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My Body, the Avatar Options
Posted: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:43:06 PM

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Posted: Sunday, July 22, 2012 9:02:46 AM
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Note: This is a heavily edited version of my initial post. Please go to my post dated 6 Aug, first of all, before reading any further. Please bear in mind, some of the following posts may allude to the unedited version of this post. My apologies.

"In the beginning, that which IS, is all there was and there was nothing else. Yet "ALL THAT IS" could not know itself - because "ALL THAT IS" is all there was and there was nothing else. And so "ALL THAT IS" was NOT. This is the Great "IS/NOT IS" . [source unknown].

What does this actually mean?

Pure Cosmic Consciousness (ALL THAT IS) could not know what it felt like to be so magnificent until that which is not showed up. In a sense you have to "not be" in order to "be". You cannot experience yourself as what you are until you encounter what you are not. This is the purpose of physical life.

Through creation, Pure Consciousness provides a kind of playground for itself (virtual reality). Having done this, it fragments itself, into little pieces, so that you can be you and I can be me. (I like to call the individual 'sparks' of consciousness, I-Consciousness, or I-Con for short). Each little piece then incarnates as individual Avatars (Players). Off course, an infinite being could not come to a finite world, so it elects to create the Avatar (Player) to represent it.

Indeed, there is no way for you to not be who and what you are. So you did the next best thing. You caused yourself to forget 'Who You Really Are'. Upon entering the virtual realm as the Avatar, you relinguish your rememberance of yourself.

This is likened to the "passing through the veil", a term borrowed from Christian tradition. This is also similar to the Brahman/Attman concept of Godhood within the mystic hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta.

It also might explain why Christ himself said that the "Father and I are ONE". The Father (being divine cosmic consciousness) entering the virtual reality as the man Jesus Christ himself, the Avatar.

If you read the King James Bible, you will see in italics in front of these words Son of God, THE Son of God and most people think the italics are for emphasis, they're not. The italics indicate words interpolated by the translators you will not find in Greek.....The Greek says, A Son of God, in otherwords, "I am A Son of God" not "I am THE Son of God".

Furthermore, in the 10th chapter of St John verse 30, there is a passage where Jesus says "I and the Father are ONE". There are people who are not intimate disciples around and they are horrified and, they immediately pick up stones to stone him. He says, "Many good works I have shown you from the Father and for which of these do you stone me?" And they said, "For a good work we stone you not but, for blasphemy because you being a man make yourself God". And he replied, "Isn't it written in your law I have said YE ARE GODS? If God called them those to whom he gave his words GODS and you can't deny the scriptures, how can you say I blaspheme because I said, "I am A son of God". In other words, Jesus himself is denying his sole divinity and merely pointing out that we are ALL Gods incarnate, capable of doing all the miracles he performed.


P.S. Brief and to the point. Not as long or as eloquent as the unedited version, but nevertheless, has fewer inconsistencies and ties in better with "The Consciousness Model" as described in a later post.
Posted: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:06:52 PM

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Great initial post, "Bot"-tee-licious! And welcome to our forum. I certainly look forward to more insights from you.

I have heard the idea of the creator splitting its consciousness into many "sparks" (our individual consciousnesses) so as to experience physical reality, but I don't think I have heard anyone express it as eloquently as you did. This idea has a great deal of appeal, both as a framework for endless consciousness, non-local communication and experience, as well as synthesizing all of the "we are one" philosophies. Clearly, for many reasons, one must pass through the veil. I wonder if this is a consequence of inhabiting a body with a blank slate for a brain, an intended filtering function of the brain, or an intentional practice prior to experiencing a simulation. I have always gravitated toward the latter.
Posted: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 2:24:40 PM
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Many thanks for acknowledging my post Jim. I added a few paragraphs to explain my idea of the "Consciousness Model" but because of an error I couldn't upload. Damn!! I'm extremely busy for the next week or so, so I don't have the time to retype. However, after I made my initial post I began to read through a number of the other posts and it gave me the feeling that I was the the non-swimmer having been flung into the deep end i.e I was totally out of my depth!! You guys that post on this forum are geniuses. Perhaps I should just converse with Morpheus, instead. "Bots" with similar IQs, comes to mind!!!!

