Neo wrote:
Hoping he's wrong but suspecting he's right: come winter, come lockdown 2.0
Just a few thoughts
MK-Ultra, Menche Kontrolleran, "Men who Stare at Goats" Whatever the "truth" turns out to be —it is fairly well documented now through FOIA and other sources that the US spent billions of dollars studying how to manipulate people's minds. We know that Russia spent at least 10 times that (while we were "winning" the space race).
The mind control was "research" and was all supposedly "defensive" so we could "protect" ourselves from those who would want to control us. But when you really think about it, has the military ever weaponized anything without intending to use it?
I am not sure how far down this rabbit hole we ever want to go. I prefer to just call it our own little RLL and be done with it. There is still good and evil; right and wrong; selfless and selfish; Child like and Childish. I try my best to recognize what side I want to be on.
Icke never really explains who "they" are, but he is darn sure "they" are the cause of all this.
I think the answers to these things were all given anciently in many worlds to help us recognize and remember those we love in this world and in the worlds to come, by making promises to do good and keeping true to who we are.
Like the Will Smith movie says, "don't forget to look for the collateral beauty."