Thanks, LoneCrowe.
I got to say, though, that I'd never have thought to do a write up on this film if it had not been for the exchange I had with Mary Sean Young. We were conversing about awakening, the 11 prompting phenomena, synchronicity, and then in one response I happened to mention I'd just re-watched the film and did a brief two paragraph synopsis that hit on the major symbolic things I was now seeing in the film. Of course, writing those two paragraphs to her caused a light bulb to go off, resulting in the article with its more in-depth treatment. Thirty years ago watching that film in the theater, I'd never have imagined in a million years that I'd have a correspondence with the actress portraying Rachel such that it'd lead to something like the article. Sort of weird how things play out. Guess it's all part of the awakening process that keeps unfolding.
The Blade Runner film strangely touched a rather wide range of turf so far as esoteric subjects go. Yet the core is the AAT stuff - which Ridley Scott is now reprising in Prometheus in a literal telling instead of as Gnostic allegory.
I wrote the article about a month ago, so really the timing with the appearance of Prometheus movie works rather well. Folks should definitely cast an eye to both films when pondering the themes Ridley Scott is conveying.
LoneCrowe wrote:Also no mention of the Bohemian club and Molech? Owls in some circles represent "The Watchers" who are also known as the greys. The IGIGI - if you do some literal translations of IGIGI it really almost comes out to "eye" or minds eye who watches. Either way they are "overlords"
As to the owls - I'm going to do an article that is going to touch on the owls (and Archons) from a personal experience perspective - didn't want to mix that into this article, though, as would sort of draw attention away from the film itself. In a kind of oblique but important way, the Bohemian club and Molech owl stuff is going to figure into that article.
Let me just say this:
Of all the things I wrote about in that Blade Runner article - the section about the owl stuff is what I am absolutely the most certain about by far and away. Hence why I very much take note that Ridley Scott was referencing it.