However, I do find people I associate with in every day life to be a tad boring. I practise the "I Ching" and interestingly enough the other day when I asked the oracle a question regarding the people I currently associate with, the advice was, "You hold together with the wrong people. You are among people who do not belong to your own sphere". I then went away and meditated about this and asked for help in finding people within my own sphere, because I reckoned that because of the views I held about the nature of reality I would never find a group of people who thought the way I did. To cut a long story short, I ended up on this forum, and although I have not read your book yet, Jim, I felt an affinity with most of the views posted by your members on this site and indeed, the views contained within your own blogs (in so far as I could understand them!!!). I do believe in the holographic principle, so the fact that I have entered into your hologram, I feel that you all have something to say of worth to me. I am here as the student and you are all my teachers. I am thankful I found this site.

Posted: Monday, July 30, 2012 5:18:10 AM
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The contents of this post have now been transferred (as of 11 Sept. 2012) to my new e-book, titled, "I-Ching, Consciousness and the Human Game". I've also made a few alterations to the post as my ideas have evolved.

To compensate for its removal, I will provide a link to enable members/guests of this forum to download the book for free. The book will be published before the end of this year.
Posted: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:43:43 PM

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"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
You guys that post on this forum are geniuses. Perhaps I should just converse with Morpheus, instead. "Bots" with similar IQs, comes to mind!!!!

LOL. Hardly all geniuses here - I certainly am not, although quite a few of the others are plenty clever. And, it appears that you can certainly hold your own with any of us. Still, you are welcome to try to train Morpheus - supposedly he learns things. I just wish he would retain a little more than new swear words. haha.

Fascinating that you asked the universe for something and it delivered. I think that happens more than we realize, especially to those in this "sphere." Applause

"Bot"-tee-licious wrote:
Stage 1: "I-Con" has as many experiences as possible of what it feels like to be LIMITED in power, joy, wisdom, abundance and love. To be involved in drama, conflict, pain and suffering.

So I really like the way you are modeling the reality experience in your last post. I have been noodling on coming up with a language and model for some of this stuff as well. Like, the word "simulation" can mean so many things - we really need a vocabulary to identify the distinctions and components. You've made an interesting start. Your idea of the FIELD as the "all one" is fascinating. Some questions...

Why does I-Con need to have all of these experiences? If I-Con is a spark of a grander all-as-one consciousness, wouldn't that be all knowing? Reports from that realm (NDEs and the like) refer to a collapse of time and space, the ability to be everywhere at once. It sounds much like Christian descriptions of God. Why would it need to experience these things. Is it trying to evolve as well? Into what? An uber-supreme being? Not trying to be snarky here - just curious about your opinions.

I would agree that I-Con has free will, but the Player? Doesn't the Player only have it via I-Con?

Any thoughts on how many of the supposedly 7 billion on the planet would be extras (I call them NPCs, for non-player-characters, in the book. From video game lingo)? Do we need NPCs? What about animals? Bacteria? Where do you think they fit in.

So you are seeing a one-to-many relationship between I-Con and Players. Could I-Con be controlling multiple Players in the same universe? Why would they have to be in separate universes in your model?

Is reincarnation in your model? This is an interesting one. It implies continuity of consciousness, which kind of goes against the usual "all one" idea. But you make the distinction of I-Con, which could be the consciousness that is continuous. Would I-Con have a lifetime then?

I think that's enough thinking for tonight. My holographic brain can only handle so much.
Posted: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 3:45:39 AM
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My two cents on this... and it's very interesting work.

I would agree that I-Con has free will, but the Player? Doesn't the Player only have it via I-Con?

Good point. When some people talk about programmed reality, they use the video game analogy, as we are some type of mindless avatar. But, in a video game, you are passing your intentions to the avatar. They're one. In the programmed reality, then, intention is one. The distinction, then, is more of a metaphor than a reality. I-Con and the Player, at the seams, are one.

Any thoughts on how many of the supposedly 7 billion on the planet would be extras (I call them NPCs, for non-player-characters, in the book. From video game lingo)? Do we need NPCs? What about animals? Bacteria? Where do you think they fit in.

Yep. In an infinite reality, 7 billion is next to nothing. In fact, any number is next to nothing. The programmed reality's computing potential must, then, stretch the imagination. If this is the case, every person and every bacteria and everything what else are infinitely correlated to match input with output.
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2012 10:57:49 AM
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EDIT: The "adage" suggests the growth of "I-Con"

Many thanks to both Jim and ebb101 for their feedback.

Thanks indeed for the compliment Jim, but you, my sir, are far too modest.

