or response to the data input, it just paused – thereby choosing for an undefined period, to just stop and rely only on categorization (parsing).
This kind of computing (“categorization computing”) both preserves and violates Bell’s inequality because it eludes the inequality. There is no fact -- but only choice in this type of computing that I am talking about. In any belief or skepticism, if you think about it, belief and skepticism are really the very same thing -- only to a different degree. If you believe in something that means that you do not accept it as fact, but then insert your choice to treat it as fact. If you are skeptical of something, you also do not accept it as fact, but then insert your choice to treat it as fiction. Exact same process. It is just a pause. You stop calculating.
My question to you now, is what do you think? Should I pay the issue fee and get the patent? Or, just let it abandon?
The only reason I can think of for issuing the patent, is that I would want to “own” the rights to life – just so long as I can protect it.