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Gonna resurrect this thread because of an occurrence yesterday... Recently I've been reading Rodolf Steiner (he of 'Theosophy' fame), and in this library book I was reading, a biography of Steiner by Gary Lachman, a line stood out. It was that Steiner believed..."that through an effort of will our consciousness can reach into reality directly". Best to backtrack my day a little at this point to give a clearer picture. Earlier I was in a second-hand bookstore to pop in a few books to them and have a quick browse. Then I went off for a coffee and some Steiner. Walking back uptown, thoughts of what I'd just read were in my mind, especially the concept of the line quoted. Going by the bookshop, I decided that I was going to go in again and come across a book that I would really be into. Remember that I'm been there just 2 hours earlier and come across nothing that appealed to me (it's a small store). The first think I did when I went in was ask the manager could he keep an eye out for any books by Steiner. I know the manager quite well, but had never asked him a request like this before. He said he would, but considered it a long shot. Then I went over to the part of the store where I didn't do a 'proper browse' due to someone hanging out there earlier. There's no sections in this store, just shelves and boxes - you could come across mills and boon romances next to murder stories. Anyway, within a few seconds I'd picked out a copy of "Theosophy" by... you've guessed it... Rudolf Steiner. Got me  ing.
There is no spoon.
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Fantastic! That has all sorts of synchronicity. Not only is there the coincidence itself, it was an example of your intent "reaching into reality." You should practice that, Neo. You'll be bending spoons in no time.
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Have you ever heard of the Library fairy? There's a long paranormal tradition of needing a bit of information and having the book "pop" right into your hands at the library or bookstore. It' happened to me on a few occasions--although not as dramatically as Neo's synchronistic encounter. You can take this another step: if the universe at its core is just information, is it dropping you knowledge all the time, but you just aren't sensitive to it?
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jim wrote:Fantastic! That has all sorts of synchronicity. Not only is there the coincidence itself, it was an example of your intent "reaching into reality." You should practice that, Neo. You'll be bending spoons in no time. Psst..there is no spoon
There is no spoon.
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JF wrote:sambuca wrote:what about this----a guy named henrik hudson sails over here from europe hundreds of years ago and discovers a river named after himself 911 & 1776 "Probably the most important event is September 11, 1609, when Henry Hudson began his voyage up the Hudson River. While he didn't find what he was looking for (a northwest passage), his exploration led to European migration and, thus, to the founding of New York City. We'll write more about Hudson and his momentous voyage in later posts; this week, we thought we'd concentrate on 9/11/1776 and the Staten Island Peace Conference." http://blog.insidetheapple.net/2008/09/new-yorks-many-911-anniversaries-staten.html"Hudson sailed into the upper bay on September 11..." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Hudson#1609_voyage Sorry that I haven't dropped into this cool place for a while, here are some more interesting things. http://www.unknowncountry.com/revelations/are-we-slave-species , http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/videos/ http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/2011/09/03/world-trade-center/http://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/genes-giants-monsters-and-menhttp://www.unknowncountry.com/revelations/elixir-life-and-philosophers-stonehttp://www.unknowncountry.com/revelations/ancient-aliens-0Reality is so multidimensional & the numbers, symbolism, coincidence & synchronicity continue to reveal so much data. http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/2011/08/08/110-111/http://www.theuniversesolved.com/theuniversesolved/blog/?tag=/executive+order+11110 http://patternsofsynchronicty.blogspot.com/2011/06/11-11-11-11110-etc.html
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Neo wrote:Anyway, within a few seconds I'd picked out a copy of "Theosophy" by... you've guessed it... Rudolf Steiner. Got me  ing. We tend to operate with an assumption that the rest of the universe exist objectively and that we're subject to however its ebbs and flows happen to coalesce in respect to our individual existence. Yet synchronicity, which we all experience in myriad forms and events/situations, indicates that reality is in some sense interactive in respect to our individual conscience. Is finding that Steiner book really any different than the observer effect of quantum physics experiments?
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Joined: 4/11/2011 Posts: 42 Points: 129 Location: New England
Ok, hopefully Jim will notice this last thread. I saw that you posted that you should do a topic just on "coincidences." And judging from the Usolvers responses (3 PAGES!!!) I humbly plea to you Jim to start a "Synchromysticism" section.