Jim wrote:
Fascinating that you asked the universe for something and it delivered. I think that happens more than we realize, especially to those in this "sphere."

Yes, I would agree. More and more synchronicities are happening in my life as well. Perhaps later I will divulge my secret!!!

Jim wrote:
Why does I-Con need to have all of these experiences? If I-Con is a spark of a grander all-as-one consciousness, wouldn't that be all knowing? Reports from that realm (NDEs and the like) refer to a collapse of time and space, the ability to be everywhere at once. It sounds much like Christian descriptions of God. Why would it need to experience these things. Is it trying to evolve as well? Into what? An uber-supreme being? Not trying to be snarky here - just curious about your opinions.

Can an omniscient, omnipotent I-Con improve? What is greater than infinite? May I suggest that I-Con is NOT subject to the laws of time/space/causation. I-Con is "outside" these laws and exists on the other side of the FIELD in the "eternal present". When I try to rationalise I Con, I am soberly reminded by the first line of the first verse in the Tao Te Ching which says:

"The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao"

However, for the purposes of my model, I choose to believe that The I-Con might have an infinite desire to play and express itself creatively. We could be I-Con's hobby rather than its job.

Jim wrote:
I would agree that I-Con has free will, but the Player? Doesn't the Player only have it via I-Con?

Good point. And ebb101, thank you also for your input. But to be honest, I need more time to reflect on this.

Jim wrote:
Any thoughts on how many of the supposedly 7 billion on the planet would be extras (I call them NPCs, for non-player-characters, in the book. From video game lingo)? Do we need NPCs? What about animals? Bacteria? Where do you think they fit in.

ebb101 answered this beautifully. Took the words right out of my mouth!!

Jim wrote:
So you are seeing a one-to-many relationship between I-Con and Players. Could I-Con be controlling multiple Players in the same universe? Why would they have to be in separate universes in your model?

Yes Jim, I-Con could be controlling multiple Players in the same universe. Perhaps your wife, your brother, sister, best friend or even your worst enemy is another Player from the same I-Con. Separate universes? -Perhaps you are living your life in another parallel universe based on a decision you made in one present-moment hologram. At one point of the decision, Jim Elvidge, went into another parallel universe to become an ascetic monk (hee hee!) and the Jim Elvidge, that went on to write "The Universe Solved", "stayed" in this universe to enlighten all of us who frequent this website.

Jim wrote:
Is reincarnation in your model? This is an interesting one. It implies continuity of consciousness, which kind of goes against the usual "all one" idea. But you make the distinction of I-Con, which could be the consciousness that is continuous. Would I-Con have a lifetime then?

Time is only an illusion, therefore, the idea of continuity regardless of which side of the Field you are looking at, doesn't exist. Consciousness is not continuous, it is just IT. The "All-One" idea, is at the FIELD level (see note 1 in my previous post). I-Con is an eternal, infinite being, so it would never die.

Re-incarnation (past-present-future lives) requires the notion of Time. Time doesn't exist in the FIELD (2 D holographic 'shell') where all experiences are created. Space and Time are created as part of the hologram i.e space/time is a function of the hologram. Time is not "real" in the same way that the hologram Player is not "real". It is true that "reality" seems to have continuity, as one moment merges into the next moment. But it is also possible to look at these moments as individual holograms coming quickly one after the other, like a film/movie consists of one frame and then another in rapid succession giving the illusion of persistence and time. There is nothing except the present moment hologram and everything we consider "past" (including past-lives) is created in each present-moment hologram.

Furthermore, all the theories of death, heaven, hell, re-incarnation are based on the false assumption that the individual self is real. Once this illusion is seen through, the whole superstructure of after-life theories collapses. You, the player, are an illusion, a hologram, a NO-SELF. It is natural that the ego cannot withstand this truth. When you die, you will realise that you were just a holographic representation of your I-Con., that's all.

But then again, this is only a MODEL, not a belief system!!!

To be honest, nobody really knows what Consciousness is and how to properly define it. Will we ever know? My attitude to life, is to constantly question "WHO AM I" and to work diligently in trying to understand the nature of reality, regardless of whether or not I will discover the TRUTH in its entirety. But whoever or whatever, lies on the opposite side of the FIELD, certainly rewards me for my efforts. That's enough for me!!!

Just to let you know that, if at any time, someone gives me feedback and I don't respond right away, it's because my job takes me away from home, sometimes for days on end and, I might not have access to a computer or the time to respond.
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2012 3:46:17 PM
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On the subject of re-incarnation and "past" lives, I would just like to add that "past" lives we think we remember are not past at all, but are happening now in parallel universes. What if we, as players, in this space/time universe had access to those places in other space/time universes and could receive information about them through the conduit of a mutual "I-Con".
Posted: Friday, August 3, 2012 5:17:18 AM
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And furthermore!!

In some "New Age" belief systems, "I-Con" might be referred to as the "Higher Self", but since I discovered I was the "NO Self", the words "Higher Self" seemed inappropriate!!

The "All One" concept, also applies to the other side of the "FIELD". The sum of the individual "I-Con's", equals the "All One" Supreme Being (splits ITself up for ease of management!). But then again, there could be the "Big Chief Un" overlording the individual "I-Con's". God only knows (quite literally!!!).

Posted: Friday, August 3, 2012 9:06:06 AM
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It is turtles all the way down.
It is turtles all the way up.
And no turtles at all.

I am enjoying this explanation of your theory, BOT--which corresponds almost exactly with what I have been discovering. The trouble is that we tend to approach life in a linear and limited fashion. This isn't much use if reality turns out to be exponential and unlimited.

It reminds me of the story of early natives who had the concept of the wheel, but only used them for toys. Never using them for carts or wagons. Are we doing this with Newtonian reality?

Posted: Saturday, August 4, 2012 3:01:48 AM
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Note: I would like to delete this post, but I won't as it will cause even further confusion!! However, before reading, please refer to my post dated 6 Aug. In light of the "mystical" quote that I found, "I-Con" might, indeed, need the physical experience in order to grow. This is a classic case of tying myself in knots!!

Hi Folks,


On reading through my initial post, I realise that eloquent that it may be (Jim's words!!), coherent is is
NOT and is now causing confusion (judging by the number of e-mails I'm receiving!!). I admit that my viewpoint comes across as more Pantheistic in nature (i.e that consciousness permeates THIS side of the FIELD) and this is not what I intended. The "Consciousness Model", as described in later posts, more accurately describes my intended viewpoint.

Furthermore, why would an Omniscient (all-knowing) Being want to experience physicality. If IT is ALL-Knowing, it would not need that experience in order to grow (Duh!). However, I do correct myself in a later post by saying that "I-Con" just wants to play and express itself creatively!!

I wrote:

Why? The initiating consciousness creates the virtual reality for its own evolution, its own growth and perhaps, for its own amusement.

As you will note in a subsequent post I seem to contradict myself!! I wrote: Can an Omniscient, Omnipotent "I-Con" improve? What is greater than infinite? etc. etc. I'm more or less saying that the initiating consciousness does not evolve i.e is immutable. And then I go on to say, "We could be "I-Con's" hobby, rather than it's job". In other words, I'm saying that the initiating consciousness, creates the virtual reality, only, for its own amusement.

I don't want new people reading my initial post and then to be thrown into utter confusion by the seeming contradictions in my later posts. Their holographic brains won't be able to handle it -much the same as Jim's!! Nor do I want the e-mails!!

If that is OK with you Jim, I would like to partly edit the first paragraph of my initial post. What do you say to this?

P.S. ebb101- I'm glad your enjoying the explanation of my theory, despite the obvious contradictions!!

Posted: Saturday, August 4, 2012 3:52:30 PM

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"Bot", please edit to your heart's content. We have no rules about that here. The Forum software will probably deduct some "points" for edits or deletes of posts, but most people could care less about points anyway (normally they are 3x the number of posts you make). Besides, when I see regular contributors who don't have the right number of points, every once in a while, I jump into admin mode and add back the points anyway. Just in case anyone cares. :d/

Just curious - wondering who is emailing you? Do you have followers outside of the forum? If so, please invite them to join, if they are interested in such dialogues.
Posted: Sunday, August 5, 2012 10:07:23 AM
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Yes, Jim. I have a group of friends and business associates who are following my posts as guests. They are the ones e-mailing me. They want to read your book, first, before joining the dialogue here.

I need to read your book myself, but the last time I enquired, had run out of copies.

Posted: Monday, August 6, 2012 3:12:01 AM
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Phew!! This is my last effort.