Synchromysticism - "Nothing in existence is fundamentally divisible or seperate. All things and events, even the observer of things and events, are parts of an inseperable union. Synchronicity happens when we notice the bleed-through from one seemingly seperate thing into another-or when we, for a brief moment, move beyond the mind's division of the world. Synchromysticism explores this phenomena-the interpenetration of all things-and seeks to increase the ability to recognize relationships by relaxing the rigid conceptualization of the world. This inevitably leads to a more joyful and whole everyday experience, as the environment and person experiencing that environment become part of a conscious interactive process of Self-Realization." - Jake Kotze (From The Sync Book by Alan Abbadessa Green)
Conspiracies only lead you so far before you understand, to believe in someone else's reality is to stifle your own.
"The only true wisdom exists in knowing that you know nothing." - The Mighty Socrates (Not the fake Socrates Plato wrote about in "The Republic.")
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terrorgoat wrote:Ok, hopefully Jim will notice this last thread. I saw that you posted that you should do a topic just on "coincidences." And judging from the Usolvers responses (3 PAGES!!!) I humbly plea to you Jim to start a "Synchromysticism" section.
I touched on synchronicity a bit in this: Where Soul Meets BodyAnd certainly intend to do more in forthcoming installments (i.e., more about what is regarded as paranormal). Folks that want to discuss synchronicity can certainly feel free to be posting about it. What did you have in mind in respect to a so-called "Synchromysticism" section? I had what I thought was a classic little synchronicity about three weeks ago. Right before waking on one Sunday morning I had a dream about a person in my workplace. Is like only the 2nd time I'd had a dream involving somebody in my workplace after being there for nearly a decade. The nature of the dream was very straightforward to decode. After getting morning coffee went to sit down with my Kindle. The book I was reading was a series of interview sessions. I turned it on and scanned down to the next section to start reading. The name of the next individual of that section happened to be the same name as the person I had just dreamed about less than an hour before and was still turning the dream over in my mind. I took that little synchronicity to be a punctuation character so next day checked up on the person to see how things were. The person was much appreciative that I did so and I got to broach this kind of subject matter which had never been brought up before. From the perspective of science this is totally meaningless coincidence. In the real world that we live - from an individual perspective - these kind of little episodes are simply an intimate aspect of what it is to live the human existence. We take them for what they are and enrich our social connectedness.
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Joined: 4/11/2011 Posts: 42 Points: 129 Location: New England
RogerV wrote:I touched on synchronicity a bit in this: Where Soul Meets BodyAnd certainly intend to do more in forthcoming installments (i.e., more about what is regarded as paranormal). Folks that want to discuss synchronicity can certainly feel free to be posting about it. What did you have in mind in respect to a so-called "Synchromysticism" section? I love that post Roger. I'm reading this book by Michael S. Snieder called "A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe. A Journey from 1 to 10." Which is all about the spiritual significance of the single digit numbers. I first read about numbers in John Anthony West's "The Serpent in the Sky." The Egyptians supposedly looked at numbers much differently. With the Synchromysticism stuff, it's really cool. You will be able to attest to this judging from your stories. The more you notice "coincidences" in your life, the more they keep repeating. With Synchromysticism, the people who practice it, realize that there are no such things as coincidences and the synchronicities are solely for the person experiencing them. If you have a community of people who acknowledge that this is true, then you create a magical environment where everyone's synchronicities start intermingling. I love the people who post on Jim's forum, and I would love to see a central place where we can post these things and discuss them. "The only true wisdom exists in knowing that you know nothing." - The Mighty Socrates (Not the fake Socrates Plato wrote about in "The Republic.")
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Joined: 5/9/2012 Posts: 75 Points: 228
Speaking of coincidences, I've been asking the universe for answers on the whole 11:11 phenomenon. Sure enough I was waking this morning and I was told it had something to do with time, and geometry.. it was not really words, so it is difficult to describe with my vocabulary. Since most communication in the dream world seems to be more symbolic than verbal. I guess it could be called Temporal Geometry manifesting itself and somehow we are aware of it. Think of it as boundaries of an object, that is defined by time AND space. What I'm thinking of is sort of maybe an X marks the spot sort of thing. Makes me wonder if I graph the coordinates on an X/Y graph of every event, and the number, and then take the "time" into consideration and plot that in the Z axis to see how is looks as far as geometry per say month or week. I get about 4-5 coincidences per day or more depending on the day, and my wife included. I know others as well who see the 11:11 phenomenon as well. It may not actually be numbers all the time but it could help us identify the source of the coincidences. Maybe we are the source by the daily patterns in life we lead. The whole manifesting reality thing is another topic as well. I'm just rolling with what I was told. Temporal geometry... Especially since the patterns of numbers does seem to correlate to this pattern http://www.fourmilab.ch/gravitation/orbits/It seems that the coincidences ramp up and then taper off and then speed up and then taper off..
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