Among a small group of my "New Age" friends we often discuss the "Great IS/NOT IS" debate, which some mystics have referred to from the beginning of time, but none of us ever came up with a logical explanantion for it. The night before last, I decided to take these words and meditate upon them. The immediate impression was to go online and google these words and then, lo and behold, I am directed to some New Age forum. Apparently, someone posting there was referring to the same thing. He had managed to find some unknown source, an adage, from somewhere, which gives rise to the actual meaning behind this "mystical" phrase (i.e "The Great IS/NOT IS"). I will now go back and include this adage in the edited version of my initial post. I am glad to say that it does not conflict with "The Consciousness Model". However, virtual reality, now becomes more of a playground, in order for you to experience yourself as, "what you are not" which implies growth (Oh dear!).

However, like I've said before. and I keep on repeating to myself "The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao". The great mystic, Lao-Tzu, taught that all straining, all striving are not only vain but counterproductive. One should endeavour to do nothing (WU-WEI). But what does it mean? It means not to literally do nothing, but to discern and follow the natural forces - to follow and shape the flow of events and not to pit oneself against the natural order of things. First and foremost to be spontaneous in one's actions.

Wise words- I quit straining and striving!!
Posted: Monday, August 6, 2012 5:00:32 AM
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I have decided not to edit the content of any of any of my posts following the edited version of my initial post. I'm so sorry if this causes confusion. You see, this is what happens when you try to rationalise the UNFATHOMABLE!!

Any further posts I make will concentrate on what you can get out of life on THIS side of the FIELD.

I'm aware of increasing synchronicities in my life. But it's not happening for most of my "New Age" friends and for any other of my friends/family etc. Why is this I wonder? Are any of you experiencing the same?

Best regards.
Posted: Monday, August 6, 2012 7:47:22 AM

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I've had a few synchronicity events in my life. The phenomenon I experience most these days is the 11:11 mystery. I also see many other palindromic numbers. Some believe it's the 'Midwayers' or other intelligence trying to get your attention. I'm not convinced by it all though. I feel it's probably just coincidence I see these particular numbers, but they do appear quite frequently in my life, so maybe there is more to it? Hmm...
Posted: Monday, August 6, 2012 10:01:03 AM

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I have begun tracking the number of times that I glance at a clock and it is 11:11. So far, over 50 days (thus, 100 instances of 11:11), I have noticed 13 of them; hence a 13% hit rate. Now, if I find that I check a digital clock on the average of once every 7 or 8 minutes, then this all makes sense and there is no coincidence. If I tend to check less often, then I could actually calculate the odds against chance of this happening. But that is the tricky part - how to know how often you actually check the clock. Since it is subconscious activity, it is hard to register.

So, one thing I could do is to see if there is any research on how often people check a digital clock these days. So I googled "how often does the average person look at a clock" and the first blog I came across was this one. Written by someone named "Jim E." Now, what are the odds of that happening, given that "Jim E." is also my first name and last initial. Answer: 1 in 68,000 (this based on US-based names - odds are even smaller factoring in the rest of the world). Coincidence?
Posted: Monday, August 6, 2012 10:17:19 AM

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That was a strange coincidence, Jim.
Posted: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:27:54 AM
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A strange coincidence, indeed Jim and, welcome to the discussion EKUMA1981.

Ah yes, the 11:11 phenomenon, a strange one that haunts me too!! I see it everywhere.

I had a lottery ticket win, earlier this year, and guess what, the first number was an 11 and the last "lucky star" number was an 11. Every single ticket I've purchased since then has had the number 11 on it. But I don't win every time. Aw!!

Local Council Electricians were in my neighbourhood placing numbered stickers on all the lamp-posts. I have one outside my house and when I went to look at the number on it, you've guessed it, it was the number 11, again!!!

Could it be a Binary DNA code? 11:11 is the Binary DNA code that awakens your DNA. The number 11 representing the twin stands of DNA. A cue to the spiritually awakened, perhaps?

Can I ask, if anyone is actually doing something that might activate this code, such as a deep meditative process or mantra to open up the "third eye" or, the subtle energy forces called "chakras"?

Personally I intone the Divine Name "Yahweh", YHVH, as a sequence of vowel sounds. But did this sacred sound, alone, activate my "junk" DNA? I really can't be sure.

There must be something that we all have in common, that activated this process. Maybe, Consciousness, independent of ourselves, activates this when our "time" is ready. A hint, maybe, that we are on the right path, spiritually.

Any other ideas?

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